Shropshire singer Val Sinclair talks about being diagnosed with breast cancer

  • 2 days ago
A Shropshire woman who beat cancer three times is calling for the next UK Government to help save more lives from cancer.
Val Sinclair, from Pontesbury, near Shrewsbury who describes herself as “one of the lucky ones”, says she is living proof of the power of research after being diagnosed with breast cancer three times.
Underlining unacceptable cancer waiting times and an alarming £1bn gap in funding for life-saving research, Val believes she owes her life to Cancer Research UK after she was told she had a type of breast cancer that could be controlled by a targeted treatment the charity helped to develop called Letrozole.
She said: “Research is essential if cancer is ever going to be 'eradicated' or if cures are to be found. In the meantime, research is helping to find new ways of treatment and diagnosis, but much more is needed.”
Now, as polling day fast-approaches, Val - who is a popular blues and jazz singer - is backing Cancer Research UK’s Turning Point for Cancer campaign and says tackling the disease must be a top election priority for all political parties.