Dick Smith speaks about deep fake videos of himself

  • last year
Australian businessman Dick Smith is angry about a video that appeared to show him promoting a scam investment scheme. He's calling for more regulation of social media advertising and for Australians to not purchase things through social media.
00:00 What can you add?
00:01 If you have not registered in this project, then do it now while you have the opportunity.
00:06 The minimum investment is only $350, but we are proud that the average Australian earns
00:12 $30,000 to $40,000 a month with the help of our program.
00:16 Hi, Dick Smith here.
00:18 What you've just seen is a scam.
00:20 I've never ever said those words.
00:23 It's all part of a scam, fraud ads that are on Facebook and Instagram to take your money.
00:28 Many Australians have lost millions of dollars.
00:30 Now, there's something we can do about that, and this is what we do.
00:34 Simply never ever buy anything from any advertiser on Facebook or Instagram.
00:40 You will lose your money if you do.
00:42 I understand up to 50% of the ads are scams.
00:45 Facebook and Instagram, owned by Mark Zuckerberg, do nothing about it.
00:49 The greed is so great, they run ads from criminal organizations.
00:54 So remember, never ever buy anything from an ad on Facebook or Instagram.
00:59 If you're an advertiser, never ever advertise on Instagram or Facebook because you'll be
01:03 linked to the dishonesty of the whole thing.
01:06 And by the way, send this video to everyone because the more support we get for this,
01:11 suddenly we'll find that Facebook and Instagram will do something about checking their ads
01:15 before they run scam ones that lose enormous amounts of money for our fellow Australians.
01:21 Thanks for watching.
