Joyce Watson MS suggests farms with Bovine TB should find another business

  • last year
00:00 I know that the opposition and Plydor are intent on killing badgers.
00:06 In fact, in England, they have killed 210,000 badgers in their bovine TB eradication policy,
00:15 and yet there is no proof at all that that has contributed in any way whatsoever to the
00:20 decline in TB in cattle.
00:24 It is a barbaric practice, and in some cases there has been local extinction of badger
00:31 populations.
00:32 But if we are talking about a rethink, Minister, have you looked at any farms that have perpetual
00:40 TB status, and have you considered the question whether those particular farms should be dairy
00:49 farms at all?
00:51 Because if it is the case that they are in perpetual TB infection status, surely they
00:59 need to find another business.
