DFA Usec. Eduardo de Vega | The Source

  • last year
Two Filipino seafarers are safe after a failed ship hijack off Yemen's coast.

The OFW released by Hamas after 49 days in captivity is discharged from the hospital.

Ria Tanjuatco-Trillo speaks with Foreign Affairs Usec. Eduardo de Vega.

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00:00 Welcome to The Source, where we combine the headlines with in-depth conversations with
00:06 the newsmakers themselves.
00:08 Sitting in for Pinky Web, I'm Ria Tanwat Cotrillo.
00:11 Today on the program, two Filipino seafarers are safe after a failed ship hijacking off
00:17 Yemen's coast.
00:19 The OFW released by Hamas after 49 days in captivity is discharged from the hospital.
00:26 Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Eduardo de Vega joins us in the program.
00:30 And later, the joint air and maritime patrols in the West Philippine Sea between the Philippines
00:34 and Australia formally concludes, but not without an incident involving Chinese fighter
00:40 jets.
00:41 Armed Forces Spokesperson Colonel Mendel Aguilar joins us for more later in the show.
00:51 Two Filipino seafarers are safe after armed men attempted to hijack their ship off the
01:01 Yemen coast on Monday.
01:03 Authorities say the attack was thwarted by U.S. naval forces.
01:07 This is the second case of hijacking in the past weeks, prompting the Migrant Workers
01:12 Department to ask its maritime partners to consider expanding the high-risk zones to
01:17 protect seafarers.
01:18 Meanwhile, Jimmy Pacheco, the Filipino caregiver released by Hamas after nearly 50 days in
01:24 captivity following a ceasefire with Israel, has been discharged from the hospital.
01:29 He will continue to recuperate before flying back home.
01:33 Now let's go straight to the source of this story, Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Eduardo
01:38 de Vega.
01:39 Sir, good morning and thank you so much for being here.
01:41 Good morning.
01:43 All right, sir, first of all, maybe you could start us off by giving us an update on the
01:49 Filipino crew members aboard the MV Central Park.
01:52 This was the cargo ship that was seized by an armed group in the Gulf of Eden.
01:57 Where are they now and how are they doing so far?
02:00 They're still aboard ship and we're going to have them repatriated.
02:08 They were two seafarers aboard a bigger tanker than what was previously taken.
02:15 So, well, everyone's relieved, of course, everyone's relieved.
02:19 I think this was not just a positive development, but an indication that there is a system to
02:27 avoid further hijackings of ships.
02:31 Right.
02:32 This is the second hijacking incident that took place involving Filipino crew members
02:36 over just a matter of weeks.
02:38 How concerning is this for the Philippine government?
02:41 Are we seeing a new kind of trend or modus operandi here?
02:50 We'll definitely be seeing this because the Huti rebels themselves have indicated that
02:56 they will not stop doing it until the Israeli occupation or actions against Hamas in Gaza
03:06 stop.
03:07 So, this is already an indication of what they intend to do.
03:11 And that's why the Philippine government, well, we've heard from OIC and SKAFTAG of
03:18 BMW, has indicated that we would like a special consideration for Filipino seafarers before
03:26 they would be asked to sail in ships using that route.
03:31 Right.
03:33 That being the case, how can Filipino seafarers be better protected in these high-risk zones?
03:41 If you remember, years ago, there were all these piracy incidents involving Somalian
03:47 pirates.
03:49 And that ended when ships started defending themselves or started having high-powered
03:57 weapons to defend themselves.
04:00 And there were even escorts in some cases.
04:02 So this is something for the maritime industry to consider again.
04:08 If you note, this latest tanker did not have any escort or anything like that.
04:15 There were ships nearby, including the US Navy ship, and we thank the US for this, who
04:21 answered the call.
04:22 So anyway, one thing that the seafarers are told, and not just Philippine seafarers, but
04:27 all seafarers, is that there is a protocol whenever they are close to being hijacked.
04:32 There is a place to hide within the ship so that hopefully help would come in before they
04:40 take a hostage.
04:42 And that's what happened exactly with the MV Sandhu Park.
04:45 Okay, so you're saying that two Filipino seafarers were actually able to hide while
04:51 this attempt was ongoing?
04:53 Yes.
04:54 Along with the other seafarers, the protocol was for all the seafarers to go somewhere
05:01 where it would be difficult for them to be seen by the hijackers.
05:05 If you see a tanker, it's pretty big, so it would take time before the pirates come
05:12 in, or whatever you call them, and take them.
05:15 Because they are not really interested in taking over the ship so much as actually getting
05:22 hostages.
05:23 Of course, eventually they take the ship.
05:26 But luckily, the US Navy ship was able to respond in time.
05:33 And you can see that they have more firepower because the hijackers left tried to flee.
05:39 All right, sir.
05:40 Moving on to a slightly different topic, I want to ask about the 17 seafarers who were
05:45 taken I think just a couple of weeks ago.
05:48 Could you give us more information on the condition of those 17 Filipino seafarers held
05:52 hostage by the Huthi rebels?
05:54 It is a problem that we are not able to be in touch with them because the Huthi rebels
06:04 are not in touch with us either.
06:08 So we are just going by their assurances that they will not be harmed because they precisely
06:14 want to give a message.
06:16 They want to send a message to the international community that they are the legitimate government.
06:22 In fact, they call themselves the Yemeni naval forces.
06:28 So we still have to use our diplomatic contacts with other countries and organizations to
06:36 get them out.
06:38 The International Red Cross, the International Committee of the Red Cross, I believe, based
06:44 in Yemen, was telling us last week that their information was that all the seafarers would
06:50 soon be released, but that was last week.
06:53 So we'll have to see what else has to be done because they certainly are not making any
06:59 demands beyond the political demands.
07:02 So we're still targeting their release, certainly by Christmas, I think, much sooner.
07:11 So we hope for the best and of course, if they are harmed, this will engender a reaction
07:21 from the international community, certainly.
07:24 That's right.
07:25 So could you tell us when was the last time that these Filipino hostages were contacted
07:30 and what condition were they in then?
07:34 That was during the first day of the hostage-taking, exactly last week.
07:42 So one was able to contact the family, but later his cell phone was confiscated.
07:51 So the Houthis eventually released some videos of them, seafarers being fed and all.
07:58 But other than that, we don't have really any videos or any contact with them.
08:08 So we're in touch with the family because we're telling the family as well that if there
08:15 are any attempts to contact them, to inform the government as well, because these may
08:19 well be scammers.
08:20 That's a problem whenever there are these hostage-takers.
08:24 There are people claiming to be related to the hostage or the terrorists, if you so use
08:36 the term, or pirates, and say that, "Well, give us money and then we'll release your
08:42 relative."
08:44 These are usually scam artists, but you never know.
08:49 So we'll see if they receive any contact themselves.
08:55 All right, sir.
08:56 Now on to another hostage, Jimmy Pacheco.
09:00 The Israel Foreign Ministry says Jimmy Pacheco has been released from hospital.
09:05 What do we know so far about his condition?
09:08 How is he doing?
09:10 He's getting better by the day.
09:13 If you see there in the video, he's smiling as he's discharged on Sunday.
09:19 The other picture that you're showing there on the screen are pictures from Saturday when
09:24 he was visited by the Israeli Foreign Minister.
09:27 He was discharged Sunday and he's now staying at a hotel near the embassy, paid for by the
09:35 Israeli government, which has already indicated that they will be providing him the same benefits
09:40 that they do to Israeli citizens who have been victims of terrorism.
09:46 He's much better.
09:48 Every day he gets better.
09:51 We do know that he will be coming home around the second week, around December 15 or so,
09:57 third week before Christmas to see his family.
10:01 And the latest word is that now he's reconsidering his previous decision, previous desire, better
10:07 put, to remain in Israel and work.
10:10 Now he is considering the advice of the Philippine embassy that he should stay in the Philippines
10:17 and possibly put up a business.
10:21 He was seriously considering it.
10:22 So we'll hear from him hopefully when he gets home in a few weeks and see what the plans
10:29 are.
10:30 At least he's happy that he's in touch with his family.
10:33 And he's getting stronger and he was not physically harmed.
10:39 All right.
10:40 That is fantastic, fantastic news.
10:43 Was he able to shed light on his experience of his 49 days in captivity and what he experienced
10:49 during that horribly unimaginable time?
10:54 No, because first, they've been advised by the Israelis to hold their peace and not speak
11:03 about their captivity because this will give away details which may harm efforts to get
11:09 the other hostages out.
11:11 I see.
11:12 I think he has some emotional stress about it, emotional trauma.
11:16 He does recall that he doesn't know any other Filipino hostage, aside from himself, and
11:24 that he wasn't exactly harmed.
11:26 He wasn't physically harmed.
11:27 His only injuries were those obtained during the initial October 7 attack.
11:32 Obviously, he's still in some sort of trauma because he saw his employer get killed before
11:40 he himself was taken and had the cuffs.
11:43 So we'll hear eventually from him about it.
11:48 But he's very thankful to the Lord and very thankful to all of us because everyone, Filipinos
11:54 and other nationals, hoped for his release along with the other hostages.
12:02 And he feels fortunate, of course, that he's among the first who were released.
12:06 Right.
12:07 So you mentioned earlier that the Israeli government will be providing certain benefits
12:11 for Jimmy Pacheco.
12:13 On the side of the Philippine government, what type of assistance will they be providing
12:18 him with, if any?
12:19 Well, when he comes home, if he decides to come home, there is the BMWs for Integration
12:26 Program.
12:27 Normally, it gives also the AYUDA package of financial assistance.
12:35 And there is the assistance also coming from other departments.
12:40 DSWD has been giving its own aid package to Filipinos coming home.
12:46 And TESDA gives scholarships to their children.
12:50 And the DOH also provides psychosocial or medical care if needed.
13:01 So certainly, this will be the case.
13:04 And perhaps the president himself may decide to give him something in addition.
13:11 We'll see.
13:12 And I'm sure the nation will welcome him with open arms.
13:16 Right.
13:17 Unfortunately, though, there is one Filipina still missing in Israel.
13:22 Do we have any updates, any more information on the missing Filipina, Noralyn Babadilya?
13:30 Unfortunately, none.
13:32 But we are using our contacts to at least get confirmation.
13:38 Is she in fact a hostage?
13:41 Our same friends from other countries who are shown to seek our intermediaries are hopefully
13:51 getting this information.
13:53 And it may be possible that she's a hostage or there may be even other Filipinos who are
14:00 hostages.
14:01 And we'd like them as soon as possible.
14:03 And that's why we're hopeful for an extension of the current truce.
14:07 The truce supposedly was only up to Monday.
14:11 And now they've released 50 hostages in accordance with the agreement.
14:17 And the other nationals, Thai, Filipino, Russian nationals were not part of the 50 hostage
14:24 agreement.
14:25 They were separate.
14:26 So let's see if there's an extension.
14:30 And hopefully, Ms. Babadilya will be among those.
14:34 Because the alternative would be very distressing.
14:38 That would mean that she was one of those who was killed in the original attack and
14:43 whose body has not been found or has not been identified.
14:46 But you know, miracles happen.
14:49 One of the Israelis who were returned, a child, was thought to be dead.
14:54 But she's back in Israel.
14:57 So let's pray for the best.
14:59 We are in touch with the family in Israel.
15:02 So she has family in Israel.
15:04 So let's hope for the best.
15:06 And the president, of course, has his commitment to this.
15:10 Absolutely.
15:11 Hoping for the best outcome there.
15:12 Sir, thank you for your time this morning.
15:14 We always appreciate it.
15:16 That was Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Eduardo de Vega.
15:19 Up ahead, tensions again rise as Chinese forces interfere with the Philippines' maritime
15:24 exercises with Australia in the West Philippine Sea.
15:27 We speak to AFP Spokesperson Colonel Medel Aguilar about this when we return.
15:33 This is The Source on CNN Philippines.
15:34 Please stay tuned.
15:34 [MUSIC]
