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Mattel Masters Of The Universe Masterverse Pig Head Figure
00:00 He left as a prince and came back as a pig.
00:03 Here's your look at the Mattel Master Universe Masterverse Sun Man and the Rulers of the Sun Pig Head.
00:08 [music]
00:15 [pages turning]
00:26 The rulers of the sun punished Prince Zegor of House Shadows for his cruelty,
00:31 banished him to the shadows and transformed him into Pig Head. Half man, half pig.
00:35 Now he has one goal, steal the energy from the first sun so that he can harness the power and rule the galaxy.
00:41 Only one man stands in his way, Sun Man.
00:44 Well, this little piggy goes to the shadows.
00:47 I'm going to stay home and I'm going to grab my tape measure and see how tall the figure stands.
00:51 I'm also as well bringing a couple of the other Masterverse figures that we've looked at lately here on this channel for comparisons.
00:56 But you're looking at Pig Head standing about six and three quarters of an inch in height.
01:00 He's actually almost even seven inches tall.
01:03 Or the figure is going to be about 17 centimeters in height.
01:06 While really not having an affiliation to it, here's what the figure looks like with the Master Universe Revelation Prince Adam.
01:11 Prince Adam apparently thinks it's quite funny.
01:14 Here's what the figure as well looks like with the recently looked at Clamp Champ.
01:17 And seeing of course we are looking at a taller version of him.
01:20 So who else want to bring in the original Sun Man?
01:22 Well, let me say that it's not the original version.
01:24 It's a Master Universe Origins version of Sun Man's Pig Head based on the original vintage toy.
01:30 What you'll see soon are similar accessories shared with this one and the original Master Universe Origins Pig Head.
01:36 When we get down to looking at those though in a moment.
01:39 First, the figure comes in clear with two interchangeable hands.
01:42 They're not identical. One is actually clearly a gripping hand while the other one is a closed fisted hand.
01:47 There is right now a hand more suitable for holding the shield.
01:50 But if you wanted to, you can swap it out for this hand instead.
01:53 And of course he comes with a closed fist. I'm not probably going to be using that at all.
01:56 The figure also comes in clear with a shield.
01:58 Now the shield is similar and though slightly different from the original one that we got.
02:02 This was the first Origins Pig Head that we did get from before.
02:06 It does use pink and it does use blue.
02:08 But it uses two versions of that. A much darker pink and a much more metallic blue.
02:13 They're similar but you can see how they've upped the ante when it comes to the sculpting and the paint applications as well.
02:18 It's a nice looking shield. This can only fit on this hand just because again, it's a relaxed hand.
02:23 You could, I suppose, have him gripping around this way but obviously it's going to make a little more sense to having the hand slid through it.
02:30 As you can see, it holsters nicely on the provided strap.
02:34 While of course he's doing that, the figure as well comes in clear with a ball and chain.
02:38 The ball and chain happens to again be similar to the one that we got with the original Pig Head.
02:42 Though this time around they've actually used a translucent blue plastic.
02:46 A little more softer would be a little bit more worrisome, especially when it comes to the links of the chain.
02:51 You can see how very little of it it actually attaches together.
02:55 Bending this too much I would imagine would start to develop stress marks and most likely will result in fracturing of the plastic.
03:01 Just be a little bit careful of that.
03:03 The figure also comes in clear with something that wasn't packed along with the original Vintage or the original Sun Man Pig Head.
03:09 That's the included eel. I think it's an eel, judging by the way it's designed.
03:13 It could very well also be a little tiny dragon as well.
03:16 It's using a very soft plastic. It's not quite the same kind of plastic that they use for the shield nor for the ball and chain.
03:22 But it's one that can actually have, if you wanted to, you can have this just...
03:25 Well, let's just first of all take the shield out of his hand.
03:27 If you wanted to, you just simply wrap this around his arm.
03:30 The picture on the back of the box, actually on the side of the box, does a little bit better than what I'm doing right now.
03:34 But you can kind of just wrap this around his body and have the figure displayed with that.
03:39 I don't know if I'm going to decide to display him with the... whatever this may be.
03:43 Whether it's going to be a leech, whether it be a serpent of some sort or just be a dragon.
03:47 It's a nice little included accessory, but I feel like he's already bogged down, so to speak, already with a shield and a ball and chain.
03:54 That I feel then, including this, might just be a little bit more... it's too much.
03:58 I feel like it's too much. I guess you could probably also just wrap this also around his body, for example, like his shoulders.
04:03 But again, it seems like there's just too much happening here with Pig Head already.
04:08 To include then this, I feel like you really would want to sacrifice something else in order to accommodate that.
04:13 Moving those all out of the way.
04:15 Getting a closer look though at Pig Head, I really like the look and the head sculpt on this one.
04:19 Taking of course the original cues from the Sun Man Pig Head.
04:23 Now this being the original origins, not the Sun Man 80s version of Pig Head.
04:28 This one of course had the additional articulation in the elbows, the knees and all the stuff that goes along with that.
04:32 Pig Head modernizes himself quite a bit when you see the Master Version of him.
04:36 Keeping a lot of the colors consistent.
04:38 You can see the greens and the pinks, for example.
04:41 The blues are also much darker on this release than we get with the initial release.
04:45 But you can see there's a lot of inspirations happening here.
04:48 Pig Head, like this one, the original one, I keep saying the original one, sorry for that.
04:53 The tusks on the side, you can see there's two on one, and then there's one long one sticking out the other side.
04:58 Pig Head here also has this as well, but instead of it sticking out sideways, it actually has it angled down.
05:04 I wish it was actually turned out this way, just because it gets very close in quarters when it comes to his helmet.
05:09 You can see the other tusks though sticking out the other side look really good here on Pig Man.
05:14 Or Pig Head, I keep wanting to call him Pig Man.
05:17 Here's one problem I have with the figure.
05:19 It's not the head sculpt, nor is it really the rest of the body.
05:21 It's the shoulder pads that he has.
05:23 These shoulder pads, if you don't have them far enough onto the biceps,
05:27 you'll see right now how far I have them already up.
05:30 If you have them any lower, they just don't sit tight enough on the figure.
05:34 I kept finding myself hoisting these back up onto his arms,
05:38 until realizing you really have to hike them all the way up onto his biceps,
05:42 and then they'll stay properly in place.
05:44 They'll stay also as well in place when you start to move the figure around.
05:47 Although when you bring them out, for example, at 90 degrees, those arms start to then loosen this piece.
05:52 Now if you wanted to, you could really detach the sides here.
05:56 Just detach this one and detach this one,
05:58 because the first Pig Head we looked at doesn't actually have the shoulder spikes.
06:02 So if you wanted to have them more closer to resembling this one,
06:05 you could always go the route of really just detaching these,
06:08 and removing the shoulder spikes, shoulder pads altogether.
06:10 I think it adds a lot more look to the character,
06:13 and it also complements the coloring that they've used for not only his hands,
06:17 but also his torso armor and his helmet as well.
06:20 So I'm going to keep them, even though they're really nuisances and they're always getting in the way.
06:24 One thing that's also interesting is the way they've actually modernized the gauntlets that he has.
06:29 The original gauntlets, as you can see on the first Pig Head, had tiny little spikes, almost even unnoticeable.
06:34 This one, actually, there's no way of overlooking the fact he has large spikes.
06:38 In fact, you'll feel them right away when you start to move the figure around.
06:41 He also has some additional detailing added to the spike color there,
06:45 where the original one - I hate to keep bringing back in the original one -
06:48 would have had only more of the coloring of the brown.
06:50 They at least have given it a much more nicer gray wash added in there as well,
06:54 at least painting the spikes in gray.
06:56 Nothing on the back, though.
06:58 And of course, if you wanted to, you can also detach this,
07:00 but again, I don't mind the fact it's on there.
07:02 It looks like the original figure of Pig Head.
07:04 Why am I going to want to remove it?
07:06 Loincloth is a little bit more different this time around,
07:09 whereas this one basically was just sculpted right to the lower half of his body.
07:13 This one, actually, we get a little more busier, more complex of a sculpt
07:16 when it comes to his lower loincloth,
07:18 and the boots are roughly about the same as well, like the original toy.
07:21 For the articulation on Pig Head, going back to his head,
07:24 head rotates all the way around. It's on a ball joint.
07:27 It's going to get a little in the way when it comes to the bandolier that he has,
07:30 but you can at least clear it all the way around.
07:33 Head goes up, head goes down, and you can also move it back and forth as well.
07:37 Now, the arms can rotate all the way around.
07:39 I did mention, though, already that if you bring the arms out this way,
07:42 it's really prone to popping these.
07:44 I've done this a couple of times.
07:46 If you have it far enough up the bicep, these won't get in the way.
07:49 If you have it just a little bit lower than that, and you try to move it,
07:51 this then, usually, I've noticed with mine, pops these lower down,
07:55 and of course they start to get loose right away.
07:57 The figure has a bicep swivel as well.
07:59 The figure has a double hinge on the elbow, and the hands rotate all the way around.
08:03 Upper torso is on a ball joint.
08:05 The lower torso around his abdomen area is on a swivel.
08:08 You can split the legs once again on Pig Head. They're on ball joints.
08:11 Bring those legs forward. Bring those legs back.
08:14 Three-quarters of the way up the thigh, there's a swivel cut,
08:16 so you can rotate that all the way around.
08:18 The figure has a double hinge on the knee, articulation in the boots,
08:21 and you can move the ankle up and down, back and forth,
08:24 all the same stuff that goes along with that.
08:26 A good modernizing, I feel, of the original Pig Head.
08:29 We're just going to bring back in the original Pig Head so you guys can see.
08:32 Masterverse has been doing quite well when it comes to taking the original vintage designs,
08:37 or the classic-looking designs, and modernizing them without, again,
08:41 making them look like completely different characters.
08:43 You can really see, like, this guy is just an upgrade to what we got before with the original Pig Head,
08:48 although the original Pig Head had a much larger head
08:51 when it came to proportions of the rest of the figure's body.
08:53 I like the look of this guy.
08:55 I don't know if necessarily I'm going to be displaying the figure with whatever, again, this is,
08:59 the serpent, his little pet that he comes included with,
09:02 because, again, like, if you have the shield, and you already have the ball and chain,
09:05 I feel like it just makes things a little bit too busy for a character
09:08 that really doesn't necessarily need a serpent to be displayed with him.
09:11 Old Pig Head, by the way, happened to be part of the same wave
09:15 of the already-looked-at mini-faces and Shadow Weaver.
09:18 That wave also had the Sorceress.
09:20 I haven't yet looked at the Sorceress, but her review will be coming up shortly,
09:24 so if you guys were to be waiting for that,
09:26 just know that the review of Sorceress will be right around the corner.
09:29 The molding on this guy is really quite good.
09:31 Utilizing, I'm guessing, a lot of the same mold elements,
09:34 at least the lower legs, the boots, and possibly the arms.
09:37 Some retooling, of course, had to be incorporated when it came to his gauntlets, for example.
09:41 But the all-in-all, head-to-toe, snout-to-toe,
09:45 I guess his head would be a little higher than that.
09:47 Pig Head turned out to be a really nice figure.
09:49 I find myself a little biased, though, when it comes to Pig Head.
09:51 I really was loving the original, not vintage toy,
09:54 but at least the Origins version counterpart of Pig Head,
09:57 and it translates really well, here, I feel, to the Masterverse release.
10:00 Colors, again, kept to the same brightness.
10:03 They have darkened, or dulled, at least, the pink and the blue,
10:06 but I think, in a way, that goes well, instead of going with the more brighter colors.
10:10 Because I think, if you were to make this guy larger scale, like they've done in this case,
10:14 going with the more lighter colors, that aquamarine color that they used, say, for his helmet and his torso,
10:20 I don't think it would have worked as well as the metallic or darker blue that they ended up going with, here, instead.
10:24 So, I like the direction that they went with for the color scheme,
10:27 while still keeping the coolness of Pig Head still in place.
10:31 What do you guys think of Pig Head? Let me know down below in the comments section.
10:34 Have you already picked up this figure, or are you planning to get this figure?
10:38 And, like I said, we are going to be, of course, looking at the review of Sorceress.
10:41 His, or her review, I won't say his, her review will be right around the corner.
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10:56 Of course, as always, guys, thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
11:00 (outro)
11:06 (whooshing)
