【988新闻线】: 2023年11月10日 雪私校包括独中 教师准证费由6涨至40令吉

  • last year






00:00 [Music]
00:03 988 News Line
00:05 Hello, I'm Wilson
00:06 Hello, I'm Cindy
00:07 Today is November 10th
00:11 Please welcome our guest, this is a long weekend
00:15 I don't want to talk about that
00:16 I want to talk about the long weekend
00:17 Why?
00:18 November 12th is the New Catholic Easter
00:21 We can celebrate it together
00:23 Celebrating Easter is more important
00:24 I want to say, why is he afraid to say it?
00:25 Because he's afraid of having double 11
00:29 Unreasonable spending
00:30 But I heard the two hosts of Holly Golding say this afternoon
00:33 It seems that this year is not as hot as the previous year
00:38 I think it's the trend over the past few years
00:40 Especially in China, they are actually not doing this promotion
00:43 They were more calm before to deal with this matter
00:46 I think there are two main reasons
00:47 One, there are almost every month now
00:49 This kind of discount, double discount
00:51 The second is that the economy is really not very good
00:54 But I think at least
00:56 You may still be able to go out to spend the weekend
00:58 Plus the next discount I'm going to tell you
01:01 That's right
01:01 They said they had prepared the information to buy the support of the members of the micro-blog
01:10 The Tu Duan Party will report to the Anti-Corruption Committee
01:13 Private schools in Xunan and Europe
01:16 Including teacher certification fees for secondary school
01:19 From 6 RMB to 40 RMB
01:21 Wow
01:22 Many companies are in trouble
01:24 The deputy director said that we should be rational and consider the class hierarchy
01:29 The whole people celebrate the Tuyao Festival
01:31 Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, two days, the road toll will be fully paid
01:34 Free, free, there is free
01:39 This is good news
01:40 Hey, it's very good to cooperate with Double 41 and Tuyao Festival
01:43 Really
01:44 This is really a great news
01:45 This is the Double 11 discount that the road toll gives you
01:47 That's right
01:48 Minister of Industry and Trade Alishanda officially announced today
01:51 Today's May 12th, 01
01:53 That is tomorrow, that is Saturday, 11th
01:55 Until Sunday, 12th, 11.59 pm
01:59 The toll of the national highway is free
02:02 Except for Rofosudan, Iskandar Building BSI toll station and Danrong Ancient Town toll station
02:08 The rest will be free
02:09 He said this is to let the people celebrate the festival together
02:12 Especially the new bishops
02:14 At the same time, in line with the unity of the government to help people of different religions, races and beliefs
02:18 Realize the wish to reduce the burden
02:21 He also said that in fact, in January this year
02:24 At the meeting, it was agreed that on January 12th this year
02:27 Free road toll will be provided during the Tuyao Festival
02:30 It's really January this year
02:31 I was thinking before, didn't he just announce that he would discuss with the Ministry of Finance?
02:35 It turned out to be a detailed detail
02:39 Why is it two days?
02:41 Alishanda explained
02:42 This is to avoid traffic jams on the day of the return home and return to the city
02:46 We all know
02:47 Every time there is a holiday
02:49 The return home high speed will be very crowded
02:51 At the same time, the government expects 11.8 million cars to pass through these two days
02:55 So everyone must plan the schedule well
02:58 Especially recently, it's still wedding season
03:01 So many friends may return home at this time
03:03 That's also a wedding party
03:05 So the traffic will definitely increase
03:07 The law enforcement units are also eager to help
03:10 They immediately stepped in
03:11 Suddenly feel like they will leave the city
03:15 Then I will constantly monitor the situation
03:17 National Police, Traffic Investigation and Law Enforcement Department Director Dai
03:20 Na said
03:21 I believe the Chinese will take the opportunity to travel abroad during the holiday
03:24 In order to ensure smooth traffic
03:26 Traffic police have already started today
03:28 Until the 13th
03:29 Will launch a so-called smooth action
03:32 And will focus on the hot spots and black areas that may cause traffic congestion
03:36 I hope road users must follow traffic rules at all times
03:39 Ensure the smoothness of traffic
03:41 And road users' safety
03:42 Because you only follow traffic rules
03:45 You can ensure your own safety
03:46 You can also ensure the safety of others
03:48 Of course, you can drive a long-distance car
03:50 It's okay if no one accompanies you
03:52 Listen to Joubo Bar
03:53 We have a program with Hao Ge accompanying everyone all year round
03:56 In addition, we pay attention to this topic
03:57 If this is to resist the rise and fall of pro-Israeli companies
04:02 If you travel these days
04:03 Maybe you will see some restaurants or cafes that are not very crowded in Iran
04:09 In fact, many people have been posting about this recently
04:14 You see that the famous brands like Quechua, Starbucks, McDonald's, etc. are all in trouble
04:19 After a lot of netizens listed this list
04:21 Found that Nestle in the Mongolian market
04:24 And successful food BJ Food in the local Starbucks
04:27 Both fell
04:29 Among them, the stock price of Quechua has fallen for two consecutive days
04:32 The market value has increased by more than 750 million
04:36 In addition, more and more netizens are starting to share this
04:39 There will be a long list
04:40 And the company's name will continue to increase
04:43 And investors are actually more and more worried
04:46 Will it continue to affect the sales and performance of Quechua products?
04:50 Because now the stock price has fallen badly
04:52 Compared to the stock price of successful food
04:55 The fall will be more smooth
04:57 And the analyst of Xinye Investment Bank pointed out
04:59 The domestic Beige tide may be under successful food
05:02 Starbucks and Quechua have negative effects
05:05 But the analyst believes
05:07 The damage of Beige incident to Starbucks
05:09 Should be greater than Quechua
05:12 Because most of Quechua products are essential foods
05:15 And it has a very high market share
05:18 So compared to
05:19 He said that another brand may be more damaged
05:23 For the wave of the stock price against Western brands
05:25 Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade and Life Costs
05:28 Fujia Fu reminded consumers
05:29 Although the resistance is your right
05:33 But need to be responsible for your own behavior
05:35 He hopes consumers can reasonably view this matter
05:38 He said in the free economic market
05:40 People's decisions and actions
05:42 Not only affect you
05:44 But also consider the impact on the overall market
05:46 Economic impact and profit loss
05:48 For example, if Beige and McDonald's
05:50 May cause negative butterfly effects
05:53 Like a big impact on the meat market
05:56 Especially we know this brand
05:57 It has too many branches in Malaysia
06:00 If you face this so-called resistance tide at the same time
06:02 You think about the supply chain layer by layer
06:05 Will have an impact
06:06 Or what about those employees?
06:08 All local people
06:10 Okay, let's just leave the resistance out
06:13 Will there be many people
06:15 Choose not to eat out because of high cost of living
06:18 Or choose cheap food
06:20 This may have happened
06:22 Plus the flyover
06:23 So it's so serious
06:24 We don't know
06:25 It may be the case
06:27 Didn't the Ministry of Interior launch the
06:29 Love menu plan?
06:30 Menu Rama
06:31 To get a lot of support from businesses
06:33 At that time, all the big companies had
06:35 Five dollars menu
06:37 But the president of the Muslim restaurant business association
06:40 Wajah Ali
06:42 He found out
06:42 He said that restaurant business owners
06:44 Actually can't cope with
06:46 Food and high-priced
06:48 The burden of the whole cost
06:50 He said the government
06:51 Actually did not force the restaurant of Mama Dong
06:53 Prepare and provide love menu
06:55 It depends on the ability of the business owner
06:57 You want to participate
06:58 But currently
06:59 More than 12,000 Mama Dongs registered in Prisma
07:01 Only about 30%
07:03 Or about 4,000
07:04 Stick to this plan
07:06 I have seen some friends
07:08 Tell us
07:08 What was provided before
07:10 Now it's slowly not provided
07:12 In addition, I believe that the water cost will be adjusted soon
07:14 Minister of Natural Resources and Environment
07:16 Nina Zimmi said
07:17 Before the end of this year
07:19 They will ask the cabinet
07:21 National Water Cost Designation Mechanism
07:22 And unbalanced cost transfer mechanism
07:24 ICPT file
07:26 I hope next year
07:27 Can allow the state government to designate
07:29 A new water cost price
07:31 He said the state government has recently reached
07:33 Cross-party consensus
07:35 Hope to review the water cost again
07:37 Because the water cost in our country is really too low
07:40 And because it's too low
07:41 Some people waste
07:42 Not too concerned about the water cost
07:44 Nina Zimmi actually also said
07:46 In the Dama National Water Resources Research Institute
07:48 Under the measures of actively promoting the collection of rainwater
07:51 Hope to solve the problem of domestic water supply
07:53 Because in fact such a measure
07:55 Has been implemented in some countries
07:57 They use the rainwater collected
07:58 As a substitute for a water source supply
08:01 And rainwater is cheaper than clean water
08:04 So they made this choice
08:06 At the same time, he also gave an example
08:07 Like in Australia
08:08 When they are in the dry season
08:09 It is a crime to wash cars with clean water
08:13 When clean water is in the dry season
08:14 You can only use it as drinking water
08:17 Just avoid wasting
08:18 Can't
08:19 Because there is no water
08:20 Lack of water
08:21 You still use this water
08:22 Can be used to drink water to wash cars
08:23 When doing something that is not necessary
08:26 It becomes a crime
08:27 Abroad
08:28 Anyway, this price is to be adjusted
08:30 You see, everything is really rising
08:32 I have told you a few waves this year
08:34 Now see the teacher's license fee for private education institutions in Xuezhou
08:38 Also increased from the original six-point grade every year
08:40 It's a lot higher
08:41 Now it becomes 40 points per year
08:43 The news person pointed out to the New Zhou Daily
08:45 The teacher group received a letter from the Xuezhou Education Bureau the other day
08:50 Teachers in private institutions
08:52 Including the Education Center
08:53 International schools
08:54 The teacher's license fee is confirmed to be rising
08:58 The news also said that it is not known yet
08:59 This measure is only implemented in Xuezhou
09:02 Still implemented nationwide
09:04 Or in fact, other provinces have already implemented it
09:06 They don't know
09:07 And the fee after the adjustment
09:08 It's the teacher who has to pay
09:10 Or will be taken care of by the school
09:12 You have to look at this
09:13 What are the decisions of the three institutions in each school?
09:16 If the school takes all the teachers' certifications
09:18 An average of 150 teachers in a school
09:21 On average every year
09:22 Just this thing
09:23 It's a bit of a payout
09:24 Six thousand pounds
09:26 Another six thousand pounds of burden
09:28 What about this
09:28 Chairman of the Xuelong Board of Directors
09:30 Cai Qingwen
09:30 He said to this new notice
09:32 It's not known yet
09:34 We are not sure about the truth
09:39 Because the store hasn't come out to talk
09:41 And I haven't really met
09:42 But yes, it's a fresh approach
09:44 But we saw a lot of people discussing on the Internet
09:47 This store
09:48 I don't know if it's because the price has risen
09:49 He can't recover
09:50 Still can't stand the people
09:51 Always ask him for empty bowls
09:53 Then netizens posted a post on Facebook
09:55 Maliujia, this wonton noodle shop
09:56 Like customers
09:57 One empty bowl costs 33 cents
09:59 Such a practice
10:01 Caused discussion
10:02 There are actually food prices on the store
10:05 In addition to listing the price of food
10:06 There is also a special name
10:08 If you want an empty bowl, you have to pay 30 cents
10:10 If it's a child, it's free
10:12 Netizens explained that this store
10:13 They have been doing this for many years
10:15 Or the store itself
10:17 Is based on asking people to wash the dishes
10:19 So if you take more empty bowls
10:21 You have to pay
10:23 And netizens said
10:23 This store seems to be more recent
10:26 Those who require more chili
10:28 Or customers of the bowl plate
10:30 Also charge an extra fee
10:31 Of course, for such a rule
10:34 Netizens think that the store does have the right to do so
10:36 If you can't accept
10:38 You say customers can't accept
10:39 Then don't care about it
10:41 The customer has already paid the name
10:43 If you don't buy it, don't go
10:45 But still many people think
10:46 Shouldn't
10:47 Should go against this store
10:49 But I'm curious
10:54 He received an extra fee from us
10:56 Will he give his employees an extra fee to wash the dishes?
10:59 Not because he hired an extra person
11:01 He originally didn't need so many people to wash the dishes
11:04 But you keep telling him
11:05 This empty bowl
11:07 He has to hire one more person
11:08 Isn't it too good?
11:09 Okay, I accept your opinion
11:11 Next, I will also ask your opinion
11:13 See what your plan is
11:15 Two days off from the New Year's Eve
11:17 Will you travel because of this measure?
11:21 If you think it's rare to have a discount
11:23 Of course I want to make good use of it
11:24 Can save money
11:25 Click "Love"
11:26 If you think it's still not enough
11:27 It's definitely full everywhere
11:29 You can click "Sat"
11:29 Come to the option box and tell us your plan
11:31 Yes, next time we will talk about
11:33 The situation of the local party members' dissolution
11:36 Now they finally have to do some action
11:38 They said they have collected all the information
11:40 Ready to report
11:41 Liu Qiuqiu 88 News Line
11:43 How can we talk so much nonsense on Facebook live broadcast every time?
11:51 This is a link that many people are looking forward to
11:54 Really?
11:55 We met the audience and told me directly
11:56 I like to see your news line
11:58 The clip of you blowing water for four minutes
12:00 I was thinking I prepared other content
12:03 Why didn't you put it in your eyes?
12:04 Okay, welcome everyone
12:05 If you are free next week
12:06 Or if you are free now
12:08 Come to Qiu88 Facebook
12:09 Support our Facebook live broadcast
12:10 I am Alson Guan Xian
12:11 I am Xinya Xinrui
12:12 Let's talk about some of the issues that are recently concerned by Zhongzhi
12:15 Because at the beginning of last month
12:17 The local party has four members
12:19 Announced a joint transition to support Prime Minister Anhuang
12:22 It was last month until now
12:24 Now the local party is questioning
12:25 This may involve corruption and coercion
12:29 So they will report to the police and anti-corruption
12:32 The chairman of the local party, Mu Youding, said
12:34 They collected all the information
12:36 All the information
12:37 Also give an example
12:38 Look at this Huawangsheng Congress Member Azizi
12:41 He previously broke the news at the Unity Party meeting in Danzhou
12:44 He himself received the letter of intent
12:46 But refused
12:47 But I didn't expect to announce support for Anhuang three days later
12:50 Oh
12:51 So now the local party is suspicious
12:52 There must be some violations of the law
12:56 Such a change will happen in just three days
12:59 He thinks there are some strange points
13:01 Mu Youding also revealed that the Jiangsha Congress Member Iskander
13:04 There was also a report before
13:05 A boss with a Danzli headscarf threatened him
13:08 If you don't support Anhuang, you will also be sanctioned
13:12 So the local party believes that there are some threatening factors
13:15 Anyway, these four people
13:17 Just said
13:17 The local party said F4
13:20 These four members of the Congress
13:21 What other groups do you not like to become?
13:24 For example, the 17 of 13 people
13:26 Yes, or you just said an infinite number of NCT
13:31 There will be a lot of people
13:32 Because I didn't know either
13:33 Someone predicted that there might be more
13:35 But these four people
13:36 They all said that turning to support Anhuang
13:38 Is because we want to ensure that the election district gets a bonus
13:41 Just let this
13:42 Another issue
13:43 The topic of getting a fair bonus from the Congress Member
13:46 It keeps burning
13:46 Many people are discussing
13:48 And the famous Congress Member Su Haili
13:49 He even said
13:50 He publicly supported the United Nations government
13:52 Received the election bonus given by the government in three days
13:55 So other members of the local party
13:58 Now see such a thing
14:00 What is their attitude?
14:01 This is a member of the local party's bottom-left district
14:04 Called Kriel
14:05 He said he would not ask for election bonus again
14:08 He also insisted that I would never become F4
14:11 Will not pave their way
14:12 Then he also said
14:13 He told the Free and Unlimited Democratic Party
14:15 He will explore other alternatives
14:16 To get funds to take care of voters' welfare
14:19 For the local party
14:21 The members are threatened
14:23 And the attitude changed after the bribery
14:26 The Minister of Digital Communications, Fahmi said
14:28 If it is true
14:29 Then please call the police
14:30 However, he said the police have not received any reports yet
14:34 He said it is not yet
14:34 It is about to be reported
14:36 But it's too late
14:37 It's been so long
14:38 So many days
14:40 Fahmi also emphasized
14:41 Prime Minister and cabinet members
14:42 Did not participate in the so-called threat you mentioned
14:45 Or bribery
14:46 That's not just like this
14:47 The Supreme Court of the United Nations silently
14:49 Invited the chairman of the local party, Mu Youding
14:51 Come and tell me
14:52 You said that the four members of the local party support Anhua
14:55 Before being threatened and bribed
14:57 Why don't you look in the mirror first
14:59 Reflect on it
15:01 Bu Ai said so on Facebook
15:03 He said
15:04 Who used the method of threatening and secretly touching first?
15:07 OK, then face
15:09 This is Bu Ai's cold and hot
15:11 Why is the current minister, Kaili, only asking Anhua
15:14 What about the system reform you said?
15:16 He said that Anhua was in charge of the National Congress
15:19 When the leader of the anti-government party
15:20 I once called for the distribution of election funds
15:22 To distribute fairly
15:23 But now
15:24 It is necessary for the members of the opposition to support the united government
15:27 Only received the election fund
15:28 I feel a little bit
15:30 Different from the previous attitude
15:32 Of course, after the topic broke out
15:33 Also triggered another discussion
15:35 We have already said before
15:37 Has already implemented this anti-skipping law
15:39 Is it already invalid?
15:41 Among the members of the 100th day of the 14th of this morning
15:42 Li Taide, a food critic, also talked about this matter
15:45 Let's listen to the essence of the replay
15:47 OneUnited also talked about it before
15:48 Just say
15:49 As long as you don't skip the tide
15:50 You declare that only you are the prime minister
15:53 This is not against the anti-skipping law
15:56 So you have a conscience
15:57 I have a gun
15:59 Just say
16:00 Anti-skipping law can't skip the tide
16:01 It used to be a direct skip
16:02 Can't skip the tide now
16:03 I use another way to skip the tide
16:06 So it was at the end of last year
16:08 After the election
16:08 That's the one we saw
16:10 Saba's GRS
16:11 Also use the same method
16:13 To avoid the anti-skipping law
16:15 So our political figures are very good
16:17 Here to say
16:18 You want to say that the anti-skipping law is violated
16:20 No, it's the later
16:21 The TPP can't expel them either
16:23 So it's a way to freeze the attack
16:25 The earliest thing that happened was
16:27 Hishamuddin, a member of the Semperon National Assembly
16:28 At the beginning, before the government was organized
16:30 He actually
16:31 Ah, he is relying on another camp
16:32 So later
16:33 Ah, Mo Zhaqi is a toothless
16:35 He dares to expel Kylie
16:36 Why doesn't he dare to expel Hishamuddin?
16:38 The main reason is
16:39 Hishamuddin has a member of parliament in his hand
16:42 I can only freeze you
16:43 If I don't freeze you
16:44 I'm expelling you
16:46 It becomes
16:47 I have one less vote
16:49 The TPP should come to the party like a drum
16:52 The most serious is to freeze the party for six years
16:55 So Labuan is using the strictest way
16:58 To deal with him for six years
17:00 In the future
17:00 He wants to prevent this problem
17:02 You want to prevent the fifth, sixth, seventh out of the week
17:04 You can only do it at most
17:06 Because there is an example over there
17:07 Betrayed six years of freezing party
17:09 Can you scare people with this thing?
17:11 He can't scare people
17:11 Obviously can't scare people
17:13 In fact, it's back to saying
17:14 Members should not get this funding
17:17 In fact, Simon needs to know one thing
17:19 They may be in the wild
17:21 Before or after the next election
17:23 He may have a role to play
17:25 If you are in the wild
17:27 What would you think?
17:28 So it is said that
17:30 From a health and political point of view
17:32 In fact, we can't just
17:33 Funding this election
17:35 As a political bargaining chip
17:38 So he is thinking
17:40 You don't know what will happen in the future
17:42 Maybe later
17:44 OK, don't say this
17:46 OK
17:46 Let's change a focus
17:47 Let's talk about
17:48 These possibilities
17:49 May be helpful to Malaysia
17:51 Like the Minister of Economy, Rafi Zidou
17:53 The government's midterm review report on the 12th Denmark Plan
17:55 It is mentioned that it will still maintain
17:57 30% of the land and stock equity target
18:00 And in the new economic policy
18:02 Taken multiple measures
18:03 Hope to achieve this goal
18:05 He said that there are no targets so far
18:06 In fact, there are mainly several factors
18:09 Like the limited financial ability of land and stock
18:11 And the competition level of land and stock companies
18:13 Too low, etc.
18:15 Not only that
18:16 The leak is also the policy and measures made by the government
18:20 Did not let the land and stock groups benefit
18:21 And thus made the land and stock participation in the economy
18:25 Low efficiency
18:26 So the Ministry of Economy
18:27 Is working on a new direction for the land and stock equity agenda
18:31 Hope to let the middle class land and stock
18:33 They go to start a business
18:34 Then increase income
18:35 And the government will be held next January
18:38 Land and stock economic conference
18:39 Then let the parties express their opinions
18:41 Then make a new
18:43 Or more comprehensive land and stock equity agenda direction and policy
18:47 Ok, let's change a focus
18:49 Let's turn the focus to the east
18:51 This place is called the Chinese New Village of the Ancestors
18:55 It is said that a case happened here the other day
18:57 Wow, it's a case of life and death
19:00 A 72-year-old old man
19:02 Rape and attempted rape a 76-year-old widow
19:06 In addition to shocking the whole village, the police have been shaking their heads
19:09 Immediately find this suspect to question
19:12 We see this case
19:14 It is written that this case happened at the end of September this year
19:17 No specific date
19:18 Because the victim was too scared
19:20 He can't remember
19:21 What day is the date
19:22 At that time, this old man entered the victim's room at night
19:26 Attempted to rape him
19:27 The victim
19:28 When struggling desperately, he had difficulty breathing
19:31 Then the old man was afraid to see
19:32 Afraid to make a noise
19:33 Just left
19:34 In fact, why can this old man enter his house?
19:37 It was in 2021
19:39 When the Wendou flood
19:41 The victim's family entrusted the old man to help decorate the victim's house
19:45 So he did take his key
19:48 But I didn't expect him to secretly copy a key
19:52 Then let the victim of this single home meet the pervert
19:55 After that, the village chief confirmed that they had received a complaint
19:58 The police also found the old man to record a statement
20:00 But because this case happened in September
20:02 It's been a while, it's more difficult to get evidence
20:05 The police have already warned the old man
20:07 Don't do it again
20:08 And then we pay attention to the incident that happened yesterday on the Guala Dengjia Road
20:13 A regrettable incident
20:14 A building project in a resort accident
20:18 The foreign worker Li Nan came to today
20:20 This mood has already
20:21 We are going to turn into anger
20:23 Seeing the Wushu County Council, it is confirmed
20:25 This project is illegal
20:27 No approval from the authorities
20:29 Wushu County Council President Ibrahim said
20:31 This building project was implemented in 2020
20:34 After the implementation of the MCO
20:38 They began to build illegally
20:40 Although the owner had applied for the approval of this building
20:43 But after the application was rejected
20:45 Still continue to work
20:47 Continue to implement the project
20:48 Why is it like this?
20:50 The police have actually found the missing Indonesian foreign worker's body today
20:55 Then the search is officially over
20:57 The director of the police station, Adul Rocha, said
21:00 The search team found the body at 2 o'clock this afternoon
21:03 In fact, this action also mobilized more than 80 people
21:07 Then continue to search in a wheelchair
21:10 Anyway, this incident happened yesterday
21:12 This newly built resort
21:14 It suddenly collapsed at 4 o'clock in the morning
21:17 Three foreign workers were trapped in the ruins
21:19 Just said that one person has been missing
21:21 Found his body this afternoon
21:24 Now vote
21:26 Two days pass for the first meeting
21:30 Will you travel for this?
21:31 87% of friends
21:33 It seems that they are afraid of being stuck in the car
21:35 They think it's still not
21:37 It must be stuffed everywhere
21:39 13% of friends think it is rare to have a discount
21:41 Of course you have to use it well
21:42 You said you have friends like this, right?
21:45 Just because you know
21:47 Do you know how many dollars it costs to go home?
21:51 It's rare to have such an opportunity
21:52 I'm willing to be stuffed
21:54 Maybe it's early for my trip
21:55 Set off at dawn
21:57 There may still be some time that is not so stuffed
22:00 Maybe
22:01 If you are on the road
22:03 Now ready to set off
22:04 Or what?
22:06 Welcome you anytime
22:07 You have watched 988
22:08 We have a DJ with us
22:10 Including Xie Xie is coming to hand over to Biao Minglong
22:13 He came to take the class today
22:14 I saw his face and was scared
22:15 Yes, the big city
22:17 I am Austin Kwan
22:17 I am Xin Rui
22:18 See you next week
22:19 Bye
22:20 I am Xin Rui
22:21 See you next week
22:22 Bye
