Real test for leaders is if they deliver, says Anwar

  • last year
The real test for a leader in power is their ability to deliver results, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during a Q&A session at the 30th APEC CEO Summit entitled: "The Global Economy and State of The World” in San Francisco on Wednesday (Nov 15).




00:00 Finally, before we go, we only have 30 seconds to go, Mr. Prime Minister.
00:04 So, how political leaders like you and your colleagues to make sure that you're not being
00:12 hijacked by rhetorics, but be able to focus on the real issue and responsible for the next
00:21 generation, as you said, from Mr. Churchill, Mr. Prime Minister.
00:24 Yeah, it's not pious platitudes, because finally you are judged by your action.
00:30 People do give some allowance in the first few months, grace period, but then they will have to
00:38 see whether you mean business. All political leaders, all opposition leaders come up and
00:45 attain power by fighting corruption and abuse of power.
00:50 The test is when you are in the responsible position, whether you can really deliver.
00:58 The second, of course, clear economic policies. And you're right, because people become - that's
01:03 why I started with trust deficit against leaders and political leaders, because the rhetoric,
01:11 the pious platitudes is not met with concrete action.
01:15 And thank you very much again. I need your support. Malaysia and ASEAN is the most stable
01:22 and vibrant place to invest, and I look forward to meeting you individually in Malaysia.
01:28 God willing, inshallah. Thank you very much.
01:31 Thank you so much, Mr. Prime Minister. Appreciate it.
01:33 Thank you.
01:35 Thank you.
01:36 Good to see you again.
01:36 Good to see you again.
01:38 Thank you.
