1966 au Viêtnam. Eriksson, une jeune recrue, est affecté à l'escadron du commandant Meserve, un homme charismatique mais brutal, à peine plus âgé que lui. Au cours d'une difficile mission de reconnaissance, Meserve sauve Eriksson d'une mort certaine. Hélas, il ne peut rien faire pour l'opérateur radio, tué par les Vietnamiens lors d'une embuscade. Quoique traumatisée, l'équipe est renvoyée immédiatement dans la jungle. Meserve promet à ses hommes de leur "offrir" une villageoise. Eriksson assiste, impuissant, au viol et au meurtre d'une jeune Vietnamienne. Taraudé par l'image de la jeune femme, Eriksson finit par dénoncer ses compagnons, malgré leurs menaces...
Court métrageTranscription
00:00 [Musique]
00:05 From the director and the producer of The Untouchables.
00:09 Hey Sarge, you gotta give me a minute here on this thing we're doing.
00:11 [Musique]
00:13 I want nothing but charming people around me on this one, gentlemen.
00:16 So, bring your good luck stuff.
00:17 [Musique]
00:19 Like this, Sarge?
00:20 [Cris de panique]
00:24 This is nuts.
00:25 We ain't supposed to be doing this.
00:27 Everybody else is up for this.
00:29 This is kidnapping, ain't it, Sarge?
00:31 Be advised, you best just relax and try to forget about this thing.
00:35 Man, no!
00:37 Is that clear?
00:38 Yeah, you got a weapon.
00:40 We all got weapons.
00:42 Anybody can blow anybody away.
00:44 Which is the way it ought to be.
00:45 Always.
00:46 Military court-martials are notoriously lenient.
00:49 My job, sir, was to kill communist aggressors, count the bodies.
00:52 [Explosion]
00:53 Even if these four guys get convicted, they're not gonna do any real time.
00:56 [Explosion]
00:57 You throw guys like us in the stockade and you're helping nobody but the Viet Cong.
01:00 [Screams]
01:01 If I was them, I'd be looking for a little payback.
01:03 [Explosion]
01:04 Somebody stumbles,
01:06 they don't mean to shoot you, they're sorry.
01:09 You could get killed real easy.
01:10 [Explosion]
01:11 A man like you, wife, baby daughter,
01:14 I'd be considering those factors very carefully.
01:17 [Gunshots]
01:18 You don't have to try and kill me, man.
01:19 I told them.
01:20 And they don't care!
01:21 [Explosion]
01:25 Just because each of us might be blown away,
01:27 everybody's acting like we can do anything, man.
01:29 [Explosion]
01:32 You think you're standing up to me?
01:34 [Screams]
01:35 [Explosion]
01:39 You probably like the army, don't you, Erickson?
01:41 This ain't the army, Sarge.
01:42 [Explosion]
01:47 Michael J. Fox
01:49 Sean Penn
01:51 Casualties of War
01:53 [Musique]
01:55 [SILENCE]