• 2 years ago
Check out the 4 events that make up the 2006 Real Truck Club challenge...
00:00 Wheel Truck Love Challenge 2006!
00:03 Woo!
00:05 This is just the beginning.
00:09 OK, this is the obstacle course.
00:19 This is the guy's first event.
00:20 This is the first thing they're going to encounter.
00:25 And then they've got to get up this ledge.
00:29 And that just started them.
00:30 They've got to do this three times.
00:32 Once they get through that, they jump into this water.
00:34 If they hit that water hard, I don't
00:35 think they're going to know it's that deep.
00:37 [CHEERING]
00:39 Check this baby out.
00:41 Woo-hoo-hoo!
00:42 And last year, a lot of guys got shut down right here.
00:48 Remember, they're doing it three times.
00:50 Then they'd shoot over this way.
00:52 So having gone through there, if you saw this last year,
00:55 this is where these guys were doing huge wheel steps.
01:01 When you're going for time, you make some easy mistakes.
01:06 OK, so then Troy, who runs the Badlands, he owns this place.
01:11 He really wanted to make a jump for these guys.
01:13 I think he did a pretty good job.
01:17 Oh!
01:19 One more little uphill than this.
01:20 Yeah, it's going to be high speed right through here.
01:23 That's why they did it.
01:25 All right, I think these guys have been put through quite a
01:27 bit, right?
01:28 The only thing that's going to slow them down here is going
01:29 to be that divot there, which will slow them down
01:31 considerably.
01:31 They've got to come to a stop.
01:32 This tight turn, they're not going to let up for that mud
01:35 hole.
01:36 Got to get on the binders at that big right-hander.
01:39 And then they're back at the beginning.
01:41 Then they've got to do it two more times.
01:42 Let's see how these guys do.
01:43 This is going to be really exciting.
02:06 [HONK]
02:29 [LAUGHTER]
02:37 [HONK]
03:02 Check this out.
03:03 It's day two at Real Truck Club Challenge.
03:06 This is the rock course.
03:07 Now, those guys that haven't broke are pretty close.
03:10 The guys that did break have all pretty much fixed
03:12 everything, from transfer cases that were seven hours away
03:15 to welding up output shafts, even welding up ring and
03:19 pinions, literally putting the teeth back on the rig.
03:23 It's going to be pretty interesting.
03:25 OK, looks like a pretty simple start, right?
03:26 Check this out.
03:32 It's not so simple.
03:33 So you've got to drop down this.
03:34 This will be the first little obstacle.
03:36 They'll drive right through.
03:37 It won't be a problem.
03:39 Stay on it.
03:40 Stay on it.
03:41 They gave these guys a really wide berth.
03:42 They got a lot of room.
03:44 Little rocks like that can kick their butt, though.
03:45 This is definitely one of the cruxes of this.
03:51 This is going to be difficult for guys to figure out,
03:53 because this is kind of underclung.
03:54 They're going to have a tough time getting up on top of that
03:56 with these small tires.
03:57 They've got a high center.
04:02 They're going to try to get up this undercling rock.
04:04 It's not going to happen.
04:04 They're going to move over.
04:06 It'll be interesting.
04:08 Then they're going to come through here, pretty easy
04:10 little rock garden.
04:11 And then they've got these series of ledges right here,
04:16 and that's the end of their deal.
04:17 Good luck, guys.
04:23 [HONK]
04:27 [HONK]
04:31 [HONK]
04:36 [HONK]
04:46 [HONK]
