A la suite du décès de son époux, Nancy, professeur à la retraite, cherche à briser la monotonie de son existence et à rattraper le temps perdu après une vie entière sans aucun écart. Pour ce faire, elle décide de s'offrir les services d'un jeune escort boy et de se faire plaisir en prenant du bon temps. Son choix se porte sur Leo, un brun ténébreux fort surpris de découvrir le programme millimétré concocté par sa cliente lors de son arrivée à son domicile. Bien plus détendu que cette dernière, il parvient à rapidement briser la glace. Mais la relation, au départ tarifée et limitée dans le temps, prend bien vite une tournure inattendue...
Court métrageTranscription
00:00 (Il toque à la porte)
00:02 - Hello. I'm Leo. You must be Nancy. May I come inside?
00:06 - Yes. So I've made a list of things that I'd like to get through.
00:10 Number one, I perform oral sex on you.
00:13 Number two, you perform oral sex on me.
00:16 Number three, we do a 69, if that's what it's still called.
00:20 Four, me on top. Five, doggie style.
00:23 - Well, that all sounds very achievable.
00:25 - Have I booked enough time?
00:26 - You want to do it all today?
00:28 - Yes. No.
00:31 - I've never had an orgasm.
00:33 - There are nuns out there with more sexual experience than me. It's embarrassing.
00:36 Do you want me to brush my teeth?
00:38 - Oh, God.
00:39 - Now, Nancy.
00:40 - It's wrong.
00:41 - Nancy?
00:42 - Yes?
00:43 - Come have a dance with me.
00:44 - Yes.
00:48 - Is Leo Grand your real name?
00:51 - I simply don't understand it, why you're doing this.
00:57 - He's disabled for college.
00:59 - Oh, how wonderful. Are you really?
01:00 - No.
01:01 - I've always been ashamed of my body.
01:07 - Your body is beautiful. I wish you could see that.
01:09 - Everyone needs something different.
01:12 - I don't judge my clients, unless they're total assholes.
01:15 - I've never done anything interesting in my life.
01:21 - You're the only adventure I've ever had.
01:28 - What's the oldest person you've ever done it with?
01:30 - 82.
01:31 - 82?
01:32 - Yes.
01:33 - 82?
01:34 - Nancy.
01:35 - Okay, I'm feeling a bit better now.
01:36 Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org