• 2 years ago
[[♱]] BENEFiTS;;

i am proud to present myself as masculine, my flat chest is a symbol of this, along with my facial features and body shape. i am happy to be masculine and see myself as masculine. i am proud and happy with my physical appearance. i love my masculine appearance and the changes that have taken place due to my transition, i feel happy, confident and proud of my masculine appearance and i love feeling masculine. i am now masculine in appearance, everything about my body feels masculine from my face to my hair and chest, my masculine face makes me feel confident and attractive, i am proud of the masculine body i now have. i have a masculine, flat and hairy chest, when i take off my shirt i never feel self conscious, in fact i feel powerful. my chest is perfectly flat and my abs and biceps are defined. i am grateful for my perfectly flat chest and body shape, this is a sign of me being masculine and a boy, i feel comfortable with my body, and know that my flat chest is a sign i was meant to be a boy. i am excited to continue my transition and live as a boy, i am happy to have the body of a boy, my flat chest is a sign of this and i am proud of my masculine appearance. i love being a man with a flat chest. i am proud of my body and its uniqueness. i don't need to conform to society's expectations of how a man "should" look. i celebrate the masculine and powerful aspects of my body. my value does not hinge on the size of my chest.


