Tirzepatidie(Mounjaro) 10mg for Weight Loss: What it is and How it work?

  • 9个月前
A new peptide from AASraw for weight loss -Tirzepatidie(Mounjaro)!You need to know
Tirzepatide for weight loss(10mg)-AASraw
In this video, I will quote an article in Times magazine to explain that Tirzepatide (sold under the brand name Mounjaro,) is a very useful weight loss peptide that has been mentioned recently. It has also been approved by the FDA for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and weight loss.

What is Tirzepatide?
Tirzepatide is a single molecule that activates the body's receptors for GIP and GLP-1, which are natural incretin hormones. Both GIP and GLP-1 receptors are found in areas of the human brain important for appetite regulation. Tirzepatide has been shown to decrease food intake and modulate fat utilization.

How does Tirzepatide work?
Subsequently reproduced@egpat Link https://youtu.be/2OE-qJZ2F2o
The mechanism of action of Tizepatide is clearly explained.
Tirzepatide (Mounjaro) is a new antidiabetic agent with unique dual action on incretin receptors. It acts on GLP-1 receptor and GIP receptor to promote insulin release, delay gastric emptying and reduce the appetite.

Compared with other weight loss peptides, research reports show that Tirzepatide has the greatest weight loss effect! Tirzepatide is undoubtedly the savior for those who want to lose weight!

If you would like to know more about Tirzepatide, please consult Dr. Mary from AASraw company.

DISCLAIMER: This video does not contain any medical or health-related diagnosis or treatment advice. Content provided on this YouTube Channel is for informational purposes only. For any medical or health-related advice, please consult with a physician or other healthcare professionals. Further , information about specific products or treatments within this video are not to promote, diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

In addition, In no way does this doctor/scientist in video endorse or advocate the purchase, sale, or use of this product for any reason. Aasraw has no affiliation or relationship, implied or otherwise, with this physician. The purpose of citing this doctor is to acknowledge, acknowledge and commend the exhaustive research and development work done by the scientists working on this substance.
