أسواق الأسهم العالمية على موعد مع أكبر مكاسب شهرية في 3 سنوات

  • last year


00:00 November is almost over. Where are the markets heading?
00:05 The Global Index, which includes 3,000 indicators, is being circulated in 23 advanced markets and 24 emerging markets,
00:13 is heading to reach 700 points, 7.6% higher than the previous year. This is the biggest monthly gain since April 2020, when it rose 11% before the coronavirus outbreak.
00:31 iShares, the emerging markets fund, which invests in emerging markets, reached 7.7% in November,
00:42 which is the best monthly gain this year, with support from the dollar's recession against emerging currencies and a decrease in interest rates in these markets.
00:52 StocksEurope 600, the main indicator in European markets, which measures 600 shares, achieved profits exceeding 6%
01:00 and is the best monthly gain since November 2022, with support from the interest rate adjustment and the results of the companies that broke their results in the third quarter of 2023.
01:14 VIX, the fluctuation indicator, which measures fears despite the political tensions, has been at its lowest level since January 2020.
01:23 Amazon P500, the emerging markets fund, achieved 8.7% higher than the previous year, with the highest monthly gain since October,
01:36 with support from the interest rate adjustment and the results of the companies that broke their results in the third quarter of 2023.
01:42 But what are the expectations of the interest rate for 2024? The expectations indicate the end of the US Federal Reserve's credit return and a 97% chance of increasing interest rates in December,
01:56 with a 3% chance of increasing interest rates or decreasing interest rates for the US Federal Reserve.
02:02 A 60% chance of decreasing interest rates for the US Federal Reserve in May, and also a 60% chance of decreasing interest rates in the European region in May 2024,
02:15 after the European Central Bank raised interest rates tenfold.
02:19 The buying strategy is to reduce interest rates and benefit from the decline of global stocks in the last three months.
02:26 All these factors supported the emerging global markets in November.
