toon boom tutorial beginner part 10 [ ink and paint part 2 ]

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00:00 Gradients, unlike single colors, have multiple colors that blend into one another in some
00:07 fashion.
00:08 They will go from a dark color to a lighter color back to a dark color or whatever you
00:14 choose.
00:16 You also have the ability to go in a linear fashion or in a radial one that emanates from
00:21 a center.
00:23 Now what we're going to do is use our friend here, the color palette, and I'm going to
00:26 choose any color to start with and click the plus sign.
00:31 Then I'm going to double click and call this purple gradient.
00:33 I'll just leave it at that, purple grad.
00:40 Then I'll double click on the swatch itself and as before when we dealt with swatches,
00:47 we have the ability to change what we're dealing with.
00:50 In this instance, we're going to activate this bottom portion.
00:53 I'll move this up a little bit more and I'll click gradient.
00:57 All of a sudden the gradient is ready to go and we have these things called stops.
01:02 So these guys are where you add different colors.
01:06 So what if you want a gradient that has more than two colors?
01:10 All you have to do is click anywhere on the bottom of this guy here and we've added some
01:15 more stops.
01:18 Now you'll notice that no matter what I do, I can't go past a certain number.
01:22 We can only have eight.
01:24 But if you change your mind and want to get rid of one, click on it and move it straight
01:28 up.
01:29 Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
01:32 We can also move them to change the squeeze in between the colors.
01:36 So how do we change these colors?
01:38 Click on a stop and you'll know that you have it selected because it has a little box in
01:42 it now and then change the color.
01:45 Voila!
01:47 We have our first gradient.
01:49 From purple to yellow.
01:50 Back to purple.
01:52 So we'll click on this purple.
01:53 We'll go to green.
01:55 We'll click on this one and let's go to a white color or something like a very light
02:00 gray and this one we'll go to a blue.
02:03 You can do whatever you want to.
02:05 Once again you can take these guys and rearrange them.
02:08 So blue is over here and yellow is over here.
02:13 Now of course if we were Prince or Donny Osmond who liked the color purple, this whole thing
02:18 would be various shades of purple but we're not going to do that.
02:21 Now what we're going to do is to save this, simply leave the dialog box and now we have
02:27 our gradient.
02:28 I'll grab my paint bucket tool and click.
02:32 Now what if you want a radial gradient?
02:34 One that goes like this.
02:35 Well let's go back to that gradient.
02:37 You'll notice that we have a direction.
02:40 Linear, which is literally side to side or diagonally and we have the ability to go
02:47 to radial.
02:48 So let me grab my select tool, click radial and now we have a different symbol as well.
02:53 The gradient now emanates from a center point or an epicenter.
02:58 I grab my paint bucket tool, click and drag to change where it starts and where it ends.
03:04 Now the purple is down there, purple is in the middle and I can also change the scale
03:09 of that gradient based on how long I drag this line.
03:13 Click drag short, click drag long.
03:18 Now I'll show you another trick.
03:20 I'll go to my paint bucket tool, hold down the mouse and go to edit texture.
03:25 Now when I click on that gradient, let me go ahead and close this temporarily, we can
03:29 actually move the gradient around with the tools.
03:33 So we can scale, we can rotate it and so on.
03:37 So you can grab these handles, move it down, move it up and so on.
03:43 And that is how you can make your own custom gradient.
03:51 As you can see here, I've torn my color palette off from the rest of the guys here and I'm
03:56 going to focus on how to create a swatch.
04:01 So as you can see, you can put this thing anywhere you want to.
04:03 But I'm just going to put it right about there.
04:06 Now what we're going to do is create a basic shape and I'm simply going to just draw something
04:09 out, a little blob kind of thing.
04:12 Then I'm going to grab my paint bucket tool, click on a color and then click right in my
04:17 object.
04:19 Now you notice that it fills it completely because there are no gaps.
04:23 But never fear, for those of you who like to leave spaces in between your line, I'll
04:28 show you later on in this section how to use the close gaps tool.
04:32 So you'll be able to draw the way you want to.
04:35 So I'm going to just choose different colors here and as you can see, I can click to change
04:39 them very easily.
04:41 I can even click on the outline, called the stroke, to change that.
04:46 So let's go ahead and talk about how we can change the swatches to make them our own.
04:52 The first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to choose any of these swatches at all.
04:57 And by the way, it's helpful to remember that the swatch you select before you click this
05:02 guy here is going to be the swatch you duplicate and you're going to start from here.
05:07 So let's say you want to create a darker green.
05:11 Choose a green, click the plus sign, and then we have a new swatch down here.
05:17 You could double click on the name and call it dark green or whatever you want to.
05:25 And now what I could do is hit Enter or Return to accept that.
05:30 Now if I want to change the swatch color, I don't click where the name is, I click on
05:34 the symbol of the swatch and it opens up my system color picker.
05:40 I'm on a Macintosh so this is what I have.
05:43 Now what I could do is choose how I want to change my colors from various versions of
05:48 the color picker.
05:49 I even have some crayons here.
05:52 So I can click on the dark green and I'll move this over a little bit so you can see
05:56 that it updates in real time.
05:59 Whatever I click on will change right away.
06:02 So I'm going to go to the color wheel here and I'm going to choose a green from here
06:08 and then I'll use the slider.
06:09 And I have a nice rich dark green.
06:13 I can go and desaturate my colors, by the way, by going more towards the center and
06:18 I can saturate them by going towards the edges.
06:23 I can change the values of those guys with this guy here.
06:27 And I'm going to once again, dark green and I can also add some opacity if I want to as
06:32 well.
06:33 So if I use this guy, I can also add opacity and I can add a gradient.
06:39 So I'm going to go ahead and just grab my selection tool here and as you can see I can
06:42 use this slider.
06:45 I get an opacity indicator right here in this little angle and I can see it down here as
06:50 well.
06:51 I'll move it some more to make it more apparent.
06:55 We see the color and we see the checkerboard that indicates that we have some kind of transparency
07:00 happening.
07:01 So I'll go back to the full color and I'll talk about gradients later on in this section
07:07 so don't worry about this.
07:08 We're going to cover this whole thing.
07:10 I'll go ahead and close this and now I have my own custom color.
07:15 Grab my paint bucket and click.
07:18 If I want to refine this further and make another color based on this dark green, all
07:24 I have to do is click on this again and modify this guy.
07:28 If I want to get rid of swatches, I click this guy instead and the minus symbol gets
07:34 rid of whatever swatches you have.
07:37 Feel free to really take your time and create some colors that you're going to use especially
07:41 when we get to the section on how to make our own palettes.
07:44 That's going to be very handy so that every character you create will have his own colors.
07:53 Now let's take a look at something entirely different from what we have within Toon Boom
07:58 Studio itself.
08:00 Let's take a look at how we can bring in textures from files that we have on our computer or
08:05 that we download from the internet or buy on a CD for example.
08:09 I'm going to first of all bring back my color palette which I got rid of in the last lesson
08:14 and I'm going to create a brand new thing all together.
08:19 We're not going to create a gradient.
08:20 We're not going to create a new swatch.
08:23 Instead we're going to use the contextual menu right here and we're going to click and
08:27 we're going to go down to color and we're going to add a texture.
08:33 When you choose to add a texture, you're going to be asked to choose a file somewhere on
08:38 your desktop.
08:40 So I'm going to go to my desktop and I have a file called warning stripes and I painted
08:46 this inside of Photoshop.
08:48 Very simple technique, just make a yellow box, add some black lines and then on another
08:54 layer you just paint in some very light strokes using a very diffuse brush that has a lot
09:00 of break up in it.
09:01 There are a lot of brushes like that inside of Photoshop.
09:04 Then I added another layer with some stripes like this, some lines and I changed the opacity
09:08 and I have this worn look now.
09:10 So I'm going to go ahead and click open but before I do that I just want to make sure
09:14 that you see that it's a jpeg file and I'm going to go ahead and open it and now in the
09:20 bottom of my palette I have this texture.
09:23 So how do I get this texture into this shape?
09:26 Paint bucket tool and then I'm going to make sure I have my texture selected, click into
09:32 my shape and kablam!
09:34 I've just painted this with a texture that was created inside of Photoshop.
09:38 You can put a picture of flowers in there, bees, elephants, whatever you want and then
09:44 when you want to modify that texture we have a couple of options.
09:47 So let me go ahead and close this.
09:49 We can click and drag our mouse just like we did with the gradient to change how it
09:54 fits in the shape or you can click one time to get the full size.
10:01 I can also go to my paint bucket tool, hold the mouse down and grab the old edit texture
10:07 option, click in my shape and let me go ahead and move this over a little bit and what you
10:15 can see here is we have these handles so I can change the texture location so I'm now
10:21 at the very edge of it.
10:23 I can also move it around inside my shape and what I can do as well is I can rotate
10:29 it and change how it is oriented inside of my shape and that is how you can use textures
10:36 that you create in Photoshop or download from any website that has royalty free images or
10:41 whatever pictures you take with your digital camera and bring them into your shapes to
10:46 use inside of Toon Boom Studio.
10:49 You can use it as a background, say wallpaper or you can make them fabric so you can have
10:55 some sails and there's actual fabric in those sails or you have a character wearing pajamas
11:00 and you bring in some stripes from pajamas you take a picture of and that's how you can
11:04 really incorporate using this with your 2D artwork to give a whole new feel to it.
11:09 Thanks for watching.
11:11 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
11:12 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
11:13 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
11:14 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
11:14 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
11:15 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
11:15 Go to for all of your beading supply needs!
