All Souls Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Influential rapper Gerald “G-Eazy” Gillum (The Fate Of The Furious) and Mikey Madison (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood) star in an exhilarating thriller about a young woman pressured by the police to go undercover and infiltrate a local drug cartel. Experience the emotionally-charged story of an unwilling foot soldier in the war on drugs who will stop at nothing to save her family and clear her name.
All Souls - Watch the trailer now! In Theaters and On Digital and On Demand on December 8. Starring Mikey Madison, Gerald Gillum, Samuel Roukin, Mia Love Disnard, and Zach Villa.
All Souls - Watch the trailer now! In Theaters and On Digital and On Demand on December 8. Starring Mikey Madison, Gerald Gillum, Samuel Roukin, Mia Love Disnard, and Zach Villa.
Short filmTranscript
00:00 [AUDIO OUT]
00:02 Mama.
00:07 What is it, baby?
00:09 There are monsters.
00:10 It's OK, baby.
00:14 Are you doing OK?
00:15 No, I'm just trying to take care of my girl.
00:17 [GIGGLING]
00:20 [GUN COCKS]
00:23 Drop the bag on your knees right now!
00:28 We got you on intent to distribute.
00:30 Do you want to keep your daughter?
00:32 Get us to Silas.
00:33 I don't know him.
00:35 You better figure it out.
00:36 10 G's.
00:37 It's a money cap.
00:39 You're done.
00:41 Hey, gotta go to work, fool.
00:43 I love you.
00:44 I love you, too.
00:45 Stay dangerous, Mama.
00:46 Get in.
00:55 Did she just get in the car?
00:59 Call this in now.
01:05 I haven't seen you in years.
01:09 Give me that money.
01:11 From that point forward, you and I are bonded.
01:15 How is she, by the way?
01:16 Her daughter, she's gotta be, what, like three by now?
01:21 She's five.
01:23 Hey, stop!
01:24 There's a wire in his bag!
01:25 Get her!
01:30 Jane?
01:34 Little River on the phone.
01:35 Where's my daughter?
01:37 Hi there.
01:38 We can make this right.
01:39 You want to see her again, you're
01:41 going to do exactly what I say.
01:45 It's time we call this in.
01:48 You want to tell our boss we lost a CI?
01:50 We're this close to nailing Silas Butler.
01:52 Are we?
01:53 Where is he?
01:57 They targeted me, and I didn't have a choice.
02:00 I need some help.
02:01 I need a piece.
02:02 Whatever you're facing, she'll protect you from it.
02:07 I can't go out there alone.
02:10 You can.
02:10 I have to.
02:12 I'm just trying to keep my head down and take care of my girl.
02:16 You wore a wire into my home.
02:22 Sit down.
02:24 This is Detective Carcilla requesting backup.
02:26 I can't let a snitch go.
02:28 It's bad for business.
02:31 I'm dumping your pod.
02:32 Let him go!
02:33 Mama!
02:37 [PANTING]
02:42 (dramatic music)
02:45 you