• last year


00:00 [whistles]
00:01 [music]
00:02 Dear Gamble, forgot to ask you one favor.
00:07 [gibberish]
00:12 [music]
00:18 Now, here's here. Hiya!
00:19 Hi, neighbor. Try this.
00:22 Oh, thank you.
00:24 [slurps]
00:25 Oh, oh, delicious.
00:29 See? He eats it.
00:31 [sneezes]
00:32 [music]
00:34 Trouble with you, Muncie. You're too finicky.
00:37 [music]
00:39 [chirping]
00:41 Ah, springtime. The season of friendly cooperation among birds and yard birds.
00:47 [chirping]
00:51 Hiya, neighbor. [laughs]
00:54 Borrow your spade?
00:55 [music]
00:58 Fork, trowel, sprayer, pruners, clippers.
01:02 [chirps]
01:03 [gibberish]
01:06 [thunder]
01:07 [music]
01:09 [gibberish]
01:13 Hey, neighbor! Your tools!
01:16 [chirps]
01:17 [music]
01:19 [chirping]
01:21 [music]
01:23 [groans]
01:25 [music]
01:27 [humming]
01:29 Friendship among neighbors is a beautiful thing, but it is as fickle as the wind.
01:34 [chirping]
01:37 [music]
01:38 What?
01:39 Better rake 'em up quick. They'll ruin your lawn.
01:42 [laughs]
01:44 [gibberish]
01:47 [music]
01:53 [chirps]
01:54 [music]
01:57 [chirps]
01:58 [music]
02:00 [chirps]
02:01 [music]
02:06 [chirps]
02:08 Huh?
02:09 Why, you!
02:11 [music]
02:12 Why, you little punk, I'll get you!
02:14 [music]
02:16 [chirps]
02:17 [music]
02:19 [laughs]
02:21 [music]
02:26 [chirps]
02:28 Why, you!
02:29 [music]
02:32 [laughs]
02:35 [chirping]
02:39 Extra, extra, neighborhood, vroom, vroom!
02:42 Read all about it, four between neighbors!
02:45 Extra, extra, TV covers battle!
02:48 Extra, extra here!
02:50 Hello, everybody. This is your on-the-spot roving reporter, ready to bring you the fight of the century.
02:54 All right, folks, now this is how it shapes up.
02:56 The battle lines are drawn real fine. The fight's just beginning on the property line.
03:00 They're getting set now. It's a tense moment.
03:02 Red hearts, get your red hearts here.
03:04 That big fellow in the poppy-flowered shorts, uh-oh, he's lining up at the fence.
03:08 [music]
03:11 Let's watch that property line, punk.
03:14 [chirps]
03:15 [music]
03:19 Atta boy, duck!
03:21 [music]
03:22 Oh, yeah?
03:24 [grunts]
03:25 [laughs]
03:27 [chirps]
03:28 [laughs]
03:29 The crowd's really getting a big kick out of this.
03:32 Nice going, fat.
03:33 [chirps]
03:34 [music]
03:36 Oh!
03:37 [laughs]
03:40 Now take this, you little...
03:42 [chirps]
03:43 I'll get you for that.
03:45 [chirps]
03:47 [chirps]
03:48 [grunts]
03:49 [chirps]
03:50 [music]
03:51 Take this!
03:52 [chirps]
03:53 [music]
03:56 [grunts]
03:57 [music]
04:02 It's a real seesaw battle, folks.
04:04 [music]
04:07 Now I got you, punk!
04:09 [music]
04:11 [laughs]
04:14 [chirps]
04:16 [music]
04:20 You're going great, Fatty.
04:21 You've got him worried.
04:22 [splash]
04:24 Give him the old spike fence.
04:26 [chirps]
04:28 He's gonna give you the old spike fence.
04:30 [chirps]
04:31 [bell rings]
04:32 All right, duck.
04:33 Now get in there and build.
04:34 [music]
04:36 [clatter]
04:38 [music]
04:42 [chirps]
04:45 [music]
04:48 Higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher.
04:56 [chirps]
04:58 [music]
05:03 Get out of the way, you ducks!
05:05 [splash]
05:10 Well, folks, that just about winds it up.
05:12 Old poppy flower is moving.
05:14 [music]
05:16 The little fellas won out.
05:18 No, no!
05:19 It's a draw!
05:21 [music]
05:32 [music]
06:00 Dancing has always been man's way of expressing his emotions.
06:04 He danced to bring the rains.
06:06 [music]
06:10 He danced to frighten evil spirits.
06:12 [music]
06:15 To bring in his crops.
06:16 [music]
06:18 Tribal tales were told with the slightest movement of the hands.
06:22 [music]
06:25 The dance has always had its romantic aspects.
06:28 [music]
06:30 Even today, dancing is still enjoyed by many.
06:33 But there are those who have become so inhibited,
06:36 they no longer have the ability or instinct to dance away their cares.
06:40 [music]
06:41 [sizzle]
06:43 Come on, George, let's dance.
06:45 Mm-mm!
06:46 [music]
06:48 Are you forced to offer some feeble excuse for not dancing?
06:52 Are you left holding the bags?
06:55 And stuck with the check while others enjoy themselves?
06:59 Do you have two left feet?
07:01 Of course!
07:02 Do you feel like a wallflower, alone in a world of laughter and dancing feet?
07:08 Well, you can learn to dance.
07:10 All done!
07:12 Dancing is as easy as one, two, three, and A, B, C.
07:16 Example.
07:17 A being the right foot is placed at numeral one.
07:20 B, the left foot at numeral two.
07:22 Now, C equals motion, therefore A, or the right foot, if the student is a lady,
07:26 or B, the left foot, if you're a man, glides to numeral three.
07:30 Logically, of course, the right foot follows the left,
07:32 and vice versa into the simple patterns that follow.
07:35 [music]
07:37 Thus, we find in this simple design the basis for the dance.
07:41 It's merely a matter of following the diagrams.
07:44 [music]
08:10 [music]
08:16 You are now ready for a partner.
08:18 Why, Mr. Keefe, come right in.
08:22 Now, don't forget, return it tomorrow.
08:25 Plan your approach carefully.
08:27 Be polite, even courteous.
08:31 Be suave.
08:33 Suggest refreshments.
08:35 [music]
08:42 Hmm.
08:44 If your partner seems to tire, suggest some fresh air.
08:51 For sitting out a dance on a moonlit terrace can be a most delightful part of your evening.
08:57 Ouch!
08:59 And remember, always be the gentleman.
09:02 [music]
09:06 But with the ice broken, on with the dance.
09:09 [music]
09:13 [music]
09:18 [music]
09:21 [music]
09:26 [music]
09:31 [music]
09:36 [music]
09:39 What a gal!
09:41 If you have trouble with self-instruction, you can attend an accredited dancing school and master a dance for every occasion.
09:48 [music]
09:58 [music]
10:02 [music]
10:05 Ouch!
10:07 [music]
10:12 Time passes quickly.
10:14 [music]
10:21 And one day you find yourself a past master of the dance.
10:25 You graduate.
10:28 Relaxed and confident, you are ready for the final test.
10:32 You're going dancing.
10:35 Your personality has changed.
10:37 You're sure of yourself.
10:39 [music]
10:46 A suave sophisticate eager to display your Terpsichorean technique.
10:52 And when the music starts...
10:55 [music]
10:59 [music]
11:01 [music]
11:07 [music]
11:14 [music]
11:18 [music]
11:22 [music]
11:28 Ah, yes.
11:29 The intricate grace of a modern ballroom dance is a true reflection of our culture.
11:35 From primitive man to modern man.
11:38 Man, you've come a long way in only 10,000 years.
11:43 [music]
11:50 [music]
11:55 [music]
12:00 [music]
12:05 [music]
12:10 [music]
12:15 [music]
12:20 [music]
12:25 [music]
12:30 [music]
12:35 [music]
12:40 [music]
12:45 [music]
12:50 [music]
12:55 Good morning, good morning, good morning.
12:57 Happy Royal Workers.
12:59 Shall we sing our Royal, Royal Work song?
13:02 Dear Royal, we're loyal.
13:05 We'll always be joyful.
13:08 We'll work hard and long for to you we do belong.
13:14 Today must be bright.
13:17 The customer is always right.
13:21 We'll work, work, work.
13:24 Our duties never shirk.
13:27 No, we'll never, never watch the clock.
13:40 So come now, we must work fast and time will pass.
13:44 [train sounds]
13:52 [music]
14:21 [music]
14:31 [music]
14:36 [music]
14:46 See how the minutes slip by when we keep our mind on our work.
14:51 [train sounds]
15:03 [music]
15:07 We don't sound very busy down there, do we Mr. Duck?
15:11 [music]
