• 2 years ago
Catherine Baker, who donated part of her liver to her son George to help treat his rare cancer, speaks about his chemotherapy.
00:00 we first went into the Marsden, you're surrounded by children who have lost their hair, who have
00:04 NG, you know, feeding tubes, and again you feel like you're, it's an almost nasal body experience
00:10 that you are amongst these extremely ill children. And then as the weeks went on,
00:14 your perspective changes slightly and you, something, there's a shift in the brain,
00:21 I don't know how else to describe it, where you no longer see these, George, even when he lost
00:27 all his hair and was really poorly, you still see your child, you don't see sickness. So you,
00:37 I don't want to say you get used to it because it's not, you don't get used to it, but the
00:41 reality was in those early months, weeks, there was no alternative for him. This is what we had
00:47 to do and this is what was hopefully going to get him better.
