• 2 years ago


00:00 Who's got the sweetest disposition?
00:04 One guess, guess who?
00:07 Who never, never starts an argument?
00:10 Who never shows a bit of temperament?
00:12 Who'd never dream of starting a fight?
00:15 Who gets stuck with all the bad luck?
00:18 No one but Donald Duck!
00:22 ( music playing )
00:49 ( coughs )
00:51 Gosh.
00:53 Well, don't sit down. Do something.
00:57 What?
00:59 ( clattering )
01:00 Take a look at her.
01:02 Just as I thought.
01:10 She's just out of gas.
01:12 Come on. Go get a few gallons.
01:15 You can't find gas there.
01:17 I would like a six-foot-long wheel to run for days and days and days.
01:23 ( grunting )
01:35 Huh? Beg pardon?
01:42 I said I'm thirsty.
01:44 Thirsty? Come to think of it, I am, too.
01:49 We got a race again.
01:55 We're lost.
01:57 Shucks, we ain't lost. I carry a map.
02:00 I'll soon find out where we're at.
02:03 Hmm, let me see now.
02:05 We're by Joplin.
02:08 Shanghai.
02:10 Odontown.
02:12 Joplin.
02:14 Uh-oh.
02:16 Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!
02:19 Hurry up! Hurry up!
02:21 ( mumbling )
02:28 A sody fountain?
02:38 Guess I'll go and wet my whistle.
02:41 What wouldst thou drink to quench thy burning thirst?
02:50 Give me a double ice cream sody.
02:53 Thy wish is my command.
02:56 Hey!
03:06 Hey! It's gone.
03:09 ( chuckles ) So it is.
03:11 Wouldst have another?
03:13 Yeah, but I...
03:15 Hey! Four more?
03:22 Thou art indeed thirsty, my friend.
03:26 ( whistling )
03:28 Something's wrong here. I'm getting out of this place.
03:41 Ow!
03:43 Ah, the fee.
03:47 Thou owest me six bucks.
03:50 I won't pay a thing.
03:52 Not one clip joint?
03:55 Thou shalt not break any.
03:58 Thou shalt thou.
04:00 ( sneezes )
04:20 My iceberg!
04:22 ( whistling )
04:34 ( whistling )
04:44 ( whistling )
04:48 ( screams )
04:50 Gangway!
05:06 It is done.
05:14 Off comes thy head!
05:18 Take that!
05:20 Thou can't get it.
05:22 Stop!
05:24 Look out, sir.
05:26 Stop! Stop!
05:28 Stop! Stop!
05:31 Hey, look, the camel.
05:33 Come on.
05:35 Stop! Stop! Stop!
05:39 Yeah, great for me.
05:45 We're safe.
05:48 We're safe.
05:50 ( screams )
05:52 ( music playing )
05:55 (upbeat music)
05:57 (upbeat music)
