10 Hidden Secrets in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

  • last year


00:00 Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're using our Spidey-sense to track down secrets and
00:05 Easter Eggs you might have overlooked while saving the city from all manner of chaos.
00:11 As always, there will be mild spoilers ahead, so swing with caution, true believers.
00:27 New York City is an enormous playground for players to get themselves lost in, but also
00:43 one where it can be all too easy to overlook some of the buildings and businesses while
00:48 web-zipping across the skyline.
00:50 For those who take the time to investigate, they can find references to not only other
00:55 Marvel heroes and their business fronts, but also insomniac themselves with devs walking
01:00 in and out, hopefully hard at work on the next Spidey adventure.
01:05 Much like in the first game, players can find not only Avengers Tower, but also Rand Industries
01:11 headed by the Iron Fist, Fisk's Union-allied construction, and just as they clean up after
01:16 superhero battles in the comics, Damage Control is diligently cleaning up after Sandman's
01:22 attack at the start of the game.
01:44 While in pursuit of Kraven, Peter crosses paths with his pet tiger Deema.
01:49 Naturally, the pair get off on the wrong foot as Deema doesn't appreciate intruders interrupting
01:55 what is supposed to be her dinner time.
01:57 Although Peter is able to soothe the savage beast with a hearty steak, once Kraven and
02:02 his hunters have effectively been run out of the city by the Spider-Man, as well as
02:06 Venom and his symbiotes, what ever happened to Kraven's big kitty?
02:10 Well, if players make their way to the Central Park Zoo, they'll find Deema has a new home
02:16 and seems to be adjusting well, even allowing Peter to get up close for a couple of scratches
02:22 and a selfie or two.
02:29 Web of Callbacks
02:30 Insomniac's Spider-Man 2 isn't the first time Venom and the symbiote have taken over New
02:35 York City in video games, and Insomniac seems all too aware of the similarities between
02:41 their sequel and the much beloved Spider-Man Web of Shadows.
02:45 After tracking down what they believe to be one of Kraven's targets, Spider-Man can explore
02:50 a fancy apartment while a recording comments on their investigation.
02:55 If players wander near the grand piano in the foyer, the voice will comment that his
02:59 guest will "surely remember this refrain" as Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.
03:14 While this might not seem like much of an Easter Egg, those who played Web of Shadows
03:18 will immediately remember the music used in the game's intro as Spidey considers the risks
03:23 of using the symbiote suit.
03:26 Nice to see Insomniac paying homage to the classics that came before.
03:39 Pete's Room
03:41 Early on in Spider-Man 2, players get the chance to tour Aunt May's home where Peter
03:45 grew up and see his early development as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
03:50 One of the most prominent Easter Eggs is a copy of the Daily Bugle with a picture of
03:55 Spidey rescuing an innocent civilian on the cover, which we later discover was Peter's
04:00 first picture as a photographer for the Daily Bugle.
04:03 However, this photo is a much deeper cut than it initially appears, and is a direct reference
04:09 to Spider-Man's very first appearance in the comics in Amazing Fantasy #15 way back in
04:15 1962.
04:17 Another blanking you'll miss at Easter Egg is the Hank Pym Science Award hanging on the
04:22 wall, only further building the world of Insomniac's connection to the Marvel Universe.
04:27 Coney Island
04:38 Peter and his friends don't get a lot of downtime with the city almost always under
04:42 attack, but when they do, there's no better place to cut loose than Coney Island.
04:48 However, this is Insomniac's Coney Island, and in turn, references numerous heroes and
04:54 villains that don't appear within the game proper.
04:57 These include nods to the often overlooked Spidey villains Big Wheel, Hydro Man, King
05:02 Crab, Rocket Racer, and Speed Demon.
05:05 Doc Ock even gets a shot out here with the Octo Ride, which features an octopus with
05:09 an old-time doctor's head mirror on it, clearly referencing Doc Ock from the first
05:14 game.
05:15 Some heroes manage to get in on the action as well, with the X-Men Dazzlers dance stage,
05:20 and the Flying Mantis most likely referring to Mantis from Guardians of the Galaxy.
05:25 Also, don't forget to crush as many Hydra heads as you can before two more pop up in
05:30 their place.
05:40 Baxter Building Spider-Man might not cross paths with the
05:43 larger Marvel Universe, but that doesn't mean other big-name heroes aren't out there
05:48 saving the world while the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man keeps things under control in New
05:53 York.
05:54 Alongside the Avengers Tower, players have found a major reference to Marvel's first
05:58 family, and that they may be setting up shop in downtown New York City.
06:03 While swinging through the skyscrapers, players can find the under-construction Baxter Building,
06:08 the home base of the Fantastic Four, and by scaling the building to the roof, we'll
06:13 find the group's familiar family crest in the process of being painted.
06:18 While this could be nothing more than a passing nod, much like Avengers Tower, Insomniac could
06:23 also be spreading the seeds of their own MCU full of numerous big-name heroes in their
06:28 pocket of the Spider-Verse.
06:31 Daredevil and The Hand Although Insomniac's Spider-Man is seemingly
06:35 mostly contained within its own universe, there are no shortage of nods and references
06:40 to other heroes within the Marvel roster, and players believe at least one street-level
06:45 hero may be joining Spidey sometime in the future.
06:49 No more than a reference in the first game, Nelson and Murdoch's law firm is back in
06:53 Spider-Man 2, but the implication of Daredevil being in New York goes even deeper.
06:59 Some Spidey-eyed players have discovered what they believe to be a secret room tied to The
07:04 Hand behind a bookshop.
07:06 The room is adorned with various occultist symbols as well as guns, swords, and skulls.
07:12 Strangely, players can enter the bookshop, making this one of the few buildings Spidey
07:16 can freely enter, and inside, find a ram skull adorned to the wall directly opposite the
07:22 secret room.
07:24 So is this a Daredevil DLC tease or just some sleight of hand?
07:29 Null.
07:30 While Venom might be the overall antagonist of Spider-Man 2, there might be someone else
07:43 behind the scenes pulling the symbiote's webs.
07:46 Although still relatively new to the world of Spider-Man, the eldritch god Null, god
07:51 of the symbiotes, aspires to spread the symbiote plague across the universe and is a major
07:56 threat to Eddie Brock and Venom in the comics.
08:00 While most casual fans will be unfamiliar with the eldritch god, comic fans were undeniably
08:05 surprised to see Null's familiar spiral design on the meteorite Dr. Connors found
08:09 and the Venom symbiote spawned from, as well as what the ramifications of Null existing
08:14 in Insomniac's corner of the Spidey-verse could mean for the series going forward.
08:19 Only time will tell if this is just an Easter egg or an omen of things to come.
08:34 Attempting to make a little extra cash, Peter and Miles will snap some pictures of the city
08:54 and its citizens for Robbie Robertson at the New York Bulletin.
08:58 While snapping the numerous photo ops, Spidey will come across two cat mascots dressed like
09:03 Spider-Man outside a bodega.
09:06 It would be easy to just take the pic and swing off, but if you hang around and listen,
09:11 you might recognize the voices of the mascots as Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk, lifelong
09:17 friends and stars of the beloved Firefly series.
09:20 The two will riff endlessly back and forth and in between their hilarious bouts of dialogue,
09:25 will try to include the player in the banter.
09:28 Since there was no fanfare made about the duo's cameo, it's very easy for many players
09:34 to have missed these two entirely.
09:42 Villain Fates
09:51 Kraven makes quite the entrance upon arriving in New York and immediately sets to work building
09:56 up to his greatest hunt, hoping some of the supervillains of the city will provide him
10:00 with his last great challenge.
10:03 While players witness Kraven easily dispatch Scorpion, they wouldn't discover the fate
10:07 of some of the other major players of Spidey Sinister 6 until MJ attempts to rescue Dr.
10:13 Connors.
10:14 It seems Kraven has been busy after freeing numerous prisoners from the raft as MJ discovers
10:19 seemingly all that remains of Vulture, Shocker, and Electro.
10:23 But there is one big elephant in the room that seems to be missing, or should we say
10:28 Rhino?
10:29 Well, if players glitch through the map, they can find what appears to be Kraven's throne
10:34 room that was seemingly cut from the game, along with his trophies hanging on the wall.
10:39 The centerpiece is none other than the big guy himself, Rhino.
10:50 What secrets did you find while swinging the streets of New York?
10:53 Drop us a webline down in the comments.
11:04 Thanks for watching.
