Laced Movie Trailer HD - 2024 - Plot synopsis: In a remote cabin on the evening of a record-breaking blizzard, a young woman plots to poison her abusive husband in order to end their toxic relationship once and for all. When the poison fails to kill him, she not only has to quickly concoct a backup plan, but also contend with her husband’s increasing suspicion that his intensifying illness isn’t wholly accidental. And with the unexpected arrival of her brother, her carefully crafted scheme threatens to spiral ever further out of control. Now trapped together as the snow piles up, double-crosses and horrifying secrets threaten to ensnare each of them in their own spiderwebs of deception.
Directed by Kyle Butenhoff
Directed by Kyle Butenhoff
Short filmTranscript
00:03 Are you happy, Charlie?
00:10 Are you happy?
00:11 I don't know.
00:19 Sometimes I think I'm happy, but then I realize I'm just not sad.
00:22 It's not really the same thing, is it?
00:24 No, I think--
00:25 Of course I know what you think.
00:28 That's all you do, is say what you think,
00:32 how we're going to fix things, what we're going to do.
00:35 But there never really was a we, was there, Charlie?
00:38 Just you.
00:43 [KNOCKING]
00:45 Baby, this is my nurse friend, Victoria.
00:47 Called her over to make sure everything's OK.
00:49 Molly, I think you need to take me to a hospital.
00:51 We're not going anywhere, Charlie.
00:53 Looks like the paralysis is kicking in.
00:55 Molly, you take me to a hospital right now.
00:59 Please don't let me die.
01:00 Did you not tell you I was coming over?
01:11 What did you do?
01:15 Tell him, Molly.
01:19 [GUNSHOTS]
01:26 [GUNSHOTS]
01:29 [GUNSHOT]
01:31 You know, somehow, this isn't even the worst coming
01:34 out story I've heard.
01:38 (dramatic music)