ZTF On Utah's Offense

  • last year
00:00 >> What kind of a new challenge will that pose for the new group?
00:07 >> Yeah, when you run like that, especially they do a lot of wild camp
00:10 formation and things, we have to stay true to our reads and what we have to do.
00:14 But I think when they play that style of offense,
00:20 it also has to be that the game's kind of neck and neck for them to do that.
00:26 So if we make a couple of stops maybe early on and
00:28 we're able to take maybe two touchdowns late and force them to pass,
00:31 I think that'd be to our advantage for sure.
00:33 >> How you doing?
00:35 >> I'm doing all right.
00:35 I'm doing all right.
00:36 I've been getting a lot of messages from strangers, Husky Nation,
00:42 fans of all, even ducks, everyone from across the country.
00:45 So yeah, I think I've been able to take everyone's messages and
00:50 their stories and really help me out and bring everything into light and
00:54 realize there's more people than myself going through this type of grief.