New House Ethics Report Outlines How George Santos Used Campaign Funds for OnlyFans, Botox and Other Personal Expenses

  • last year
Another day another House ethics report with regards to malfeasance perpetrated by New York Representative George Santos. The report outlines how Santos used thousands of dollars from his campaign fund for personal goods, services and even pornography. Veuer’s Tony Spitz has the details.


00:00 Another day, another House ethics report with regards to malfeasance perpetrated by New
00:04 York Representative George Santos.
00:07 The report outlines how Santos used thousands of dollars from his campaign fund for personal
00:11 goods and services.
00:13 The ethics evaluation found that he spent some $4,127 on luxury products from Hermes
00:19 and more at places like Sephora.
00:22 The committee also uncovered charges that were made to his campaign credit card during
00:25 his honeymoon, including a $1,500 Botox service.
00:29 With the report highlighting more spending on influencer pornography site OnlyFans.
00:34 However that's not where all of the unethical and illegal behavior ended.
00:37 According to the House report, Santos texted a donor that he needed $6,000 added to his
00:42 campaign fund for advertising that he needed ASAP.
00:46 Even texting the donor, "Sorry I've been so frazzled.
00:49 I sat on this like a dum-dum."
00:51 The recent investigation found that once the $6,000 had been transferred to his campaign,
00:55 he then immediately transferred $5,000 of it to a personal account.
01:00 According to bank records acquired by the House committee overseeing the investigation,
01:03 his personal checking immediately before the transfer only had $136.93 in it.
01:10 The investigators also couldn't find any evidence that any of the money was used for
01:14 advertising and this seems to be the final nail in Santos' political career coffin.
01:19 With the House representative finally saying he's no longer seeking re-election in 2024.
01:24 (gentle music)
