• 2 years ago
FEED ME Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: After the devastating loss of his wife, Jed Freeman (played by Christopher Mulvin of Lore, Doctors) spirals into a deep well of despair, haunted by hallucinations and nightmares. However, a serendipitous meeting with the charismatic Lionel Flack (Neal Ward – Hosts, Two Graves) offers him a disturbingly enticing escape from his sorrow, leading to the most savage of friendships.

Drawn into Lionel's twisted world, Jed finds himself captivated and ultimately seduced by the promise of an end to his suffering—through horrifying, unimaginable means. But as they embark on this grim journey, the situation escalates into chaos. Lionel, the unhinged cannibal, embarks on a frenzied mission to quench his insatiable hunger for human flesh.
00:00 [Sounds of a door opening and closing]
00:11 Thank you all for coming today.
00:14 Every day that we had together, I would see... happiness.
00:27 Well, let's just say life didn't do me the greatest hand.
00:30 I've played my cards and I am... done.
00:33 Boys and girls, listen up!
00:35 All that weight you're carrying...
00:38 What if I said I could take it all away?
00:40 All of it.
00:42 Just tell me how it works.
00:47 Consensual human consumption.
00:50 So, you wanna eat me?
00:54 That is exactly what I'm saying.
00:57 I'm saying...
00:58 [Music]
01:17 (metal clanging)