Robert Pattinson Shares About Sleeping On Inflatable Boat

  • last year
In an interview with architectural digest, Robert Pattinson shared about designing his dream couch and opened up about sleeping on an inflatable boat.


00:00 Robert Pattinson has added a new bullet point
00:02 to his job description, and it's furniture designer.
00:05 In an interview with Architectural Digest,
00:07 the actor shared about designing his dream couch
00:10 and opened up about some rather interesting furniture
00:13 he slept on.
00:14 As far as the couch goes, Pattinson wanted to design
00:18 a piece of furniture without a lot of hard lines,
00:21 something people could embrace
00:22 and easily have a conversation on.
00:24 He realized the final product looked kind of like an ear
00:27 and the good time actor thought that was perfect.
00:30 But the portion of the interview
00:31 that the internet is obsessed with
00:33 is the fact that the star used to sleep
00:35 on an inflatable boat.
00:37 He said, "There was a time when the only piece
00:39 of furniture I had for about six months
00:41 was an inflatable boat that would double as my couch,
00:44 bed, and dining table."
00:46 Most users found the situation humorous
00:48 and on brand for Pattinson,
00:50 while others were mostly confused.
