Die erfolgreiche und attraktive Christine ist mit dem ebenso berufsorientierten Georg verheiratet. Sie haben ein halbwüchsiges Kind, Sonja, die sich aus dem elterlichen Nest zu lösen beginnt. Alles scheint in der Gegend perfekt zu sein. Dennoch hat Christine eine Affäre mit Martin, einem engen Freund der Familie Das geheime Arrangement beginnt sie zu langweilen und sie ist sich der Tatsache bewusst, dass ihr Ehepartner ebenfalls eine langjährige Geliebte hat. Der jährliche Sommerurlaub in Italien scheint die letzte Gelegenheit zu sein, die Dinge in Ordnung zu bringen. Christine fühlt sich wirklich zu etwas Gutem hingezogen Suchender junger Mann Tamaz Sexueller Stress liegt auf den ersten Blick in der Luft Während ihre Tochter Sonja ihre allererste Liebe mit ihrem italienischen Freund genießt, beginnt Christine eine Liebesbeziehung mit Tamaz, die all ihre erotischen Träume und verborgenen Wünsche befriedigt. Mit jedem Mal wird es auch komplizierter Der Ehemann verliebt sich wieder in seine Frau und ihr langjähriger Liebhaber Martin zeigt, wie er mit der Familie den 42. Geburtstag von Christine feiert.
Successful and attractive Christine is married to the equally profession oriented Georg They have a teenage child Sonja whom is beginning to break away from the parental nest Everything appears perfect on the area Nevertheless, Christine is having an affair with martin, a close friend of the family The secret arrangement has started to bore her and shes mindful of the fact that her spouse has a long term mistress as well The yearly summer time vacation in Italy seems to be the one last opportunity to sort things off Christine finds herself really attracted to a good searching young guy Tamaz Sexual stress is in the air at first sight While her daughter Sonja enjoys her very first love with her Italian boyfriend, Christine begins an amour fou with Tamaz which pleases all her erotic dreams and hidden desires Things get also more complicated whenever her spouse falls in love with his wife again along with her lengthy term lover martin shows as much as celebrate Christines 42nd birthday celebration together with the family.
Successful and attractive Christine is married to the equally profession oriented Georg They have a teenage child Sonja whom is beginning to break away from the parental nest Everything appears perfect on the area Nevertheless, Christine is having an affair with martin, a close friend of the family The secret arrangement has started to bore her and shes mindful of the fact that her spouse has a long term mistress as well The yearly summer time vacation in Italy seems to be the one last opportunity to sort things off Christine finds herself really attracted to a good searching young guy Tamaz Sexual stress is in the air at first sight While her daughter Sonja enjoys her very first love with her Italian boyfriend, Christine begins an amour fou with Tamaz which pleases all her erotic dreams and hidden desires Things get also more complicated whenever her spouse falls in love with his wife again along with her lengthy term lover martin shows as much as celebrate Christines 42nd birthday celebration together with the family.
Short film