Last Tree Load for 2023!

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Last Tree Load for 2023!


00:00 day forecast at least seven days. we've got one freezing temperature toward the
00:03 end of the 10 day but we figure that if we could squeeze in one last tree
00:08 shopping trip to put a few key evergreens in that we should do that and
00:12 today seemed like the perfect day for it because it's kind of soggy out here. what
00:15 I would love to do is find an evergreen or a trio of evergreens for this large
00:20 flower bed that we recently created. I'd like to add some weight to this space,
00:25 some winter interest and honestly I would like to create a little bit of a
00:29 block right here. not a total block, not a complete screen but something that
00:33 provides a little bit of coverage so there's some mystery so that you can't
00:38 see through to every area of the garden. the garden around the Hartley is very
00:42 formal and I love that. I love the formality and the tininess but as we
00:46 move away from that space I want it to feel more abundant a little bit more
00:50 cottagey and kind of freeform and I think that the pathway does kind of lend
00:54 to that feel because it's not it's not super straight. I mean it has a curve to
00:59 it. the flower bed lines out here don't really have any kind of exact balance or
01:04 structure and you know this side we're gonna be retooling in the spring. we've
01:07 got to redo grass sprinklers in this area and we might, I don't know, we might
01:11 cut a lot more of it out. it's gonna either be that or it's gonna come in
01:16 further. we haven't decided quite yet. but evergreens are the order for the day.
01:20 this is the most important spot to me and then we would love to pick up just a
01:24 couple more for the new property. we're referring to that as the dirt lands now
01:28 because that's what the kids call it. and honestly being in the first week in
01:32 November and still being able to go tree shopping for us is awesome. I'm so
01:36 thankful for it. so anyway we are going to head over to
01:39 Jaker and then we'll just bring you along for the ride. hey you boys behave.
01:47 oh gosh it's pretty out here today. look at it.
01:50 oh Aaron's got the trailer on the truck. here we go.
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03:23 all right we have arrived. I have the availability so now we get to walk
03:29 around. you excited? yes it looks like they've got a bunch. oh so fun. I know
03:34 that we have brought you guys here in the early spring before trees have their
03:39 leaves. I know we've brought you here in the summertime but I don't know if we've
03:43 ever come in the fall. yeah I don't know. I mean maybe we have in the past I'm not
03:47 sure. we've been here like four or five times. yeah so it's fun to see some of these
03:51 things are still in fall color. some of them still have their summer color. so
03:55 it'll be interesting. what do you want for behind the fireplace? I was thinking
03:59 a weeping Alaskan cedar. something like that. yeah that's got some kind of
04:03 grandeur to it. but those were in the way back last time. do you need your coat?
04:06 it's chilly. well if we start walking I'll probably be good. oh it's just so pretty right now.
04:11 you know what I'm gonna grab the jacket. yeah it's chilly out. I don't know what
04:16 the temperature is but oh yeah it feels chilly. now we did remember to bring an
04:21 extra pair of shoes the both of us because we're hoping that we have enough
04:24 time to go out to lunch together after we're done with our shopping trip. and
04:28 the ground is pretty pretty soft and wet today so we have a pair of clean shoes
04:34 to change into. aren't these just so pretty? I just I'm such a fan of Blue
04:39 Spruces and the Vanderwolf pines look beautiful too. and I hope you're able to
04:45 see the color. it's a little overcast today and it looks so dark in my camera
04:49 but sometimes that's deceiving. does that feel better? yeah. yeah. I got my Campbell
04:56 tractor jacket. buy a tractor get a jacket. well yep. there's actually some
05:03 really pretty looking pines through here but it looks like they're still tied up.
05:07 let's walk all the way to the back and work our way this way. okay. you wanna do
05:10 that? yeah different than normal. should ask him if I could use a golf cart. look
05:15 at this Hawthorn Aaron. it's so pretty. look at the thorns. I didn't realize Hawthorns had
05:21 berries. look at the thorns though. oh dang. uh-huh. whoa. that's like that's like what
05:30 the prince had to go through to get to the Sleeping Beauty. yeah. was it a
05:36 prince or? I haven't seen that movie since I was like six. Sleeping Beauty. was it Sleeping
05:41 Beauty? I think so. wasn't it like the prince had to like yeah slash through a bunch of
05:45 thorns and stuff? yep. Benjamin would probably like to see that. you know I remember as a
05:49 kid thinking that movie was like wasn't it a little scary? yeah. like the dragon
05:53 or yeah. I don't remember anything about it except for the thorns. yeah. the
05:57 brambles. brambles. now look at this you guys there's just a bunch of stuff how
06:01 fun. and they just told us they are doing fall digs still so for the next couple
06:05 of weeks they're gonna be still bringing be bringing in a bunch of conifers. it
06:10 sounds like it's a good time for them to dig them and bring them in but after
06:15 this week who knows what's gonna happen with the soil. right. I mean it can start
06:19 to freeze. right. it takes a while for that frost line to go down though. yeah
06:23 it does. do we want any more grasses? more blonde ambition? not today. we need to
06:30 stay on. stay on point. stay on task. okay. boy yeah it's like way colder than I
06:35 thought. it's a bunch of fine line buckthorns over there. all the white pots.
06:39 I'm not a huge fan of the fine lines. no. I think I initially was and then you know
06:45 you never were like a huge fan. no. I think I'm coming over to your side. I like
06:49 their fall color. I will give them that. they really do light up the space but
06:54 they kind of are messy the rest of the time. these look great. yeah those are
06:58 beautiful. whatever these are. those are van der wolfs. van der wolfs. yeah. how tall
07:02 do they get? 25 by 15. okay. I wouldn't mind those by the fireplace. those look
07:09 good. yeah they do. the color on them. I know they're just fantastic. they're just so
07:14 beautiful. you know we could use some of these out on the in the dirt lands. yeah.
07:19 it would be nice. you know what we could do? we could define where that path is
07:26 gonna be and we can start planting on the other side of the yeah the green
07:29 belt. we also need blue spruces. do you want to do mulad spruce or do you want
07:33 to do these spruces? yeah probably. probably from Nathan. I love the multi
07:37 trunk. this is a hot wings maple. don't love that variety but maybe some multi
07:42 trunk out on the new property would be nice. yeah we need to we need to go heavy
07:46 on the evergreens though. yeah. and then fill in with deciduous as a like
07:51 opposed to the other way around. that's where we need to go. see all the
07:54 evergreen over there? find a good spot to pick our way through.
08:00 lots of pines. a lot of pines. are these just like Oregon? Oregon green or just regular Austrians?
08:10 can you imagine this with like Christmas lights and wouldn't that be so fun? yeah.
08:21 to have rides through here like a horse and sleigh ride through the evergreens.
08:26 I'm trying to look through here I'm not seeing any. it's mostly pines. yeah these are
08:32 all pines right here. I see some deodorant cedars up here. hmm. well there's not a lot.
08:42 well there's a lot. there's a lot. not that oh wait maybe right through here. maybe or
08:48 those Norway's. those are probably Serbian. yeah those are Serbian. they're
08:51 beautiful though. yeah. could go look at those? yeah we should get some. what about
08:55 these? remember when we tried last time? yeah but we also stripped the root ball.
09:01 yeah we did crack the root ball didn't we? they're pretty color but blue
09:03 spruces just tend to be more reliable. yeah. these are so pretty. I don't know
09:09 why I'm just such a fan of these. that one looks really good. are they available?
09:14 let me check. these are eight to nines zero. these are not available. of course
09:20 they're not. what about the different size? the seven let's see that was an
09:24 eight to nine seven to eights. there are seven available. but we can just get some
09:29 smaller ones. yeah I don't know these are probably I'm guessing the same.
09:35 now this is a seven to eight right here. that one that one looks pretty good. yeah
09:45 there's a little bit of a little bit of brown. there's some weeping cedars but I
09:49 don't know if that's exactly I don't think that's exactly what I'm after.
09:53 those are a little bit too skinny. oh that's pretty that looks bigger though
09:56 doesn't it? that's an eight to nine. oh there's a seven to eight. that one looks
10:02 a little bit like pale. yeah it looks a little haggard. okay well we can skip
10:08 those. what is that? is that a Frank? I don't know Franks are really uh skinny
10:13 skinny but that one has some interesting looking candles doesn't it? little pale
10:18 though. yeah but look at this those are so fun. this is just an Oregon green.
10:23 how funny. it's loving its life. I feel like this is what an Oregon green should
10:28 look more like. probably yeah. that one's the uh I don't know. the runt? the gold
10:35 the gold version. there's some skinny spruces. oh you should put some by the
10:39 Hartley. I don't know if I want. what are you gonna plant there? well I was gonna
10:43 do the Taylor's juniper so I don't like the color on those as much. on the
10:46 Taylor's? yeah they're too like gray. I want something like a deep green. yeah
10:52 well can you do that proven winners one sting or something or is that too? that's
10:56 that's too skinny. look at those birch clumps. oh they're so tall and birchy.
11:05 they are tall and birchy. they're amazing. okay what are these longneckers
11:11 down at the bottom the end here? oh those are Atlas cedars. just smaller ones?
11:17 yeah look at how long their leaders are. yeah be easier to plant. yeah they sure
11:24 are pretty. we could try a couple of these. you want to? yeah. okay what do you how
11:27 many you want to try? like two or do you want to get three? well let's do two
11:32 because I don't want to do um I don't
11:39 necessarily want to do groups of three of everything you know. this is six to
11:44 seven. yep so we'll do two of those. got it.
11:48 some bigger Atlas cedars. oh are they available? I think so. maybe we should do
11:55 the bigger ones. they have them available. let's do two of these instead. okay.
11:59 because they're just I mean they're mounded up like you got to imagine
12:04 you're gonna lose some footage here. like maybe what six inches? no no no.
12:09 this is the base. how high do you plant yours? high. high. exactly. can you even
12:16 believe that we're planting or thinking about planting in November? in November
12:20 yeah. well that's nice. oh they're straight ahead. yeah yeah those are
12:24 gorgeous. we could do like three of those. yeah because we could plant though they
12:29 don't need to be in a group. we could plant them separately. oh look there's a
12:33 Proven Winners truck. say hey we know you. boy look at all that organic material
12:39 and dirt. all the stuff they hill the trees in with. this is interesting do
12:44 they do they water from the bottom then in these tubs? doesn't look like it.
12:49 it looks like this is the water. no this is tide like but there's a water line
12:53 here with a quarter inch going down. just makes them easy. it's kind of like
12:57 hilling in without hilling in. sure. look at that. isn't that kind of a neat
13:00 structure? yeah this is a Hollywood. yeah I think if we got like three of those
13:03 and just kind of placed them around. yeah. be nice. what are these blue arrows? yep.
13:09 Oh blue point. Oh blue point. my goodness there's so much even on this side. some
13:18 really nice blue spruces down that way. okay I gotta go down this aisle real
13:21 quick. I know deciduous trees is not the point of today's visit but there's one
13:25 full of orange berries. it's so pretty. oh my goodness look at that a winter king
13:33 hawthorn. my word. so it grows 35 by 35. it says it's largely spineless but I see.
13:41 I see. I don't know if that means thorns or not. I don't see very many. okay I
13:47 think we're gonna grab a couple Leyland cypress too. so that's two Leyland
13:49 cypress, three Vanderwolfs, two Atlas cedars, and three Hollywood junipers.
13:54 that's a pretty good load. okay we just went around and marked all of the trees
13:59 that we wanted and now they're gonna start loading. so three of the junipers
14:03 are in containers so we can put those in the bed of the truck. everything else
14:06 we're just gonna see what we can fit in the trailer. because how many is that all
14:09 together? two five six seven nine eight nine ten ten. it's a pretty good load. yeah
14:17 it's a great load. oh yeah those are awesome. before the camera was rolling
14:23 the girls did the other two. so we're heading toward the back where we picked
14:26 out those Atlas cedars because he he says loading the smaller stuff first is
14:31 better. so anyway that's what we're doing.
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14:54 we need one of those those machines. I know.
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16:41 look at that. so there are three four five six seven trees back here. look at
16:49 the size of the root balls. oh my gosh. Aaron's strapping them down right now.
16:52 and then we've got three in the back of the truck. so now we are going to drive
16:56 very slowly back home and we're gonna stop off for lunch somewhere.
17:12 it's sure coming down out there. it looks soft in over the valley. yeah it does.
17:19 I don't think we're gonna be planting any of these this afternoon. no. we've maybe
17:24 unload them. maybe. yeah. well we have made it home. the rain has picked up quite a
17:28 lot. it's absolutely wonderful. I love it. Paul's bringing the tractor around and
17:33 he and Aaron are just gonna get these unloaded just right over into this area
17:37 right here. then we'll run over through some of the tree details, some of the
17:40 stats on how big they grow. it's gonna be really fun to place these around. we're
17:44 gonna work on it for the next couple of days probably. we're not gonna plant
17:47 anything out today. these trees are so heavy. I could do these. I can load this
17:52 size. but these not so much. I wonder how much they weigh. it's nice that it's
17:56 rainy without being so so cold.
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19:04 - Well, that could have been easier.
19:20 A little bit, we picked-
19:20 - I like how,
19:22 Paul was like,
19:22 "Three or four more loads of this and we'll figure it out."
19:24 - Maybe.
19:25 - We need those pinchers.
19:26 - Yeah, we do.
19:27 - I'm gonna look that up.
19:29 - Oh boy.
19:30 Oh, I'm so happy with this load of trees, you guys.
19:33 It's so beautiful.
19:35 Oh, just in time too, to really enjoy it for winter.
19:38 So let's go through the stats real quick.
19:41 Just some basics.
19:41 We've got the Hollywood Juniper,
19:43 which these are a zone five through nine.
19:45 And I love how kind of,
19:47 I don't know how to explain how they look,
19:49 kind of windswept.
19:50 Like there's a little bit more architecture
19:52 as opposed to like your Spartans
19:54 that have more of an upright, tight nature.
19:56 These have more of a, like a rustic look.
19:59 I don't know.
20:00 I just love the structure.
20:01 So zone five through nine,
20:02 and they will grow 15 feet tall by 10 feet wide.
20:06 And the thing I really love about them,
20:08 with these upswept branches,
20:09 you can really see the cinnamon color of their stems.
20:13 I think that is such a pretty contrast
20:15 with the color of green that their needles are.
20:17 Oh man.
20:19 I didn't get those sides on very well.
20:24 They're just bouncing off of the trailer.
20:27 What in the world?
20:29 Anyway, then we've got the Blue Atlas Cedars,
20:31 which we've got one right here.
20:33 And there's one on the other side.
20:35 Right here.
20:38 I need to work on those branches
20:40 and kind of relax them down a little bit.
20:42 But look at the icy blue.
20:44 Now the last one that we bought,
20:46 we accidentally broke the root ball when we planted it
20:50 and it did not thrive.
20:52 I'm hoping these do.
20:53 Zone six through nine,
20:55 they will get quite large,
20:56 like 40 to 60 feet tall,
20:58 30 to 40 feet wide.
20:59 Oh, that one has a bird nest in it.
21:02 Oh, so cute.
21:03 Look in there.
21:04 Oh, I love that.
21:05 And I'm not sure what their growth rate is.
21:07 I know it's like gotta be on the slow side.
21:09 That's what my guess is.
21:10 So it might be a real long time
21:12 before we see it get real big.
21:14 Okay, the Leyland Cypress.
21:16 You guys, these are so beautiful.
21:18 I need to do just a little grooming.
21:19 There's just a few little dead needles, dried up needles,
21:23 but overall they look super duper healthy.
21:26 I love the structure.
21:28 This might be a contender for behind the fireplace,
21:30 but they will grow,
21:31 I think their 10 year size is like
21:33 somewhere between 20 and 30 feet,
21:36 but they can grow upwards of 50 feet,
21:38 15 to 20 feet wide.
21:39 We have a big one.
21:41 It's right by the weeping willow,
21:43 over that way.
21:45 I'm not even pointing at the right section.
21:47 It's right there.
21:47 But these kind of have a similar look and color
21:51 to the junipers.
21:53 You know, they have that kind of cinnamon colored bark
21:56 with the beautiful kind of medium sagey green needle.
22:00 And they are a zone five through nine.
22:02 And then we've got the Vanderwolf pines,
22:03 also called Vanderwolf Pyramid Limber Pine.
22:06 We have several of these, three of them, I think,
22:08 in the South garden that we planted a couple years ago
22:11 and they're gorgeous.
22:13 Zone four through seven on these,
22:15 and they've got kind of this bicolor needle.
22:17 So you've got green blue right there,
22:20 and it just has such a soft kind of elegant look to it.
22:24 And these will grow like 20 to 25 feet tall
22:27 and 10 to 15 feet wide.
22:29 So we've got three of those there.
22:30 That brings our total to 10 trees today.
22:34 So we've got 10 more sizable holes to dig
22:38 before the season is done.
22:39 And I imagine most of them will come out here.
22:44 We'll kind of amp up this border a bit.
22:46 When I'm standing back here,
22:47 it looks like we've got nothing in there.
22:49 We do have a couple of Austrian pines.
22:51 There's some Spartan Junipers,
22:53 and we do have some North Pole Arbs,
22:55 but we need to amp up the evergreens.
22:59 And I think it'll be absolutely beautiful.
23:01 And these are just gonna hang out out here.
23:03 I think they'll be all right.
23:03 I don't have to water them in.
23:05 That's for sure.
23:06 They're nice and heavy and wet,
23:07 and it's supposed to rain for the good portion
23:09 of the rest of the day anyway.
23:10 So they should be good.
23:12 And no freezing temps for the next week or so.
23:14 So I'm not worried about hilling in their root balls
23:16 with compost like we normally do,
23:18 because I just don't think they're gonna need
23:19 extra protection, and we're gonna be getting
23:22 after the planting here in the next few days.
23:24 So they won't stay out there for long.
23:26 Thank you so much for watching this video.
23:28 I hope you enjoyed it, and we will see you in the next one.
