Doctor Sara shares five healthy habits that can add years to your life

  • last year
Dr Sara shares tips for a healthy lifestyle on This MorningITV
00:00 How do you fancy living a longer, healthier, happy life?
00:03 Well, who wouldn't?
00:04 And it's really, really easy, because Dr. Sarah's
00:06 going to explain all.
00:07 And literally this morning, you're
00:08 going to fix it for all of us, right?
00:10 We're all going to be centenarians.
00:11 No pressure.
00:12 Absolutely.
00:12 No pressure, Sarah.
00:14 Yes, you've got some tips that we need to take on board.
00:17 So at the moment, our current life expectancy for men
00:20 is 79 years.
00:21 For women, it's 82.9 years.
00:24 But there are some simple things that we can all
00:26 do to try and help improve our life expectancy.
00:30 Yes, some of it is genetics, but there
00:31 are things that we can do in a day-to-day, easy way.
00:36 So firstly, I think it's a boring one,
00:38 because everyone always goes, oh, fruit and vegetables,
00:41 obviously.
00:42 But we know that eating 30 fruit and vegetables
00:46 over a period of a week, 30 different ones,
00:49 can help improve our healthiness.
00:53 And I've been asked to specifically pick
00:56 one fruit or vegetable.
00:58 I like this, though.
00:59 What should we be asking?
01:00 I know.
01:00 I was like, god, the pressure.
01:02 And I'm not a huge believer in superfoods or things like that.
01:05 And I think it's a bit unfair to suggest one of those fruits
01:09 you can only get in an island in the middle of the Pacific.
01:12 Please say chips.
01:13 Please say chips.
01:14 Please say chips.
01:15 I'm sorry.
01:16 It's a non-starchy vegetable.
01:18 And I'm going with the humble broccoli.
01:21 Oh, yes.
01:21 Have a bit of broccoli.
01:22 It's cheap.
01:23 It's easily accessible.
01:24 But it's brilliant.
01:25 It's got a chemical called sulforaphane in it.
01:28 And it's been shown that this is an antioxidant
01:32 and an anti-inflammatory.
01:33 And within hours of eating a broccoli,
01:36 you'll find those levels go up in your bloodstream.
01:38 And they help with our immune defenses.
01:41 It also contains vitamin C, vitamins A, vitamin K,
01:45 other nutrients.
01:47 And for example, vitamin A is great for our eyes.
01:50 We need it for a reduced risk of cataracts,
01:53 for age-related macular degeneration, so poor eyesight
01:57 as we grow older.
