The Boys S01E03 "Get Some"

  • 7 months ago
Hughie moves out after telling his father how he truly feels. Annie gains positive publicity for stopping the rape but subsequently learns Stillwell wants her to wear a revealing costume. She declines, but Stillwell forces her to do so lest she lose her job. Butcher brings in his former friend, Mother's Milk (MM), to run surveillance on Popclaw by having Hughie install spyware on her computer, through which they learn that A-Train takes a drug called Compound V. Butcher wants to expose them before Supes can be allowed into the United States Armed Forces, but requires a vial of Compound V from A-Train's upcoming race with another speedster, Shockwave. Beforehand, Hughie meets Annie and invites her to lunch, where they open up to each other. Meanwhile, A-Train secretly uses Compound V to win and publicly announces he is single, breaking his promise to Popclaw to announce their relationship. With MM deducing Popclaw swiped some vials, the Boys find her heartbroken, high, and in the midst of accidentally killing her landlord during hyper-charged sex. Butcher uses this to blackmail her as an informant. At Vought headquarters, Homelander presents Translucent's remains to Stillwell along with Butcher's message "COMING FOR YOU".