Comme prévu, Novak Djokovic est bien à Malaga pour disputer le Final 8 de Coupe Davis. Présent à Valence pour qualifier son équipe à la mi-septembre, Nole a fait du Saladier d'Argent son dernier objectif de l'année 2023. Arrivé en Espagne lundi, le lendemain de son 7e sacre aux ATP Finals, le n°1 est mondial va enchaîner après sa semaine éprouvante à Turin. La Serbie disputera son quart de finale contre la Grande-Bretagne jeudi à partir de 16h. Un dernier effort avant des vacances bien méritées. En conférence de presse ce mercredi, Novak Djokovic a évoqué sa motivation mais aussi les problèmes de format de la compétition. Nole n'a pas caché avoir un problème à disputer les phases finales cinq fois de suite dans le même pays et de ne pas pouvoir jouer à domicile. Le message adressé à David Haggerty est clair : "Je pense qu'il est important d'avoir ces discussions avec les joueurs et les équipes de Coupe Davis, pas derrière des portes closes".
00:00 I don't know if you saw what Vasek said last night about
00:04 organizing and tennis could and should be even bigger than it already is.
00:10 If only the people organizing it were doing their job properly.
00:14 He highlighted the balls, he highlighted playing late at night
00:17 and then early in the morning and injuries.
00:18 I just wonder whether you heard that, but also if you'd like to add something.
00:21 No, I haven't. I haven't heard that.
00:25 I actually saw Vasik just before I came here to see you guys,
00:29 but I haven't seen his statement on that.
00:31 But there's been a lot of discussions
00:33 on the effect of the different balls and basically every week
00:39 on the joints and the wrist and the shoulders and the elbows.
00:43 And, you know, I think someone told me that in terms of injuries
00:49 this year compared to other years,
00:53 it's, you know, drastically has gone up.
00:56 So, yeah, in terms of the balls, I absolutely agree.
01:00 There should be there should be some discussion on that.
01:03 I actually spoke about that with Andrea Gaudenzi,
01:07 the ATP president, and Massimo, who is the CEO in Paris during Paris-Bercy week.
01:12 And, you know, I shared my opinion and my views.
01:16 And then, you know, obviously they are thinking about various different options
01:20 and ways of how to regulate that and how to make it
01:24 better for the players and prevent injuries.
01:26 In terms of the scheduling, I think, you know, there has been a lot of criticism
01:31 and a lot of, yeah, basically
01:34 players complaining about it.
01:40 So I think that should be addressed in a proper way.
01:43 Obviously, the AFC Cup and ITF is regulated differently from ATP Tour
01:47 and from Grand Slams.
01:49 You have different governing bodies, different schedules,
01:51 different broadcasting demands.
01:54 In the end of the day, we know that the TV is the one deciding,
01:57 fortunately or unfortunately.
01:59 But, you know, there has to be more, I guess, thorough discussions on that as well.