Invasive Catfish Threaten Taiwan's ‘Land of 1,000 Lakes’

  • last year
Large numbers of invasive suckermouth catfish present a threat to the local ecosystem and fish farmers' livelihoods in Taoyuan in northern Taiwan.


00:00 A truck full of fish caught in the northwestern city of Taoyuan, but for local fish farmers,
00:07 there's no joy in such a catch. The fish are an invasive species called the sucker-mouth
00:13 catfish or common pleco. These bottom feeders have little economic value but can out-compete
00:19 other native fish that do.
00:23 Taoyuan is known in Taiwan as the "Land of a Thousand Lakes" for its vast network of
00:27 ponds that play an important role in irrigation. But drought conditions in recent years mean
00:33 the ponds have not been flushed out to keep them clean. And that's left the catfish free
00:39 to multiply.
00:41 "If the catfish don't have enough food to feed themselves, the pond will be full of catfish
00:48 for generations."
00:50 Plecos are a tropical freshwater fish first brought to Taiwan in the 1970s. Kept at home
00:56 as a pet, they are considered useful to help keep the fish tank clean. But after being
01:02 released into nature, they are now found in the middle or lower reaches of Taiwan's rivers,
01:07 as well as ponds and lakes. Local authorities plan to drain ponds, in line with existing
01:13 irrigation management, and scoop the catfish out.
01:20 "Draining ponds is a feasible way to do this. But it requires a low-water irrigation system."
01:27 Two ponds have been cleared out in this way to show fish farmers how to rid themselves
01:34 of the pesky sucker mouths.
01:37 Howard Zhang and Yujing Huang for Taiwan Plus.
01:40 Thank you very much.
