How Much Is That Rabbit In The Window

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:18 Take advantage of me, will you?
00:21 Well, I'll show you, you flying feather dusters.
00:26 There! Carrot-stealing crows!
00:30 They'll find out who's boss around here.
00:33 Hello, Rabbit. And a very, very good morning to you.
00:38 What's good about it?
00:41 It's a good day for me to come borrow a cooking pot.
00:45 Please?
00:46 True.
00:48 First the crows, now Piglet.
00:51 Where have I gone wrong?
00:54 Actually, Rabbit, it's for something very, very important.
00:58 Well, that's a relief.
01:00 So you only came over to borrow something, did you?
01:05 In that case, Piglet, by all means, help yourself.
01:10 Thank you, Rabbit.
01:12 "Thank you, Rabbit," he says.
01:14 Never come for lunch, Rabbit, or here's a little story for you, Rabbit, or...
01:20 Can I help, Rabbit?
01:23 No. Only "thank you, Rabbit, for something that I'm lending him."
01:29 Oof!
01:30 Hiya, bunny boy.
01:32 Kind of early for a snooze, ain't it?
01:35 Or are you just laying down on a job?
01:39 Get it? Laying down.
01:41 Actually, Tigger, I was...
01:44 Say, it looks like somebody snatched a scare out of your crow.
01:48 Actually, I was...
01:49 Don't worry, fuzz buddy. I didn't come here to help.
01:52 Well, now that's comforting.
01:54 Why, I really came, uh, was to borrow, uh, uh...
01:57 Well, it's a sort of a...
01:59 What do you call who?
02:00 Yeah, yeah, that's it. A thingamabob.
02:04 Help yourself, Tigger.
02:06 Take what you need from my house.
02:09 Oh, thanks, Fluffface.
02:11 Well, T-T-F-N, hot offer now.
02:14 Borrow, borrow, borrow. That's all anyone wants from me.
02:18 Do they ever offer to help?
02:20 No.
02:22 All right, you flea-bitten excuses for birds.
02:35 Ah!
02:37 (all gasping)
02:39 Take that, you cackling buckers.
02:45 (all gasping)
02:49 (all gasping)
02:51 I don't like the looks of this.
03:08 Oh, boy, that rabbit. What a guy.
03:11 Never too busy to help a friend.
03:14 Yeah, and he never even asks for our help.
03:17 (all gasping)
03:19 Oh, why does this always happen to me?
03:30 (humming)
03:33 Hello, rabbit. I've come to borrow some honey.
03:41 Help yourself, Pooh. Everyone else is.
03:45 (all chewing)
03:47 Mmm. Yummy.
03:54 Oh, bother.
03:58 Oh, my. Oh, bother.
04:06 (grunts)
04:08 Oh, another bother.
04:17 Bother. B-B-B-Bother.
04:25 (sighs)
04:31 Perhaps a nap under a shady tree would help now.
04:36 (all gasping)
04:38 I'll show you. Get this going.
04:42 (all gasping)
04:45 (muttering)
04:50 What in the...
04:55 (all gasping)
04:58 (all gasping)
05:00 Oh, bother.
05:13 What?
05:17 They're flying away.
05:19 I did it. I scared them off all by myself.
05:24 I must tell Pooh.
05:27 Pooh, I did it. I...
05:31 Well, here I've done something wonderful,
05:35 and there's no one around to tell it to.
05:38 I...
05:40 Isn't that just like Pooh to eat and eat and eat and run?
05:46 My, look at that.
05:49 (gasps) I don't believe it.
05:51 It's my birthday.
05:54 Pooh must have seen it and rushed off to tell the others.
05:58 (laughs)
06:00 In fact, they all must be planning my birthday party this very minute.
06:06 Shh, my surprise birthday party.
06:10 I think I'll do a little sneaking.
06:13 I mean, pre-party investigating.
06:20 (humming)
06:22 I'll just take a teensy-weensy peek inside Pigglet's house
06:28 and see what the charming little fellow is up to.
06:33 Oh, looks like Pigglet is cooking up something
06:38 strumdilyumptious for probably a giant birthday cake.
06:42 Oh, I can hardly wait.
06:45 (humming)
06:47 (laughing)
06:50 Well, now, that should do it.
06:53 Nothing like boiling your clothes to get 'em really clean.
06:57 (humming)
07:01 Oh, hello there, Tigger, my good--
07:05 No, no, no, my very best friend.
07:09 Shush, I've got a wassama jigger cornered up this here tree.
07:14 Oh, but I thought you borrowed one from my house.
07:18 No, that's a hoset.
07:20 You use those to catch a witchamadingo.
07:22 Oh, I understand quite completely, Tigger.
07:27 Yes, a hoseladadadada, most terrifying.
07:32 Most likely a surprise birthday present hidden up that tree.
07:38 Oh, I'm so happy.
07:43 Oh, my, whatever is that?
07:46 (grunting)
07:52 Ah, hello there, creature.
07:56 Hmm? Creature? Where?
07:59 Excuse me, sir, but you are a monster, aren't you?
08:05 Oh, no, I'm a polar bear.
08:09 A cake and a present.
08:11 Oh, I've got a cake and a present.
08:14 Oh, why, look at that.
08:17 Owl is decorating Pooh Bear for my surprise birthday party.
08:22 Oh, I can hardly wait.
08:25 Decorations, cakes, and presents.
08:27 Tra-la-la-la, la-la, la-la.
08:30 (laughing)
08:32 Oh, how nice to be home.
08:38 Ahem, I hope I'm not surprised.
08:43 Well, here I am, home.
08:48 I said, I'm home.
08:57 It's me.
09:00 Come out, come out, wherever you are.
09:05 (laughing)
09:08 They forgot my birthday.
09:12 And after all I've done for them,
09:17 borrowed, taken, not as much as a birthday in return.
09:22 Why, they just don't realize what a special friend I am.
09:27 Why, if they didn't have me, I wouldn't be here.
09:31 Have they thought of that?
09:33 No.
09:35 Well, I'll show them all.
09:38 I'll go someplace far away,
09:41 someplace where I'll really be special.
09:45 Looks like Rabbit's going on vacation.
09:54 Just like him not to invite me along, thank you very much.
09:59 Suppose I ought to tell the others they weren't invited either.
10:04 Well, well, well, well.
10:13 I'm on my way already.
10:17 (music playing)
10:21 Hey, what's the big idea?
10:40 Never have I seen such an extra special Rabbit.
10:46 (music playing)
10:48 I'm going to put him center stage,
10:51 where someone's sure to see him, buy him,
10:54 and give him a good home.
10:57 Ah, special at last.
11:03 None of these other toys have a sign like mine.
11:07 I knew I wasn't appreciated back home.
11:10 Hey, how come we don't have a sign like that?
11:15 Because he does, Vacuum Head.
11:19 ♪ I'm special, I'm special, now it's all official ♪
11:23 But not for long.
11:25 Just wait until dark, when the shop closes.
11:29 Nobody's going to buy that Rabbit without buying us first.
11:36 (crickets chirping)
11:39 Hello.
11:44 Shush. Be very quiet, Eeyore.
11:48 We're hunting Flutterbys.
11:51 Oh, and I thought you were shushing me because I said hello.
11:56 Not that I blame you for shushing me.
11:59 It's not like I do interest in things like Rabbit
12:03 and run away and hitch a ride in an old truck
12:07 heading towards town.
12:09 Rabbit run away?
12:11 Not that I--
12:12 Cool. We've got to find Rabbit.
12:14 Right.
12:16 Um, if I may ask, where do we begin looking?
12:21 In town.
12:23 Rabbit?
12:27 Rabbit, where are you?
12:30 Hello, Rabbit.
12:33 Hey, bunny boy!
12:36 Uh, Rabbit?
12:38 Rabbit!
12:41 Phew.
12:45 Rabbit Hunter is exhausts a-parading.
12:48 I wonder where he is.
12:50 That's remarkable.
12:54 That guy looks just like Rabbit.
12:56 Maybe he'd know.
12:57 Wait a minute, wait a minute.
12:59 You can't fool a tigger.
13:01 That is Rabbit.
13:03 Hey, bunny boy, it's me, Tigger.
13:06 T-I-double--
13:07 Sorry, I don't know any tiggers.
13:10 You don't?
13:11 No poos or piglets either.
13:14 Are you sure?
13:16 We seem to know you.
13:18 All they do, tiggers included, is borrow from me.
13:22 They don't know how to treat a rabbit special.
13:25 Oh, sorry, long ears.
13:27 I didn't think you felt like that.
13:30 And us worrying all about you and everything.
13:33 Uh, Rabbit?
13:35 He was just here a minute ago.
13:37 Christopher Robin!
13:40 Hey, guys, I found Rabbit.
13:44 I don't see him, Tigger.
13:47 Me neither.
13:48 I know, I know, but he was there a minute ago.
13:51 We're in a big special find.
13:53 Well, there's only one thing to do.
13:56 We shall have to go in there and apologize
13:58 for not treating him as special
14:00 as a special rabbit should be treated.
14:03 We can't, Pooh.
14:05 Why not? Where is it?
14:09 Right here, Tigger. They're closed.
14:12 Uh, what do we do now?
14:14 We come back tomorrow and buy him back.
14:17 Buy Rabbit?
14:19 Yes, Pooh, we gotta.
14:21 Before someone else does.
14:25 ( grumbling )
14:28 Okay, fluff and stuff, hand over the tag.
14:33 Tag? What tag?
14:36 This tag.
14:38 We've been in here a long, long time, see?
14:41 And no kid ever wanted to buy us.
14:43 First day you get that thing on, wham-o!
14:46 Knee-deep in customers.
14:48 Oh, you want this tag.
14:53 Oh, well, why didn't you say so?
14:56 I thought you meant that tag.
14:58 Hey, I don't see any--
15:01 What the--?
15:03 After him, boys. He's got our ticket out of here.
15:06 Never. I'll never give up my tag.
15:09 Christopher Robin's gonna buy me.
15:13 ( grunts )
15:16 Phew, thanks for catching me.
15:19 Don't mention it.
15:21 ( gasps )
15:23 ( crash )
15:25 ( screams )
15:27 We want that tag, see?
15:29 Guess you guys can't sleep either, huh?
15:37 Christopher Robin, do you think your pennies
15:41 have grown big enough to buy Rabbit?
15:44 I don't know, Pooh, but I sure hope so.
15:48 Oh, I wouldn't worry about old Bunny Boy.
15:51 He's probably having the time of his life.
15:54 ( grunts )
15:56 ( groans )
15:58 ( music playing )
16:01 ( crash )
16:05 ( music playing )
16:08 ( growls )
16:17 Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
16:19 Look out, tag!
16:21 ( crash )
16:23 I give up. I give up.
16:30 You can have the tag.
16:32 About time.
16:34 Look, it's over there.
16:37 Now I'm gonna get bought by that kid.
16:41 No way. I am.
16:44 Ha-ha, you're both wrong.
16:47 It's me.
16:49 Gimme that.
16:51 It's mine.
16:53 I'm gonna get bought.
16:55 It's mine. I slip my left eye.
16:58 ( chuckles )
17:03 You just watch.
17:05 When that kid comes back, he'll buy all of us.
17:08 No tag, no friends, and no Christopher Robin?
17:13 I'm not special.
17:15 I'm nothing at all.
17:18 Hey!
17:22 Told you he'd be back.
17:25 And we got the sign, too.
17:28 Please, sir, how much is that rabbit
17:36 that used to be in the window?
17:39 Oh, that special rabbit?
17:42 Well, he's worth a great deal.
17:45 A great deal.
17:47 I'm not sure if I have enough pennies.
17:49 See, I've been letting 'em grow, so...
17:52 so I could buy Rabbit a birthday present.
17:55 So they did remember.
17:58 Are you sure about wanting this rabbit?
18:01 How about a nice bicycle instead?
18:04 Oh, no, sir. I want my rabbit.
18:07 ( sighs )
18:08 I'm sorry. You don't have enough.
18:12 ( music playing )
18:15 Hmm. I don't know.
18:18 Uh, uh, just a second.
18:21 Great idea, Pooh.
18:28 Uh, how about this?
18:31 It's my Pooh Bear's best honey.
18:34 I don't know.
18:38 ( bell rings )
18:41 It's from Piglet.
18:44 Well...
18:46 And this whatchamahusetts?
18:49 My Tigger caught it.
18:52 Isn't this enough, sir?
18:55 Hmm. This is all very valuable stuff.
18:59 But just not the right amount for such a special rabbit.
19:04 See? No sign, no sale.
19:08 ( chuckles )
19:10 You don't have anything else to add?
19:13 ( sighs )
19:17 I lost my rabbit.
19:20 Uh, Christopher Robin?
19:22 ( mumbling )
19:26 Of course, I forgot.
19:28 The biggest thing of all.
19:31 Yes?
19:33 Please, sir, I'd like to add a whole bunch of love.
19:38 ( chuckles )
19:39 Well, now you're talking business.
19:43 Sold.
19:45 Yahoo!
19:48 Don't worry.
19:52 Someday you'll be special.
19:54 And somebody will buy you, too.
19:58 Aw, you really think so?
20:01 Sure.
20:03 ( barks )
20:16 Uh...
20:18 Surprise!
20:20 Happy birthday, rabbit!
20:22 But my birthday was last week.
20:26 You forgot it.
20:28 Last week?
20:30 Rabbit, your calendar's running fast.
20:33 It's missing a whole week.
20:36 Oh, what's this?
20:38 More guests, perhaps?
20:41 Why, you miserable big brains!
20:47 I'll...
20:49 For me?
20:54 Why, thank you.
20:56 Thank you, everyone.
20:58 I feel so...
21:00 special.
21:02 you
