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Sometimes we wonder if "The Crown" is secretly a comedy. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the moments, scenes, and quotes that gave us a royal laugh.


00:00 "It's like royalty."
00:01 "Well, very funny."
00:02 Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the moments,
00:07 scenes, and quotes that gave us a royal laugh.
00:10 "I hope that wasn't too emotional for you all."
00:12 Number 10. Family photo.
00:16 You know that picture-perfect family portrait hanging proudly in your home?
00:20 Does it evoke a warm, fuzzy feeling of adoration for your relatives?
00:23 "And towards me, everyone, and this is wonderful, and..."
00:28 "Oh, my God, it's the worst."
00:30 Or does it trigger memories of the absolute struggle of getting everyone into position,
00:35 keeping them focused, and doing it all before some kiddo throws a fit?
00:39 "Can we at least have some element of focus?"
00:41 It's been reported that this moment might have been inspired by true events.
00:45 Apparently, during the 75th commemoration of the Battle of Britain,
00:48 an exasperated Prince Philip may have bluntly ordered the photographer to just take the,
00:53 enter expletive here, picture.
00:55 Chances are you're either amused by the royal chaos or the relatable struggle.
01:00 Either way, it's regal hilarity.
01:03 "For Christ's sake, let me..."
01:03 "Take the photo!"
01:09 Number 9. The family watches their documentary.
01:12 In an attempt to appear more relatable,
01:15 the royal family allows cameras into their home to document their day-to-day lives.
01:19 "Like one of those wildlife films."
01:21 "Oh, I like this."
01:23 "Yes, except this time, we are the endangered species."
01:28 As they gather to watch the footage,
01:31 it's a bit like watching old home videos with your family.
01:34 Someone will complain about how they look,
01:36 someone else will say, "Do I really sound like that?"
01:39 and someone else will ask, "Why on earth did you film me doing that?"
01:43 Princess Anne hilariously questions the filming choices in her blunt style.
01:47 "I wonder what's more dull, having to sit through one of those meetings
01:52 or having to watch it on television."
01:53 Meanwhile, Princess Margaret adds her own snappy commentary too.
01:57 "You captured your best side at least."
01:59 "Oh, look, mummy. It's your big close-up. I'm ready, Mr. DeMille."
02:07 While the documentary may not have been a smash,
02:10 the amusement of the family watching it definitely hit a funny note.
02:14 Number 8. Churchill makes an entrance.
02:17 Everyone has that one person you have to invite to family occasions,
02:21 but you can almost guarantee they'll make a scene.
02:23 "Coming on with the stuff, right?"
02:25 "No."
02:30 Perhaps they'll make a show of turning up fashionably late.
02:39 They've probably devised some elaborate eye-grabbing plan for their grand entrance.
02:43 "As Winston, no shame. It's a loyal witty, not a campaign trail."
02:50 "He's outrageous, but you have to admire him."
02:54 Chances are that at some point, they'll make loud remarks that leave everyone
02:59 wide-eyed and wondering why they keep getting invited.
03:02 "You know why his three sisters aren't here? They're all married to Nazis. Prominent Nazis."
03:08 Luckily, they're not likely to be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,
03:13 so at least it's not a national embarrassment, even if it feels that way.
03:17 The icing on the wedding cake is when a choir boy turns to tell Churchill to pipe down.
03:21 Number 7. A royal burn.
03:24 Nobody masters the art of delivering a loving yet cutting remark quite like a mother,
03:30 and as it turns out, Queen mothers are no exception.
03:33 When the young Queen worries that she looks old, her mom reassures her that that's not the case.
03:38 "So, finish your family, let the first one go to school,
03:41 and then let's talk about being middle-aged."
03:44 "Well, that won't be middle-aged, that'll be ancient."
03:46 However, that doesn't stop her from sneakily throwing in a playful jab while the pair watch
03:51 the Kennedys on television. The Queen Mother casually comments on how youthful Jackie Kennedy
03:55 looks compared to her daughter, despite both being the same age.
03:59 "She's so young, I always thought she was the same age as you."
04:02 "She is."
04:03 It's funny, brutal, and a classic mom move. Giving with one hand while taking away with the other.
04:11 But hey, we love 'em anyway.
04:13 "Oh, she is pretty, isn't she?"
04:15 "Yes."
04:15 Number 6. A wishless Dean
04:20 If anyone understands the importance of captivating a crowd, it's the Queen.
04:25 In this episode, however, she finds herself enduring a tedious sermon led by Robin Woods,
04:30 Dean of Windsor.
04:31 "Um, see, it's not a sermon, it's a general anaesthetic."
04:39 While exiting the church, she diplomatically suggests it might be time for a change.
04:45 Her private secretary, Michael Le Dean, is less subtle.
04:48 "Is it possible, do you think, the Dean might have reached,
04:51 how can I put this kindly, the moment of his own obsolescence?
04:56 I noticed one or two people struggling to stay awake."
04:59 It appears that he may have been daydreaming about his ideal replacement while the Dean
05:03 was droning on. The Queen stops him short while clarifying that he's made his thoughts loud and
05:08 clear. Turns out that hiding behind that signature stiff upper lip is a tongue with plenty of sting,
05:13 and we're most certainly amused.
05:15 "We could discreetly start the search for a replacement."
05:19 "Good. Someone with a bit of..."
05:20 "Oomph."
05:21 "I think so."
05:22 "Zest."
05:23 "That's it."
05:23 "Pepper."
05:24 "Yes, thank you."
05:25 "Vim."
05:25 "Thank you."
05:26 Number 5. A fish out of Balmoral
05:29 As is customary, the Queen invites new Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to join the family
05:34 at their home in Scotland. The Iron Lady is so out of her element, and we get some good laughs
05:40 from it.
05:40 "Dinner is black tie. Ergo, drinks are black tie."
05:44 "I couldn't help noticing, ma'am, you didn't bring any outdoor shoes."
05:46 "That's right.
05:48 What a strange thing to say."
05:54 Whether it's tea attire blunders or stumbling through dinner conversation,
05:59 Thatcher is comically out of her depth. Her confusion during the family's
06:03 post-dinner parlor games only adds to the humor.
06:06 "Calling number...10."
06:08 "Oh."
06:10 "Ibble dibble with...six dibble ibbles."
06:21 But the height of hilarity comes when the Queen invites the Prime Minister on a stocking expedition
06:25 and offers a witty lesson in the do's and don'ts of the sport.
06:29 Maybe Thatcher fails the Balmoral test, but she succeeds in keeping us entertained.
06:34 "It means the stag can see you. Or wear scent. It means he can smell you.
06:40 Now he can hear you, too."
06:45 Number four. Playing favorites. It's an unwritten rule that parents
06:50 shouldn't have favorite children. However, according to the Crown's Margaret Thatcher
06:54 and Prince Philip, that's not always the case.
06:57 "Who would do that? Openly admit preferring one child to another, especially twins."
07:02 "Any honest parent."
07:04 "What?"
07:04 "Any honest parent would admit to having a favorite."
07:07 This revelation surprises the Queen, but Philip assures her she's no different.
07:12 He then reveals his favorite at a comically shocking speed and playfully teases the Queen,
07:17 letting her in on the secret that she has a favorite too,
07:20 but refusing to spill the beans on who it is.
07:22 "All right, you first. Who's yours?"
07:24 "Anne."
07:24 "You said that alarmingly quickly."
07:27 "Because it didn't require thought."
07:28 "Philip!"
07:29 "And your favorite is?"
07:30 "I don't know."
07:31 "Liar!"
07:32 So, the Queen dons her detective's tiara and decides to investigate with each of her four kids.
07:37 She asks her private secretary to gather intel first,
07:40 but we guess that's just parenting with a royal twist.
07:43 "Martin, perhaps a short briefing document ahead of each meeting,
07:47 focusing on each child's hobbies, interests, and so forth."
07:50 "Right."
07:51 "One would hate to appear uninformed."
07:54 Number 3. What good's a buzzer in a power outage?
07:58 In this episode, Britain experiences nationwide blackouts due to failed negotiations between
08:03 the government and coal union leaders. In a surprisingly powerful moment,
08:07 the typically stoic Queen confronts Prime Minister Edward Heath over his government's failures.
08:12 "That does not explain the blackouts. I distinctly remember you assuring me
08:16 that the government had stockpiled enough coal to weather any storm, and yet here we are."
08:21 She presses her button to dismiss him in what should have been an epic mic drop moment.
08:26 But, you know, there's no electricity.
08:28 "There has been stubbornness on both sides. And one does wonder if we have failed to
08:32 understand the scale of the miners' anger. Indeed, if we have failed to understand them as people."
08:38 So she turns to her backup bell, bringing a comical twist to the otherwise serious tone.
08:44 Rest assured, when that button does work, though, no one presses it but the Queen,
08:49 not even her sister. If you've got a sibling, you'll totally relate to the hilarity of that moment.
08:54 "We can check. What are you doing? That's my button."
08:58 Number 2. The Queen hears about Princess Margaret's White House visit.
09:03 The Queen grows envious when she hears glowing reviews of Margaret's vacation in the U.S.
09:07 "Delighted in Her Royal Highness's intelligence and articulacy, her beauty and charm. With one
09:12 newspaper, the San Francisco Chronicle, even going so far as to say-"
09:15 "Yes, all right. Thank you, Martin."
09:16 "Yes, ma'am."
09:16 "I'm a Queen, not a saint."
09:18 She seemingly gets more resentful when she asks her sister to attend a dinner at the White House
09:23 for diplomatic reasons, and she's a hit. While Margaret's antics are amusing,
09:28 the real comedy gold comes from the exchange between the Queen and Prime Minister Harold Wilson.
09:33 "An enormously large-"
09:34 "Johnson?"
09:35 "Where's the rest of it?"
09:39 "I believe everyone thought that was long enough. As it were."
09:44 While we wouldn't want to be in the Prime Minister's shoes, his evident discomfort while
09:48 recounting Margaret's less-than-diplomatic behavior and off-color limericks is a riot.
09:54 It's even funnier when the Queen urges him to keep going.
09:56 "They found her!"
09:58 "You've made it this far."
10:02 Her brief "Bravo!" at the end punctuates the hilarity perfectly.
10:07 "Brave."
10:08 Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
10:13 "Who's Billy Joel?"
10:15 "Thanks, ma'am. For the longest time, we thought it was pronounced Billy Joel."
10:19 "Now, much more importantly, who is Billy Jo-el?"
10:21 "Billy Joel."
10:24 "Oh, Joe?"
10:26 "His uptown girl."
10:28 "What are you talking about?"
10:31 Whatever Lassell's drinks, everyone's got their own taste.
10:35 We guess the Prince savors the taste of a sardonic wit.
10:38 "Go and see him in a non-official capacity for sherry or tea,
10:42 or human blood, whatever that monster drinks."
10:45 Vidal Baboon.
10:46 We hear he's got a peeling style, makes all his clients go bananas.
10:51 "Does he have a name? A stylist?"
10:53 "I want to say Victor Gabon, but no, that's not quite right. Um...
10:57 Vidal Baboon?"
11:00 "Vidal Baboon."
11:01 "Yes, I think."
11:01 Andrew gets a royal roasting.
11:03 Well, someone had to say it.
11:05 "You can hardly blame the newspapers for wanting to write about something
11:07 other than the wedding of a fringe member of the family who'll never be king."
11:10 "Ouch."
11:12 "Well, it's true, isn't it?"
11:14 A tug of war of determination.
11:16 It's a real constitutional pull.
11:18 Both want to reign supreme.
11:20 "They must be out of their minds."
11:22 "No."
11:23 "No."
11:24 "No."
11:25 "It's definitely not."
11:28 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
11:33 about our latest videos.
11:35 You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.
11:39 If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.
11:44 Number 1. Princess Anne, Queen of Sass
11:48 Erin Doherty's Princess Anne stole the show in seasons three and four,
11:52 thanks to her razor-sharp wit.
11:54 A standout moment unfolds in season three when she's called upon by the older family members
11:58 to spill the tea on Charles and Camilla's romance.
12:01 "We need to talk to you about your brother."
12:03 "Which one? I have three."
12:05 Her grandmother urges her to stay calm and composed,
12:08 sparking a sassy comeback from the princess.
12:11 "While answering those questions, that you remain clear-headed,
12:14 unemotional, rational and calm."
12:17 "As opposed to what? The hysterical and neurotic way I normally behave?"
12:21 Anne dishes out a never-ending stream of brassy remarks, and each one is pure gold.
12:27 Practically every time she opens her mouth, we're laughing out loud.
12:30 In the next season, she hilariously recounts the Diana-Charles-Camilla love triangle
12:35 with unfiltered honesty.
12:36 "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl
12:38 who fell madly in love with a handsome prince.
12:41 Unfortunately, the prince was already in love with someone else,
12:43 who was herself in love with someone else,
12:45 and they all lived unhappily ever after."
12:47 Here's to the eternal reign of the Queen of Sass.
12:50 "Is that it? Inquisition over. Can I go now?"
12:52 "Thank you, darling."
12:54 "I hope that wasn't too emotional for you all."
13:01 We'd be much obliged if one shared the moment that made one laugh the most in the comments.
13:05 "Who's our favorite?"
13:06 "My favorite or your favorite?"
13:08 "Is it different?"
13:09 "I'd say so, yes."
13:10 "All right, you first. Who's yours?"
13:12 Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
13:16 And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
13:22 [Music]
