• 2 years ago


00:00 [Music]
00:25 Gliding today has developed into a sport that can be easily mastered by anyone with a desire to learn.
00:32 Yeah, nothing to it.
00:34 First, test the prevailing winds by means of the windsock.
00:38 Then choose the proper terrain and make sure the takeoff is clear of all obstacles, particularly trees and telephone poles.
00:45 [Laughter]
00:47 [Music]
00:57 Turn into the wind, wind up, test your equipment and take off!
01:02 [Music]
01:11 Faster, faster!
01:13 More speed! More speed!
01:16 [Music]
01:19 Uh-huh, we did not attain sufficient altitude.
01:22 Gosh!
01:24 [Music]
01:26 Now, the towing method.
01:28 With the rope attached to the nose, the glider should be pulled rapidly along until it has attained the necessary speed to carry it into the air, somewhat in the manner of flying a kite.
01:39 [Music]
01:42 [Laughter]
01:44 [Music]
01:52 Oh, hi, hi, over a tree will fall a green white glider.
02:04 Don't let minor mishaps dampen your spirit.
02:09 Keep cool and try more speed.
02:15 Now, launching the glider by mechanical means.
02:19 Greater speed can be attained by this method.
02:23 However, the system can become involved.
02:27 [Music]
02:32 Hey, come back here! Wait for me!
02:35 Should an unforeseen emergency arise, never allow the craft to get out of hand.
02:40 Whatever happens, don't give up the ship.
02:43 [Music]
02:57 With this method having proved somewhat unsuccessful, let us scan the book for a better method.
03:05 The catapult is one of the most ingenious and scientific devices used in aerodynamics to project the craft with the speed of a bullet into the stratosphere.
03:15 [Music]
03:18 [Music]
03:21 Oh, oh, fly high, yep, we'll fly high.
03:30 I'm brave, but I'm careful.
03:35 To open parachute, jump, count to ten, and pull the string.
03:40 Okay, count to ten and pull string.
03:44 Yeah!
03:45 Count to ten, pull string.
03:53 [Coughing]
04:01 I made it, I made it!
04:04 Yes, the catapult has the advantage of gaining altitude immediately.
04:09 [Music]
04:29 I'm glad this came up.
04:32 Now don't forget to count ten and pull the string.
04:38 One, two, three, four, uh, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, pull!
04:54 [Clearing throat]
04:55 We will take up how to land at a later date.
04:59 [Whistling]
05:04 I am the sky like the bird.
05:09 [Coughing]
05:10 Fly.
05:20 Well, here we go again.
05:23 And now the spell that only birds can know.
05:26 The sky above, the earth below.
05:29 [Singing]
05:38 [Whistling]
05:42 Like the birds, birds.
05:45 [Music]
05:52 Hmm, something wrong here.
05:56 [Music]
06:03 [Yelling]
06:05 [Music]
06:07 [Yelling]
06:15 [Music]
06:24 [Yelling]
06:26 [Crash]
06:30 [Clearing throat]
06:32 Should any of the foregoing methods fail, through some unforeseen quirk of fate,
06:38 then use your own ideas.
06:40 For after all, launching a glider is really very easy.
06:44 Just remember these simple fundamental facts.
06:48 One, the initial impetus.
06:50 Two, the low and high aspect ratio.
06:54 Three, control of equilibrium.
06:57 Four, theory of convection curves.
07:00 Five, the principles of abstract aerostatics, and so forth, and so on, etc., etc.
07:08 [Music]
07:19 Truly, you can't keep a good man down.
07:23 [Music]
07:25 [Explosion]
07:29 [Splash]
07:31 [Singing]
07:38 Come on now, everybody, sing.
07:40 [Singing]
07:50 [Music]