Karachi Safe City Project Corruption Ke Baais Guzashta 7 Baras Se Namukammal Hai !

  • last year
Karachi Safe City Project Corruption Ke Baais Guzashta 7 Baras Se Namukammal Hai !
00:00 Such incidents usually occur when videos of violent incidents involving injured or
00:04 injured citizens are quickly circulated on social media and national media.
00:12 After this, dozens of such incidents and videos are revealed.
00:17 The total area of Karachi's small and large roads is about 9500 km.
00:23 While in the last year, the number of incidents of robbery and looting of citizens is about 100,000.
00:31 According to the police, the total number of Karachi police is about 35,000.
00:35 7,000 to 8,000 of which are on VIP duty and most of the incidents on this duty are highly trained.
00:44 According to this, about 25,000 incidents are left for a population of more than 250 million.
00:50 This means that only one police officer is available for 1000 citizens.
00:56 In Karachi, it is being discussed to stop street crime.
00:59 Who will stop street crime? Police.
01:01 Who will face the accused? Police.
01:03 Before this, we went to Sachal police station.
01:05 We showed you how big the police station is and how strong the police are.
01:10 Who will actually face the accused?
01:12 The strength of the accused is that in Karachi, there are about 7,500 accused who are repeatedly committing crimes.
01:21 I am at the Preedi police station.
01:23 This is the map of the Preedi police station.
01:26 This Preedi area is the commercial hub of Karachi.
01:28 All the markets and adjacent areas are also commercial hubs.
01:34 This is the heart and center of Karachi.
01:37 This area is the Preedi police station, the electronics market, the Sadar bazaar, the Kareem center, the Unitrade center,
01:49 the offices of various hotels, the government offices, the national civil service center, the high court building.
01:58 The question is how many police officers are there to keep this area safe and secure?
02:06 Mr. Pawan, how many police officers are present at this time?
02:10 How much strength do you have and how many officers do you have in one shift?
02:14 I have more than 100 officers.
02:16 We also have the Sadar division in the reserve.
02:19 So, this area is about 125 officers.
02:24 I have 5 mobile phones, 6 of which are mine.
02:27 I have 6 motorcycles.
02:29 I have defined the area for you.
02:32 I have explained the area.
02:33 Can you give me a rough idea of how many people come here every day?
02:39 How many people are here to live or work?
02:42 I believe there are about 1-1.5 lakh motorcycles here every day.
02:49 1.5 lakh means if you remove one motorcycle, 1.5 lakh people come and go.
02:54 In spite of this, if we look at the crime rate, then if we compare it with other areas, then 2-3 motorcycles are stolen every week.
03:04 So, there is no crime rate issue.
03:06 I believe you have residential areas as well.
03:11 You have government offices, high court, and other commercial hubs.
03:19 I see the Pakistan Secretary, the Election Commission, and other government offices.
03:25 You have kept an eye on all of these.
03:28 And if I say that there are 100 officers, then it is not wrong.
03:32 There are less officers.
03:34 But with extra work, there are 125 officers.
03:36 Yes, absolutely.
03:37 Mr. Kumar, I have been to many police stations and have been working with police officers.
03:43 What are the reasons behind the crime of these criminals?
03:48 I think most of the criminals are the followers of the Manishyat.
03:53 So, even if they are sent to jail, they don't care because they are not smart.
03:58 The SHO Pradeep who was with me is a commercial hub.
04:02 According to a recent research, about 10 lakh people come here to buy things and do business.
04:12 People enter this hub from different areas.
04:16 This is not a commercial hub.
04:19 This area goes to the tower.
04:21 So, the basic thing to understand is why the crime is happening.
04:25 Secondly, what is the strategy of the police?
04:28 When we talk in meetings, decisions are made.
04:32 But on the ground, we are trying to find out what kind of problems a soldier faces to stop this crime.
04:39 We will move forward with this topic and take a look at street crime.
04:44 In Karachi, until all kinds of cameras, state of the art control rooms and CCTV rapid response systems are not installed,
04:53 it is not possible to get this city out of the hell of dacoity.
04:58 When we talk about street crime, the reasons behind it, whether it is unemployment, or half-criminals,
05:05 but so far, in the entire Karachi, we have not found a single street criminal who is very rich,
05:12 and from a very well-settled family, or behind him, everyone has a different logic.
05:17 Most of the logic is that they are committing crimes because of poverty.
05:21 Some of them started the crimes one by one and became half-criminals.
05:26 What happened that day?
05:27 That day, at about 4 or 4.30, I was sitting in the alley, at night, I left home for a cigarette.
05:36 He came from there, he met me, he asked me what I was doing here, I was in Tod.
05:41 He said, "I have come to find a cigarette." He said, "Come on, let's go to the road."
05:44 I said, "Let's go."
05:46 So I went to the road, he started walking, I asked him, "Why are you going to the alley?"
05:49 He said, "I have to go, I will see the warehouse, the warehouse is open."
05:52 So I went with him, went ahead, and as soon as he saw the door, he stood up.
05:57 He stood up, he knocked on the door, he knocked on the door,
06:00 as soon as he opened the door, he started entering inside.
06:03 As soon as he started entering inside, I stood up.
06:06 So I saw that I was coming with him, he didn't have a gun.
06:09 He had a rifle, so I asked him, "Where did you come from?"
06:11 So he started entering inside, and suddenly, he was shot.
06:15 He was shot, I was outside, I was scared, and he ran away from me.
06:20 I ran straight to the hotel, and he got on the stairs.
06:23 He was tired, he came out of his mouth, I asked him, "What happened?"
06:26 Okay, so this incident happened, the boy died in this.
06:30 Yes.
06:30 Since when have you been doing drugs?
06:32 I have been doing drugs for a long time.
06:34 And what is your name?
06:35 Bilal.
06:35 What is your age?
06:36 19 years.
06:37 Okay, tell me, the day this incident happened,
06:40 Yes, sir.
06:40 In the Kabbadiya warehouse,
06:42 did you go to the Kabbadiya warehouse to rob or did you go somewhere else?
06:45 No, sir, I don't know about this, I didn't do this.
06:48 How did you come in the video?
06:49 Sir, I saw it in front of me, it's cut is also there,
06:52 "The life is also a fish, and I am not in it."
06:55 You are not in it?
06:55 I swear, I swear, I swear to God.
06:57 Look, don't lie in the video.
06:59 I can't see my face in the video, sir, I didn't remove it.
07:02 Did you see that video?
07:03 Yes, sir, Gulparat sir showed it to me.
07:06 It's not yours?
07:06 No, sir.
07:07 Do you do drugs?
07:09 No, sir.
07:10 What do you do?
07:11 What do you do?
07:11 Kabbadiya.
07:12 Kabbadiya?
07:13 Yes, sir.
07:13 That means you know that you get money after Kabbadiya.
07:16 No, sir, I do my work.
07:18 He is the investigation officer of the Pradeep police station.
07:21 We have contacted Mr. Atik.
07:23 So, Mr. Atik, thank you very much for your time.
07:25 Mr. Atik, first tell me how strong are you
07:28 and how many cases have you registered so far?
07:31 Do you have a pending case or are you investigating it?
07:33 Thank you so much, Kamil bhai.
07:35 We have about 12 cases.
07:39 8 of them are A-size cases and 4 are sub-inspectors.
07:45 Okay, so tell me, the strength you mentioned,
07:47 how do you work within this strength?
07:50 And is the amount of money you have enough for this investigation
07:54 or is it less?
07:54 And what difficulties do you face?
07:57 The biggest problem is the amount of money.
07:59 We have a shortage of officers.
08:03 There are less officers and there is a lot of burden.
08:06 We have to go to the courts for the same officers.
08:09 We have to conduct trials there.
08:12 We have to present witnesses.
08:15 We have to take the case properties.
08:17 We have to do the investigation.
08:20 And apart from this, we get different cases transferred to us
08:24 from different areas of the city,
08:26 from the order of the police or from the complainant.
08:30 We don't get complaints from the local police.
08:32 They get the case transferred.
08:34 So, we are just running the business.
08:37 It is God's grace.
08:39 We still try to make it better.
08:41 These are some basic reasons.
08:43 The crime rate in Karachi is increasing day by day.
08:46 The reason behind this is what challenges we face in the future.
08:50 Unfortunately, the inflation is increasing day by day.
08:54 Unemployment is increasing.
08:56 People from all over Pakistan are coming to Karachi to earn a living.
08:59 But when there is no employment,
09:01 it will ultimately affect crime.
09:05 When it comes to drugs,
09:06 the drug addicts are very much involved.
09:10 You see, so many sides are forcing people to become criminals.
09:17 But why are they becoming criminals?
09:19 Because the law is not that powerful.
09:22 The police don't have the resources.
09:24 The police don't have the resources.
09:26 The real question here is how to stop the criminal from committing more crimes.
09:33 The basic question is that
09:35 the crime will never end if the prisons are filled.
09:39 How will they be reformed?
09:40 If they are committing crimes because of unemployment,
09:42 how will the government provide them with employment in the future?
09:45 Until this mechanism is implemented,
09:46 the one who commits a crime will go to jail,
09:49 come out and commit a crime again.
09:51 Because if he has committed a crime because of unemployment,
09:54 he will definitely go to jail,
09:57 take out a loan from his family,
09:58 get bail,
09:59 come out and then commit a crime again.
10:03 These are things that need proper investigation.
10:06 The present government has to work on all these things.
