العضو المنتدب لشركة الجزيرة تكافل السعودية لـ CNBC عربية: نستهدف الاستثمار في التقنية من أجل تعزيز قدرتنا على تحقيق النمو

  • last year


00:00 We have been working on the island of Kafl since the company was established.
00:04 We work on specific elements, based on our strategy, which is to double production and to reduce targeted slices.
00:17 These two main elements and the effective risk management of these three elements,
00:22 these three main elements may have caused the great growth that we have had in profits.
00:28 If you look at the island of Kafl, we were a percentage of the total slice.
00:33 We may be a late number in terms of our company in sales,
00:42 but we are very advanced in terms of companies that achieve profits.
00:48 In 2022, we were number 4 in the Saudi market in terms of profits,
00:52 and in terms of market share, we were number 25.
00:55 Now we are working on a strategy that is to manage the risk well and to attract targeted slices
01:01 that achieve profits for us and our contributors.
01:04 Our growth in the written economy grew by about 7% during this period.
01:13 We are aiming to reach about half a billion, God willing, by the end of this year.
01:17 When we talk about risk management, we talk about writing management
01:22 and the practices that are carried out in writing management
01:25 by using modern technology to know the client well,
01:30 targeting the clients who may have a different profile risk ratio than the high risk,
01:39 and for the requirements, we use modern technology.
01:42 We started using artificial intelligence in our requirements management.
01:47 Today, we have downloaded artificial intelligence programs that help us
01:52 better understand the requirements and analyze them well.
