• 2 years ago
00:00 Have babies if everything else is settled in life.
00:02 Then you may think of having not babies, one baby.
00:05 Have one kid when the other purposes of life are at least half achieved.
00:11 When the more fundamental things have been covered, then you can have a kid.
00:15 But have you covered anything till now?
00:17 Tell me how many great authors have you read till now?
00:20 Tell me how many philosophies do you know of?
00:22 Tell me how many places have you visited till now?
00:24 Tell me what thrills, funs, adventures have you had?
00:27 How much world have you seen?
00:29 How many sports have you mastered?
00:31 How many arts do you excel in?
00:33 These are the things that you must be thinking of.
00:36 Babies is something very natural.
00:38 One has to have sex and the baby will come.
