The Boys S02E06 "The Bloody Doors Off"

  • last year
Infiltrating Sage Grove, MM, Frenchie, and Kimiko discover captive Compound V patients. Frenchie recognizes an orderly as former Seven member Lamplighter, causing a scuffle that allows patients to break out. Forced to work together to survive, the Boys learn from Lamplighter that Vought is attempting to stabilize Compound V in adult subjects. They bring Lamplighter to Mallory, who nearly kills him for killing her grandchildren until Frenchie convinces her to spare Lamplighter over his remorse. Stormfront tells Homelander she is the first successful Compound V subject and Vought founder Frederick Vought's widow, wanting him to lead Supes to world domination. Maeve obtains a video of Homelander abandoning a hijacked airliner they failed to save as leverage against him. A-Train is lured into the Church of the Collective. Unstable patient Cindy escapes Sage Grove.


00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:03 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:13 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:14 Freedom comes at a price.
00:00:19 So I'm down to point--
00:00:20 9 and 1/2.
00:00:21 Bad day?
00:00:22 God damn it.
00:00:23 Hey, I'm with you.
00:00:24 But you know, there's a way to handle it.
00:00:26 I owe you.
00:00:27 [BUZZING]
00:00:28 [CRASH]
00:00:29 Thanks to the Church of the Collective,
00:00:31 I now know the kind of man I want to be.
00:00:32 Hashtag brave Maeve.
00:00:34 This is Homelander.
00:00:35 He's fucking with me.
00:00:36 I can't protect you if you leave.
00:00:38 What are we going to do?
00:00:39 You think by saving Kimiko, you can
00:00:42 make amends for those children that Lampighter burned.
00:00:45 Fuck you.
00:00:46 You can't go through this on your own.
00:00:48 We're all alone.
00:00:49 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:52 How do you think the world will feel when I tell him
00:00:58 that he used to be Liberty?
00:01:00 Wow.
00:01:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:08 [LAUGHTER]
00:01:18 Why are you laughing?
00:01:19 You're ridiculous.
00:01:20 Oh, no.
00:01:21 I am not a ridiculous.
00:01:23 OK, then you are high.
00:01:25 Well, beside the point.
00:01:28 Point is, I learned everything I know from those girls.
00:01:32 The golden girls.
00:01:33 I was alone in New York, you know?
00:01:38 Turning tricks, begging for the scraps.
00:01:43 Who do you think kept me company?
00:01:45 The golden girls.
00:01:47 3 AM to 5 AM, they lit up their shelter, shitty TV.
00:01:51 And you're not talking about porn?
00:01:53 The golden shower girls?
00:01:55 It's disrespectful.
00:01:55 Oh, you're so sensitive.
00:01:58 No.
00:01:59 Those saucy ladies, they made their own family.
00:02:03 So I did what they did.
00:02:06 You are my Blanche.
00:02:08 Blanche?
00:02:09 And you are my Dorothy.
00:02:15 That's your little gay.
00:02:17 Yeah.
00:02:17 [LAUGHTER]
00:02:19 So you're Betty White?
00:02:20 Oh, what a fucking question.
00:02:23 Of course I'm Betty White.
00:02:27 Now, who wants to rob a bank?
00:02:34 Fuck yeah.
00:02:35 Will it get through my skin?
00:02:44 If it can't, nothing can.
00:02:46 OK, I just feel like I need to say something.
00:02:48 I don't think this is a good idea.
00:02:49 Stormfront knows I leaked the V.
00:02:51 Yeah, but she hasn't come after you.
00:02:54 But that makes it so much worse.
00:02:55 That means that she has some fucked up plan for me.
00:02:58 I need this chip out now.
00:02:59 I understand, Betty.
00:03:02 And though you've been covered with the entrails
00:03:03 of many a person, even on C-Memo,
00:03:06 it's always harder when it's someone you love.
00:03:08 What?
00:03:09 L'amour.
00:03:11 No, no, no, I don't.
00:03:13 I mean, I do, of course.
00:03:15 It's just-- we're just friends.
00:03:17 OK, can we just do this already before I change my mind,
00:03:19 please?
00:03:22 OK, this is happening.
00:03:24 OK.
00:03:25 This is my thing, a little.
00:03:27 OK.
00:03:27 Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
00:03:39 Oh, my god.
00:03:40 OK.
00:03:41 [PANTING]
00:03:42 OK.
00:03:43 [SLURPING]
00:03:47 [MOANING]
00:03:49 [MOANING]
00:03:52 [MOANING]
00:03:55 Bonjour, my little spy.
00:03:56 [SIREN]
00:04:03 [POLICE SIREN]
00:04:06 [POLICE SIREN]
00:04:08 Howdy ho, buckaroo.
00:04:17 [THUD]
00:04:22 Oh, shit!
00:04:24 I think you broke my head.
00:04:25 What do you want to do with him?
00:04:33 Hand him over to the police, of course.
00:04:35 Well, of course, we are heroes.
00:04:37 That's what heroes do.
00:04:39 Absolutely.
00:04:41 But he'll probably just be released tomorrow.
00:04:44 Just take me to the hospital.
00:04:45 Yeah.
00:04:46 Please.
00:04:47 That's a really good point.
00:04:48 Sometimes it feels like--
00:04:53 like the justice system just doesn't work anymore.
00:04:57 Everyone always recording on their phone all the time.
00:05:00 Mm-hmm.
00:05:01 It's like you can't even do your job anymore.
00:05:04 [LAUGHS]
00:05:05 Please, just take me in.
00:05:07 Just take me in, please.
00:05:08 [MOANING]
00:05:10 [MOANING]
00:05:13 Yeah.
00:05:14 It really speaks to the deterioration of good,
00:05:18 God-fearing American values.
00:05:21 Kill me!
00:05:22 Oh, what's this world coming to?
00:05:24 [MOANING]
00:05:27 [GROANS]
00:05:29 [THUD]
00:05:31 (SINGING) Close my mind, imagine how the world could be.
00:05:34 So verified, so happy together.
00:05:39 I can't see me loving nobody but you for all my life.
00:05:46 I can't see me loving you.
00:05:49 Baby, the skies will be blue for all my life.
00:05:55 Don't be shy.
00:05:56 Embrace it.
00:05:57 I'm saying thank you.
00:05:58 OK, let's be honest for a moment here.
00:06:01 Who is the biggest prankster on set?
00:06:04 Ooh, I-- I just--
00:06:06 I don't think we should get into that.
00:06:07 Oh.
00:06:08 I don't know.
00:06:09 I had no comment.
00:06:10 I mean, he is right.
00:06:12 But, uh, you know, black noir is definitely the biggest ego.
00:06:18 Oh, fucking--
00:06:19 Give me that helmet.
00:06:20 [LAUGHTER]
00:06:23 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:06:26 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:06:30 Did you get her chip out?
00:06:32 This is where you're living?
00:06:34 Yeah, you know, has its charms.
00:06:37 The rats are like Pokemon with the hep C.
00:06:41 Oh, god.
00:06:42 I'll see you back.
00:06:45 Tired of killing people for money?
00:06:46 Uh, hi.
00:06:55 Hey.
00:06:55 [INAUDIBLE]
00:07:00 Remember me?
00:07:01 Well, well, well.
00:07:16 Why have we here?
00:07:17 I know what you're going to say, but we just took out her chip.
00:07:23 Everything's fine.
00:07:24 Starlight, don't you just light up a room, eh?
00:07:27 You're looking well.
00:07:29 Yeah, no thanks to the .50 caliber round
00:07:31 that she pumped into my chest.
00:07:33 Well, what don't kill you makes you stronger.
00:07:37 Hm.
00:07:40 What's she doing here?
00:07:42 She has a lead on Stormfront.
00:07:45 I broke into her laptop, and I got
00:07:47 a look at the inbox, dozens of emails from Stan Edgar.
00:07:50 Stan Edgar?
00:07:53 And what does Vought's big slapper have to say?
00:07:56 How they're close to a breakthrough
00:07:58 at the Sage Grove Center.
00:08:00 It's a psychiatric hospital in Pennsylvania.
00:08:02 Wait, what kind of breakthrough?
00:08:04 She came in before I could see anymore.
00:08:06 Well, we better have us a little
00:08:09 deco at this loony bin, eh, lads?
00:08:13 Starlight, would you be amenable to joining
00:08:16 us on this little caper?
00:08:18 You want her to come?
00:08:20 Oh, most definitely.
00:08:21 If shit goes sideways, who do you think
00:08:23 Vought's going to go after, us or their billion dollar
00:08:27 baby-turned-traitor who just ripped
00:08:30 out her own fucking chip?
00:08:33 Never.
00:08:34 Going to shark and fester waters without chum.
00:08:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:40 This is who I am.
00:08:49 Who are you?
00:08:51 Brave maid, Pride Box, because you can't
00:08:53 be proud on an empty stomach.
00:08:56 [KNOCKING]
00:08:58 Come in.
00:08:59 You fucking idiot.
00:09:05 You were supposed to call first.
00:09:06 Did anyone see you?
00:09:07 I'm allowed to visit my friends.
00:09:10 Did you find it?
00:09:11 No, sorry.
00:09:12 No black box.
00:09:14 But told a couple of my contacts
00:09:17 to keep an eye on the North Atlantic Current.
00:09:19 So the school of halibut--
00:09:20 I mean, these guys are like rowdy motherfuckers, right?
00:09:22 Deep.
00:09:24 Anyway, they found some of the records
00:09:27 that drifted up near Iceland.
00:09:29 And they found this.
00:09:30 I mean, I'm not sure it still even works, but--
00:09:36 You want back in the seven?
00:09:43 Not a fucking word of this to anyone.
00:09:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:09:52 Isn't it lit?
00:10:04 Your very own anthem.
00:10:05 Yeah, it's dope.
00:10:10 Well, this is just the demo, of course.
00:10:12 We're going out to Lil Nas X for the official version.
00:10:15 Maybe you could bust out Prince's guitar for the video.
00:10:18 I had to sell Prince's guitar.
00:10:20 Go on 10-1.
00:10:21 OK.
00:10:23 Ashley.
00:10:24 What?
00:10:25 I can't find her.
00:10:26 Where the fuck is Starlight?
00:10:27 Yo, here comes A-Train.
00:10:38 What?
00:10:39 What?
00:10:40 I'm right here, buddy.
00:10:41 I'm over here.
00:10:42 What's up, buddy?
00:10:44 Good to see you.
00:10:45 What you doing here, man?
00:10:46 Ah, not much.
00:10:47 Just here to see you.
00:10:50 No reason.
00:10:51 Really?
00:10:52 But hey, bro, I've been thinking about you lately.
00:10:55 Yeah, I'm sorry.
00:10:56 I see what they're trying to do to you.
00:10:58 Yeah, talk about getting ass fucked where the soup can.
00:11:01 Am I right?
00:11:03 What do you mean?
00:11:04 I mean, come on.
00:11:05 If anyone knows what it's like to get bounced, it's me.
00:11:08 Did some shit I'm not too proud of.
00:11:11 Some weird shit.
00:11:13 I'm good, man.
00:11:15 Nike and Under Armour are already talking to my people.
00:11:17 So you know, this is actually going to work out
00:11:18 to be really fantastic for me.
00:11:21 Oh, that's great.
00:11:22 Yeah.
00:11:23 Yeah.
00:11:24 Well, then I guess you don't need his help.
00:11:27 Or-- never mind.
00:11:28 Forget I even said anything.
00:11:30 But hey, it's great to see you, man.
00:11:32 Always.
00:11:33 All right.
00:11:35 Who's?
00:11:36 Who's help?
00:11:42 Would you like a fresco?
00:11:43 Sage Grove, a proud subsidiary of Global Wellness Services,
00:12:00 which is a subsidiary of--
00:12:03 I can guess.
00:12:06 Thanks.
00:12:07 [DOOR OPENS]
00:12:09 This is what you bought with your blood money.
00:12:17 No one will believe you in orderly with that, you know?
00:12:19 [SIGHS]
00:12:24 I should go in with them.
00:12:29 Hey, you can manage without one bony blonde soup.
00:12:32 You just get them in and get the fuck back, yeah?
00:12:34 OK.
00:12:35 Just-- if anybody recognizes your face in there, I mean--
00:12:41 Oi, Frenchie.
00:12:49 Don't get cool.
00:12:55 I never do.
00:13:03 [DOOR BUZZES]
00:13:05 Weaponized Xanax.
00:13:07 The grenades you used on Behemoth during the bank heist?
00:13:15 You got a soup activated by rage,
00:13:17 so you simply take away his rage,
00:13:18 turn him into a cupcake.
00:13:20 Clever.
00:13:22 I don't know what you are talking about.
00:13:26 And Cold Snap two months ago, Malchemical a month before that,
00:13:29 you don't know about those either?
00:13:31 [SIGHS]
00:13:33 What is this about?
00:13:36 Armed robbery, breaking and entering,
00:13:38 aggravated assault on a soup.
00:13:40 You're looking at 20 to 25 minimum.
00:13:43 Or you can come work for me.
00:13:45 I could use someone with your imagination.
00:13:48 Manon.
00:13:48 Fuck you.
00:13:53 That's a pity.
00:13:55 For you.
00:13:57 But even more so for Cherie and Jay, I believe.
00:14:01 ADX Florence.
00:14:08 It's a supermax in Colorado.
00:14:10 They've got the Unabomber, head of the Aryan Brotherhood,
00:14:12 all the greats.
00:14:13 And your friends too, maybe.
00:14:15 Or they go free.
00:14:19 That depends on you right now.
00:14:23 You can't lose the hassle.
00:14:24 [CHUCKLES]
00:14:26 Wait.
00:14:33 What kind of work do you do?
00:14:40 Hey.
00:14:46 Um.
00:14:47 Come into my truck.
00:14:51 Um.
00:14:51 Come into my trailer for a second.
00:14:55 I have a surprise for you.
00:14:58 I have to stop by Vaught Tower, see my social guys.
00:15:02 Ow.
00:15:03 Come on, blow them off.
00:15:04 Come.
00:15:05 I will be back in 20 minutes.
00:15:07 And then I'll let you surprise me wherever you want.
00:15:14 Ooh.
00:15:16 [CHATTER]
00:15:18 Yeah, OK.
00:15:22 [CHATTER]
00:15:24 [DOOR OPENS]
00:15:26 [DOOR CLOSES]
00:15:30 [SIGHS]
00:15:32 [SIGHS]
00:15:33 [SIGHS]
00:16:01 [SIGHS]
00:16:02 You see him?
00:16:16 Yeah, I see him.
00:16:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:16:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:16:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:16:50 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:16:52 Get in.
00:17:01 [SIGHS]
00:17:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:17:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:17:16 Here.
00:17:28 Seriously?
00:17:34 What is your problem with me?
00:17:37 I ain't got no problem with you, love.
00:17:38 Really?
00:17:39 That's why you won't even touch my hand?
00:17:40 OK, guys, come on.
00:17:41 Not the time.
00:17:42 You know what?
00:17:43 No, I think it's exactly the right time.
00:17:45 I think the time is long overdue.
00:17:47 You know that I hate Vought as much as you do.
00:17:50 You know that.
00:17:51 But it doesn't even matter to you,
00:17:52 because what you can't stand is in my blood.
00:17:56 I'm subhuman to you.
00:17:58 Only good soup is a dead soup, right?
00:18:01 Your words, not mine.
00:18:02 That's enough.
00:18:03 You know what?
00:18:04 Underneath all that swagger, you're
00:18:07 just a bigot and a bully.
00:18:10 I know another guy just like that.
00:18:11 He's got a flag for a cape.
00:18:13 Stop.
00:18:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:18:16 Oh, fuck me.
00:18:37 Huey, call him now.
00:18:38 [PHONE BEEPING]
00:18:40 [KNOCKING]
00:18:42 Open the door.
00:18:43 We need help.
00:18:44 I have a patient that needs help.
00:18:45 Hurry up, please.
00:18:46 What's wrong with him?
00:18:47 Just open the goddamn door.
00:18:48 He's swallowing his fucking tongue.
00:18:49 Fuck.
00:18:50 What's wrong with him?
00:18:55 Easy.
00:18:56 [GUNSHOTS]
00:18:57 [GROANING]
00:18:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:19:02 [GUNSHOTS]
00:19:04 Holy fuck.
00:19:15 [GUNSHOTS]
00:19:30 What the fuck is all of this?
00:19:33 Vought is making more super terrorists?
00:19:36 Who the fuck knows?
00:19:37 Goddamn.
00:19:42 Brother's got a love sausage.
00:19:44 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:19:49 Stone cold is here.
00:20:14 How you doing today?
00:20:16 Good.
00:20:18 Do you want to show us a little of what you've been working on?
00:20:21 Hey.
00:20:22 Hey.
00:20:24 You're OK.
00:20:27 You're all right.
00:20:29 It's OK.
00:20:30 That is very impressive, Tim.
00:20:36 That orderly Stonefront's with?
00:20:39 He look familiar to you?
00:20:42 Je sais pas.
00:20:43 What about headaches?
00:20:44 Nausea?
00:20:46 No.
00:20:48 Well, that's promising.
00:20:51 I think we are getting close.
00:20:54 Ma'am, can I go home now?
00:20:59 I want to see my family.
00:21:01 Tim, you were admitted to Sage Grove because you're suicidal.
00:21:05 You could be a danger to yourself.
00:21:07 Well, I'm not doing any more of your stupid pet tricks
00:21:09 until I talk to my sister.
00:21:12 OK.
00:21:14 OK.
00:21:15 We'll work something out.
00:21:40 [SCREAMING]
00:21:43 Lamplighter.
00:21:45 That's fucking Lamplighter.
00:21:47 How do you recognize him without the mask and the hood?
00:21:50 Fucking Lamplighter.
00:21:51 We have to kill him, of course.
00:21:52 No, no, no.
00:21:53 We can't.
00:21:54 For Madame Ellory, for her grandchildren.
00:21:55 Not right now.
00:21:57 First, we got to find out what the fuck all this shit is.
00:22:00 Come on.
00:22:01 Listen.
00:22:02 Listen.
00:22:03 Stick to the plan, Frenchie.
00:22:06 [SIGHS]
00:22:08 Huey.
00:22:17 There you are. You guys OK?
00:22:18 Stormfront's in there.
00:22:19 That ain't all who's here.
00:22:20 OK. OK.
00:22:25 She just left.
00:22:26 Get the hell out now.
00:22:27 All right.
00:22:28 Let's get the fuck out of here.
00:22:30 [CLATTERING]
00:22:33 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:22:46 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:22:49 [CRASHING]
00:23:03 [PHONE RINGING]
00:23:06 Hey, Cindy.
00:23:15 Let's be cool, OK?
00:23:19 Do you remember that extra helping of craft, shells
00:23:22 and cheese that I snuck you?
00:23:24 I like you.
00:23:28 You know that, right?
00:23:29 Who are your friends?
00:23:34 We ain't his friends.
00:23:36 Go ahead, fuck his ass up.
00:23:38 You're dressed like his friends.
00:23:40 Run away.
00:23:41 You're dressed like his friends.
00:23:44 I don't like liars.
00:23:45 [GUNSHOTS]
00:23:48 [GASPS]
00:23:49 [GRUNTS]
00:23:56 Oh, shit.
00:23:58 Let's get out of here.
00:24:02 [GUNSHOTS]
00:24:10 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:24:13 Stay the fuck back, or I will burn your skin off, asshole.
00:24:27 Oh, you won't get a chance.
00:24:29 [KNOCKING]
00:24:30 [SHOUTING]
00:24:33 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:24:37 [SHOUTING]
00:24:40 All right, listen up, man.
00:24:48 You can burn us, but she's a soup.
00:24:52 All you're going to do is piss her off.
00:24:54 So why don't we all just calm down and live
00:24:56 through this, motherfucker?
00:24:58 [SHOUTING]
00:25:01 What's going on here?
00:25:05 It's a lockdown.
00:25:06 No one's getting out of here, not even her.
00:25:08 There's got to be an access code.
00:25:09 There is, Genie.
00:25:10 You set the front door, and there is no fucking way
00:25:12 I am telling you or taking you with me.
00:25:14 You do realize there's a whole army of soups
00:25:16 on the other side of that door that want to tear you apart,
00:25:18 right?
00:25:20 She can help.
00:25:22 I'm going to take my chances.
00:25:29 [GUNSHOTS]
00:25:32 [ROARING]
00:25:35 [ROARING]
00:25:38 [SCREAMING]
00:25:45 OK, you guys can come.
00:25:58 [PHONE RINGING]
00:26:01 What the fuck?
00:26:06 Come on, Emem.
00:26:13 Pick up, damn you.
00:26:16 Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging
00:26:19 system.
00:26:20 Oh, hello.
00:26:21 At the tone, please record--
00:26:23 Easy does it, lad.
00:26:25 No trouble from us.
00:26:26 You just stroll on by, yeah?
00:26:30 I don't want them to hurt me again.
00:26:32 Oh, no.
00:26:39 No, no, no one's going to hurt you, son.
00:26:42 We're all friends here, aren't we?
00:26:45 [GROANING]
00:26:48 [GUNSHOTS]
00:27:02 [GUNSHOTS]
00:27:09 (breathing heavily)
00:27:12 - Huey.
00:27:16 (door slams)
00:27:22 Huey.
00:27:22 You alright?
00:27:29 - Yeah, fine.
00:27:30 Oh shit.
00:27:34 - Huey, Huey, Huey!
00:27:36 No, no, no, no, no.
00:27:38 No!
00:27:39 Can you cauterize?
00:27:41 - Oh fuck, the kid must have fried everything.
00:27:45 I need power.
00:27:46 - Well you got a pretty shite superpower
00:27:47 then don't ya?
00:27:49 We gotta get him to a doctor.
00:27:50 - How?
00:27:51 - I don't know, but I'm not gonna just sit here
00:27:52 and watch him fucking bleed out, alright?
00:27:54 - Okay, okay, okay, come on.
00:27:55 - Come on.
00:27:56 - What about the others?
00:27:59 - They're on their own.
00:28:00 (clock ticking)
00:28:03 (eerie music)
00:28:22 (clock ticking)
00:28:25 - Ashley?
00:28:36 Oh my god, are you okay?
00:28:37 - Don't you dare tell me
00:28:38 you haven't found Starlight yet.
00:28:40 (coughing)
00:28:42 - It's fine, it's fine.
00:28:45 It's fine.
00:28:46 - Are you okay?
00:28:48 - I'm fine.
00:28:48 - I've been searching everywhere for you.
00:28:58 What happened to your trailer?
00:29:00 - Electrical fire.
00:29:01 How was your meeting?
00:29:03 - Sorry, it ran long.
00:29:06 - No need to apologize.
00:29:09 (sighing)
00:29:11 - Alright, well, I gotta go run lines with Norm.
00:29:19 Scene 48 tonight, real McGillic.
00:29:22 - Something wrong?
00:29:23 - No, nothing.
00:29:25 - You sure?
00:29:26 - Why would anything be wrong?
00:29:28 By the way, I went to the tower, and you weren't there.
00:29:36 No one had seen you.
00:29:39 - So you're checking on me?
00:29:41 - Why don't you see how your meeting went?
00:29:45 - Hold on, let me--
00:29:48 - Explain?
00:29:49 Come on now.
00:29:54 Why would you need to explain anything to me?
00:29:57 (dramatic music)
00:30:00 - Deep, your numbers among women
00:30:24 have been taking up quite nicely.
00:30:27 Did you catch Malala Yousafzai's tweet?
00:30:29 Called you a sweetheart.
00:30:30 - Well, she's a sweetheart.
00:30:31 - So, what's on your mind, A-Train?
00:30:36 - Hmm.
00:30:38 Deep invited me here, so, you know.
00:30:43 Yeah, I don't know.
00:30:46 Just having a really nice lunch, I guess, yeah.
00:30:48 - And Deep?
00:30:49 What's on your mind?
00:30:51 - Well, I think A-Train sabotaged me my entire career.
00:30:54 - What?
00:30:55 - I mean, I do think you're better than me,
00:30:57 and I fantasize about drowning you over and over again,
00:31:01 but man, I don't wanna feel that way anymore.
00:31:03 I wanna be clean.
00:31:04 - Oh boy, looks like we got ourselves
00:31:09 a good old truth exchange.
00:31:10 - Oh, hell no.
00:31:13 - Please sit down.
00:31:14 - No, look, man.
00:31:16 I've seen that documentary about you guys.
00:31:17 It's not my type of shit.
00:31:19 - For a man in seven-figure debt,
00:31:20 a heart condition, and in heavy withdrawal,
00:31:22 do you really think you have the luxury
00:31:23 to get up and leave?
00:31:25 (soft music)
00:31:27 - Who told you that?
00:31:33 Did he fucking tell you that shit?
00:31:37 - No, the church knows all kinds of things.
00:31:40 But don't worry, we also know how to be discreet,
00:31:43 especially for our members.
00:31:44 They're gonna give Shockwave your uniform, you know that?
00:31:49 Call him the next A-Train.
00:31:50 - No, they can't do that.
00:31:51 - Why not?
00:31:53 A-Train is a trademark.
00:31:55 You are just another nobody from the South Side of Chicago.
00:31:58 - Man, fuck you, man.
00:32:00 - I can help.
00:32:02 I can get you back in.
00:32:04 But first,
00:32:07 sit down.
00:32:09 Let Deep tell you his truths.
00:32:14 (soft music)
00:32:16 (alarm blaring)
00:32:29 Come on, in here.
00:32:31 (alarm blaring)
00:32:36 (door creaking)
00:32:39 - It's beautiful.
00:32:47 - Hey, what the hell is going on here, huh?
00:32:55 You all are juicing people with motherfucking Compound V
00:32:58 only to burn them alive, why?
00:33:00 - Maybe I just like watching people burn.
00:33:02 (door creaking)
00:33:05 - I remember you, you know.
00:33:08 You were tailing me the night that I torched those kids.
00:33:13 So why didn't you stop me?
00:33:16 Maybe you like watching people burn too.
00:33:22 - If you still burn--
00:33:24 - No, no, no, no, no.
00:33:25 - Come on.
00:33:26 - Easy, come on.
00:33:28 - Come on. - Easy, easy.
00:33:29 - Come on. - Come here.
00:33:30 (glass shattering)
00:33:33 (man screaming)
00:33:36 Easy, come on, man.
00:33:37 (man breathing heavily)
00:33:42 - Oh, shit.
00:33:55 - And I don't wanna hear no bullshit
00:33:57 about I'm gonna get tired of the pussy.
00:33:59 I love this girl like this is the one.
00:34:02 (man laughing)
00:34:08 All right, brother, all right, all right, all right.
00:34:10 - Congratulations, Marvin.
00:34:11 - Thank you, Colonel, check it out.
00:34:13 - It's beautiful.
00:34:15 - Oh, the bachelor party, I will throw you.
00:34:18 - What's your thoughts about transgender strippers?
00:34:21 - Strippers ain't really my kind of her.
00:34:23 She's with or without nuts.
00:34:25 But you golf?
00:34:27 Thinking about doing a golf trip?
00:34:29 Oi.
00:34:30 (dramatic music)
00:34:33, (dramatic music)
00:34:38 (dramatic music)
00:34:41 (gun firing)
00:34:48 (man laughing)
00:34:52 - What?
00:35:01 (man laughing)
00:35:03 What the fuck are you laughing at?
00:35:05 - Sorry, mate.
00:35:06 You just look like one of them poncy baton twirlers.
00:35:09 - A majorette.
00:35:10 - That's right, a fucking majorette.
00:35:12 (man laughing)
00:35:15 - You look good in these.
00:35:25 So here's what happens now.
00:35:31 You're gonna tell us every single thing
00:35:33 you see and hear at the tower.
00:35:36 Especially when it comes to Homelander.
00:35:38 - Please don't pretend like you have a choice.
00:35:49 I look forward to your call.
00:35:52 (dramatic music)
00:35:55 - Easy peasy.
00:36:09 - I don't like it.
00:36:10 They don't back an animal like that into a corner.
00:36:12 - Fuck 'em.
00:36:15 We own the cunt.
00:36:16 - Frenchie.
00:36:18 Don't let him out of your sight.
00:36:22 Oui, maman.
00:36:23 - Hey, what's the trouble, miss?
00:36:37 - Sir, I need you to get out of your car.
00:36:39 - What are you talking about?
00:36:49 - FBI, I need to commandeer your vehicle.
00:36:51 Bit of an emergency.
00:36:53 - Jesus, what happened to him?
00:36:54 - Long story, that.
00:36:55 - Can I see some ID?
00:36:57 - Left it in me other pants.
00:36:58 Too busy saving this one.
00:37:00 But you can call my boss.
00:37:01 - Yeah, okay.
00:37:02 Look, I can get you guys to the hospital,
00:37:05 but we're out in the middle of nowhere here.
00:37:06 I'm not gonna give you my car.
00:37:07 - Have it your way.
00:37:09 - Butcher.
00:37:13 Butcher.
00:37:16 Don't.
00:37:18 (suspenseful music)
00:37:21 - Stay back. - Whoa, okay.
00:37:24 - I said stay back.
00:37:25 - That's not necessary.
00:37:26 Let's just talk.
00:37:27 - The FBI?
00:37:28 They're really, they're even American.
00:37:29 What is it, has he even heard?
00:37:31 Is this some kind of a scam?
00:37:32 - If I wanted to boost some wheels,
00:37:37 it wouldn't be a fucking Hyundai, you daft cunt.
00:37:40 - I said stand your ground.
00:37:41 Stay, just stay back.
00:37:43 - Oh, you can stand wherever the fuck you want.
00:37:45 I'm taking your keys.
00:37:46 - Butcher, stop.
00:37:48 - Buddy, just put the gun down.
00:37:49 - I said stay back.
00:37:50 - I said put it down.
00:37:52 (guns firing)
00:37:55 (gun firing)
00:37:57 - You couldn't just listen to me and stay back?
00:38:24 (suspenseful music)
00:38:27 - Come on, caught or risen.
00:38:38 (crying)
00:38:40 - That won't hold long.
00:38:57 Come on.
00:38:58 (grunting)
00:39:01 (suspenseful music)
00:39:30 - Is this the right time to go shopping?
00:39:31 - Why not?
00:39:32 - And you?
00:39:33 - This is good news.
00:39:37 - What do you mean by that?
00:39:38 - Some aerated purple foe,
00:39:44 some other odds and ends, I'll make a knockout bomb.
00:39:47 Even for soups.
00:39:50 - Okay.
00:39:54 (clicking)
00:39:56 - Why are we still alive?
00:40:03 - Dumb luck?
00:40:06 - No, I mean that night.
00:40:08 We went underground for months.
00:40:11 But you never came for us.
00:40:15 Not you, not Homelander.
00:40:18 Why?
00:40:19 - You're disappointed we didn't kill you?
00:40:22 - I thought the seven always retaliates, no?
00:40:25 - You're nobody.
00:40:25 Not worth it.
00:40:28 - You didn't tell them, did you?
00:40:38 Why wouldn't you tell them?
00:40:44 - Who says I didn't?
00:40:45 - I figured you boast about it to Homelander.
00:40:48 Must have been thrilling for you.
00:40:50 - I'm not a fucking animal.
00:40:52 - Oh, you're a fucking animal.
00:40:54 Well, do what you did.
00:40:55 - Drop it.
00:40:56 You murdered innocent children.
00:40:57 - Shut the fuck up.
00:40:58 - You watched them burned alive,
00:41:00 crying for their mama.
00:41:01 If that's not an animal, then what is, huh?
00:41:04 - I didn't know!
00:41:05 I didn't know that you were gonna be in that bed.
00:41:15 It was supposed to be your boss.
00:41:17 (soft music)
00:41:19 Then they started screaming.
00:41:27 But it was too late.
00:41:36 - So what, are we supposed to feel bad for you now?
00:41:41 Fuck you.
00:41:43 - I don't want anything from you.
00:41:46 But you, I saw you following me that night.
00:41:50 And then you disappeared.
00:41:54 I keep asking myself, why, why didn't you stop me?
00:42:01 Why didn't you?
00:42:09 - Good question.
00:42:13 (dramatic music)
00:42:15 (crowd cheering)
00:42:20 - All right, all right.
00:42:27 - Chérie, this is--
00:42:39 - He's Jay.
00:42:41 - What?
00:42:42 - Jay, he's Odine.
00:42:44 I don't know what he took.
00:42:45 - Take him to the hospital.
00:42:46 - Please come now, come.
00:42:47 - Serge, you fucking come right now.
00:42:53 - Chérie.
00:42:56 (soft music)
00:43:09 (dramatic music)
00:43:12 - Come on.
00:43:14 Come on, mon ami.
00:43:17 Oh, me, look at me.
00:43:24 You went out?
00:43:25 Okay, can you sit?
00:43:26 Come on.
00:43:28 Come on, mon ami, come on.
00:43:29 He's okay, okay.
00:43:34 You stay with him, you keep him talking, okay?
00:43:38 - Where are you going?
00:43:39 - Don't let him fall asleep.
00:43:41 - What?
00:43:42 - I told you I have something.
00:43:43 - Something more important than this,
00:43:44 more important than us?
00:43:45 - Chérie, I cannot do this right now, okay?
00:43:48 Please, stay with him.
00:43:52 - I finally wanna go.
00:43:55 Go.
00:43:57 We don't give a shit.
00:43:59 - Serge.
00:44:02 (soft music)
00:44:05 - I'll be back.
00:44:14 You do for me.
00:44:20 - He's burning up.
00:44:26 - I'm going as fast as I can.
00:44:27 (dramatic music)
00:44:30 - I appreciate what you've done back there.
00:44:34 - Oh, thanks.
00:44:35 Your approval means everything to me.
00:44:38 - And some sarcasm to stick the learning, nice one.
00:44:40 You didn't have a choice.
00:44:44 - You know what I was thinking when I was looking at him?
00:44:51 Why'd you pull the gun, you stupid fuck?
00:44:57 - That's all.
00:44:58 Maybe once I would've cried over him,
00:45:03 but now he was just another person in our way.
00:45:08 No.
00:45:16 - No to what?
00:45:17 - No to that fucking look of quiet respect
00:45:21 or approval or whatever that is.
00:45:23 I don't want it.
00:45:25 (soft music)
00:45:28 We're nothing alike, nothing.
00:45:31 (soft music)
00:45:34 (film reel clicking)
00:45:43 - You really think that's gonna work?
00:45:49 - I think so.
00:45:53 (soft music)
00:45:56 - No, they're not trying to make soups here.
00:46:05 These people are test subjects.
00:46:06 They're trying to stabilize the V.
00:46:09 - Explain.
00:46:09 - Infants handle it best, but adults,
00:46:12 I mean, you saw what happens.
00:46:13 Sometimes you get power, sometimes you get a freak,
00:46:15 sometimes you just explode.
00:46:17 Vought is trying to stabilize it
00:46:19 so that you put the V in any adult arm,
00:46:21 anywhere, anytime, and you get a solid soup.
00:46:24 Solid powers.
00:46:25 - Puto.
00:46:26 Okay, so a thousand more soups?
00:46:32 100,000?
00:46:33 Why?
00:46:34 Why would Vought do that?
00:46:34 He's gonna fuck up their movies, their merchandising.
00:46:36 - Okay, don't tell me.
00:46:37 They just make me burn the evidence.
00:46:41 Okay?
00:46:44 (soft music)
00:46:46 - My arm.
00:46:57 My best friend OD'd,
00:47:02 and I left to save him that night.
00:47:05 Why I didn't stop you.
00:47:10 You were at the party.
00:47:13 I was away for 30 minutes.
00:47:15 Came back, you were gone.
00:47:16 - Did he live?
00:47:23 Your friend?
00:47:25 - Oui.
00:47:28 But I never saw him again.
00:47:32 Then he died a few months later, another overdose.
00:47:38 - Are you serious?
00:47:39 French, you...
00:47:41 Why didn't you ever tell us?
00:47:43 - What difference would it make?
00:47:47 - After all these years, man,
00:47:48 we would've let you off the hook.
00:47:51 - What makes you think I want to be let off the hook, huh?
00:47:59 (door slams)
00:48:10 (gun cocks)
00:48:12 (glass shatters)
00:48:16 (man screams)
00:48:19 - Get it off me!
00:48:21 Get this thing off me!
00:48:22 (man grunts)
00:48:25 (door slams)
00:48:39 (gun cocks)
00:48:41 - What was that?
00:48:46 - He's okay.
00:48:47 - That's his fucking dick.
00:48:50 - Don't be so close-minded.
00:48:52 (dramatic music)
00:48:58 (clock ticks)
00:49:00 (glass shatters)
00:49:14 (gun fires)
00:49:16 - I thought you said that shit was gonna work.
00:49:23 - I said I thought it would.
00:49:26 (dramatic music)
00:49:29 (woman screams)
00:49:36 - Lamplighter?
00:49:45 Lamplighter!
00:49:50 (dramatic music)
00:49:53 - I'm here.
00:49:58 - I just killed six subjects out there
00:50:11 like a fucking teddy bear picnic.
00:50:13 What the hell happened?
00:50:15 (dramatic music)
00:50:18 - Dr. Carlton got the propofol dose wrong again,
00:50:25 so Cindy got loose, freed some of the others.
00:50:28 I'm sure some of them got out before lockdown.
00:50:30 - Where is Dr. Carlton?
00:50:31 - He's in the cafeteria and hallway and some of the walls.
00:50:37 (distant chatter)
00:50:40 - Coming up this mess,
00:50:47 I'm gonna go see if anyone else got loose.
00:50:49 - Yes, ma'am.
00:50:51 (dramatic music)
00:50:57 - We need help.
00:51:08 (distant chatter)
00:51:10 - What'd they say?
00:51:19 - Just needs a couple of days
00:51:21 for the sevazalin to kick in, but he should be all right.
00:51:26 - We don't have a couple of days.
00:51:27 - Well, we're gonna have to risk it.
00:51:29 (distant chatter)
00:51:31 - Jesus.
00:51:42 - What?
00:51:45 - It's the kid shampoo he uses.
00:51:49 Smell it.
00:51:50 - L'Oreal for kids.
00:51:52 Strawberry smoothie, I've seen a bottle.
00:51:54 I hate full shit.
00:51:58 - And his Axe body spray.
00:52:00 (groans)
00:52:01 I mean, that's how Vin Diesel must smell.
00:52:04 - You know, every morning,
00:52:09 he slathers his bum with creamy dessert.
00:52:11 - No.
00:52:12 - I fucking swear to God, he's got rashes down there.
00:52:14 - I don't wanna know that.
00:52:16 - Fucking me, that's all I'm saying.
00:52:19 - But he really just...
00:52:28 Never gives up on you, does he?
00:52:30 - Aye.
00:52:31 And he follows you around like a right little pup.
00:52:34 - He's too good for either of us.
00:52:40 - Yeah.
00:52:45 - I'm gonna Postmates Sugarfish.
00:52:52 - What?
00:52:53 - I'm gonna Postmates Sugarfish, where's your phone?
00:52:55 - I can't hear you. - Where's...
00:52:57 - Homewanderer and Queen Maeve.
00:53:21 Oh my God, they're leaving us.
00:53:23 (crowd shouting)
00:53:26 - It's okay, honey, it's okay.
00:53:28 - Hey, did you say Sugarfish?
00:53:30 (crowd shouting)
00:53:32 - Take these two.
00:53:36 - No, no.
00:53:37 - Just these two, please.
00:53:37 - No, what, so they can tell the world
00:53:39 we left the rest of them to fucking die?
00:53:41 No. - How do you know?
00:53:43 - Take my daughter.
00:53:44 - Claire.
00:53:48 (crowd shouting)
00:53:51 - I love you.
00:53:52 I love you.
00:53:52 Tell the boys I love them.
00:53:55 - I'm gonna show that to Homelander.
00:53:58 And he's either gonna leave us alone
00:54:05 or I'm gonna put it on CNN.
00:54:08 Elena.
00:54:13 Elena, this is our out.
00:54:17 (Claire sniffling)
00:54:20 I was scared.
00:54:23 I...
00:54:24 I know I should have stood up to him.
00:54:30 I know that.
00:54:32 Elena, I watched a plane full of people die.
00:54:35 Why are you looking at me like that?
00:54:45 (phone ringing)
00:54:48 - Yeah, right.
00:54:51 Yo, close stitch, but Huey's okay.
00:54:54 - Oh, man.
00:54:55 Hey, that butcher about to stick penis around your neck.
00:54:59 - Nah, nah, nah, it's just Frenchie being Frenchie.
00:55:14 - I'm sorry.
00:55:15 For a long time,
00:55:21 I was trying to save you.
00:55:25 I thought if I did, somehow that would make up
00:55:32 for the things I've done.
00:55:34 You never asked to be saved.
00:55:44 You cannot absorb my sins.
00:55:48 No one can.
00:55:49 I know this now.
00:55:51 So,
00:55:54 I leave you alone.
00:55:58 (helicopter whirring)
00:56:09 (dramatic music)
00:56:12 - Gotta go.
00:56:15 - Colonel.
00:56:26 - Marvin, where is he?
00:56:29 - This way.
00:56:32 - My family know it?
00:56:39 - I know I wasn't welcome at the funeral,
00:56:41 so all these years I couldn't offer my condolences.
00:56:44 - Where is he?
00:56:45 Why isn't this man restrained?
00:56:55 - No need, I wanted to come.
00:56:56 - I don't wanna hear a single goddamn word from you.
00:56:59 I thought there was some spy in me, but it's not.
00:57:09 (dramatic music)
00:57:11 It never is.
00:57:12 - Then let's both be done with it.
00:57:15 I know what you have to do.
00:57:20 Do it.
00:57:25 You'd be doing me a favor.
00:57:28 Do it.
00:57:29 - Madame, please, if I may.
00:57:37 Besides you, no one wanted him dead more than me,
00:57:40 but I am begging you for his life.
00:57:42 - I have no choice.
00:57:51 - It won't help you.
00:57:54 All you'd be doing is ending his torment.
00:57:58 You cannot punish him as much as he punishes himself.
00:58:07 (dramatic music)
00:58:10 - Trust me.
00:58:11 - So,
00:58:16 what exactly are you proposing we do with him?
00:58:23 - Hey.
00:58:36 I'm so glad you're here.
00:58:37 I wanna apologize.
00:58:38 Please, just let me explain.
00:58:40 - Flap, flap, flap.
00:58:42 There goes that little mouth of yours.
00:58:44 You remember you told me that you don't break easily?
00:58:49 Well, I've been thinking about that.
00:58:54 A lot.
00:58:58 - I will never lie to you again.
00:59:01 I will tell you everything.
00:59:05 (dramatic music)
00:59:08 (sighs)
00:59:10 Starting with this.
00:59:13 (door slams)
00:59:25 (footsteps)
00:59:27 - Your grandmother.
00:59:39 - My daughter.
00:59:42 Chloe, she died of Alzheimer's a few years ago.
00:59:48 - How old are you?
00:59:54 - I was born in 1919, in Berlin.
00:59:57 - Are you with--
01:00:12 - Heinrich Himmler.
01:00:13 He was a lovely dancer.
01:00:16 And that's Goebbels.
01:00:19 And the most important man in the room,
01:00:23 (dramatic music)
01:00:25 - Friedrich Waden.
01:00:36 - He gave me the first successful V-injection.
01:00:42 He taught me everything.
01:00:46 And then we fell in love and he gave me a daughter.
01:00:50 He made me.
01:00:52 And his genius made you.
01:00:55 Friedrich didn't care about all the fans or stardom
01:01:09 or any of that shallow bullshit.
01:01:11 We are in a war for the culture.
01:01:15 The other races are grinding us down.
01:01:19 And taking what is rightfully ours.
01:01:21 But we can fight back.
01:01:22 With an army of supermen, millions strong.
01:01:27 Because that is Vought's true destiny.
01:01:32 And you will be the man who will lead us.
01:01:36 You are everything that we dreamed of.
01:01:46 So I love you with all of my heart.
01:01:48 How could I not?
01:01:52 Everyone I have ever loved is in the ground.
01:02:02 And then I found you.
01:02:05 We found each other.
01:02:09 And now neither of us are alone.
01:02:14 And now neither of us has to be alone ever again.
01:02:18 And that is the truth.
01:02:23 ♪ Thank you for being a friend ♪
01:02:43 ♪ Traveled down the road and back again ♪
01:02:47 ♪ Your heart is true ♪
01:02:49 ♪ You're a pal and a confidant ♪
01:02:54 ♪ And if you threw a party ♪
01:02:57 ♪ Invited everyone you knew ♪
01:03:02 ♪ You would see the biggest gift would be from me ♪
01:03:06 ♪ And the card attached would say ♪
01:03:09 ♪ Thank you for being a friend ♪
01:03:13 Okay.
01:03:19 One, and ready, set, go.
01:03:23 ♪ Hit cozy A-frame, it's a free beat ♪
01:03:24 ♪ Saving lives, taking things nice and easy ♪
01:03:26 ♪ There ain't no day like a race day, what ♪
01:03:29 ♪ Ain't no love like a raceway, what ♪
01:03:30 ♪ I'm the best I ever do, are y'all crazy ♪
01:03:32 ♪ Make way, are you pushing up daisies ♪
01:03:34 ♪ Bring the heat, now the bag up as I may see ♪
01:03:36 ♪ Only place I will lose in your daydreams ♪
01:03:38 ♪ Ain't no actor you can get that action, no ♪
01:03:40 ♪ Taking back my title like the Alamo ♪
01:03:43 ♪ They be trying to break me like a saxophone ♪
01:03:46 ♪ But I'm about to knock 'em down ♪
01:03:48 ♪ Like I'm playing whack-a-mole ♪
01:03:49 ♪ Y'all won't ever touch me like a asymptote ♪
01:03:52 ♪ Spread so, gaze on in a flash ♪
01:03:54 ♪ Skirt off, zoom, y'all getting past ♪
01:03:56 ♪ Leave 'em in the dust when I dash ♪
01:03:57 ♪ Can't be caught too fast, she's a red man ♪
01:04:00 ♪ Yeah, A-frame, second to none ♪
01:04:01 ♪ If you're looking for the best, I'm the definition ♪
01:04:03 ♪ Hit it, man, with that play, I'm hanging 'em on the bishop ♪
01:04:05 ♪ I'm in love with the crown, the ring won't ever split up ♪
01:04:07 ♪ I'ma do it all my way ♪
01:04:10 ♪ Picking up the pace, I will never stop, man ♪
01:04:14 ♪ Putting in the work, lightweight ♪
01:04:17 ♪ Slipstream, we're kicking off, wide awake ♪
01:04:21 ♪ When I'm ♪
01:04:22 ♪ Dancing at the speed of light ♪
01:04:25 ♪ Watching as your dreams take flight ♪
01:04:29 ♪ I think I'm standing fine ♪
01:04:33 ♪ Can't disappear into the night ♪
01:04:36 ♪ Dancing at the speed of light ♪
01:04:40 ♪ Watching as your dreams take flight ♪
01:04:44 ♪ I think I'm standing fine ♪
01:04:47 ♪ Can't disappear into the night ♪
01:04:52 (electricity crackling)
01:04:55 (electronic music)
01:04:58 (electronic music)
01:05:02 (electronic music)
01:05:05 (electronic music)
01:05:08 (bell chimes)
