• 2 years ago
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Retro Gaming - PC DOS - AD&D - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - 2nd Edition - Ravenloft - Stone Prophet - Let's Play
00:00 Welcome back, ghouls and goblins.
00:04 [evil laugh]
00:06 Yes, I've got my fans on.
00:08 I have to have my fans on so it sounds really bad when I have my mic on.
00:13 My mic's actually a good mic. In fact, it's too good. It's picking up all the sounds from the fans.
00:17 Anyway, so, this is like the fourth time trying to record this because I keep screwing up somehow.
00:24 I realize that since the undead paladin isn't in my party, I might as well get led to the obelisk.
00:30 So we're going to get led to the obelisk.
00:33 And then I'm going to grab the undead paladin. I'll do a jump cut here and there and then I'll clear out Temple of Set.
00:39 So let's get going.
00:49 [reading dialogue]
00:55 Still your thoughts, woman. The eyes of Neferti are with us.
01:02 Your passion concerning them proves the sincerity of your heart.
01:06 Here are the eyes. Will you join us now and show us the entrance to the obelisk?
01:13 As fate directs me, I shall join you. As my inner visions demand, I shall find the way within the obelisk.
01:22 For what lies within, whatever it may be, holds the key to a larger fate, that of Harakir and all her people.
01:30 But know you this, the fates of which I speak guarantee you no safety.
01:36 The trail ahead shall be a harsh one, all the more so because you must now protect this blind old woman.
01:45 I'm actually kind of overgeared for this particular adventure, but yeah, okay, let's go.
01:55 It'll be harsh.
01:57 [evil laughter]
02:00 [music]
02:04 [music]
02:29 Helps if I'm going in the right direction.
02:31 [music]
02:41 [music]
02:51 [music]
03:20 Our thanks to you, old woman. With you, I shall leave the helmet of telepathy.
03:25 May it and the eyes of Neferti make your remaining years as kind as this land allows.
03:31 There, can you feel it? Having led you within the obelisk, my task is complete.
03:40 The spheres of the heavens are aligned now, the journey set, your journey.
03:46 Mine is over. Go on alone now. An old woman would but slow you down.
03:53 It will be difficult enough for you to face what must be faced without protecting me as well.
03:58 My simple home awaits my return.
04:01 Our thanks to you, old woman. With you, I shall leave the helmet of-- oh yeah, I already did this.
04:11 [music]
04:21 Let's see what this guy has to say.
04:23 [music]
04:43 A heartbeat, a breath. The sounds of life enter these empty halls.
04:49 I greet you. My thoughts have scratched and turned within this place, empty and alone now for so long.
04:58 The only sound has been the sigh of the storms beating against the outer walls.
05:04 Ah, so wonderful, the scent of mortal flesh. You have come, as the prophecy foretold.
05:15 [music]
05:21 Mr. Tubbs.
05:23 Ghostly creature, be on your guard. Of what interest is the scent of our flesh?
05:30 Oh, no harm, no harm, my lord. The stones are old, the dust dry. The aura of mortal flesh awakens me, reminds me how long it has been since I became guardian of the stone prophet.
05:49 It has been my charge to await a time when mortals would approach these stones and attempt to understand them.
05:58 In obedience to that mission, I speak. After that, I shall forever fade away.
06:06 [music]
06:11 Abby, you speak of the stones, these strange markings at your back. Oh, you speak of the stones, these strange markings at your back. Might you read them for us?
06:23 [music]
06:26 Mortal arrogance! With what ease do you expect the faith to prepare your path?
06:33 It shall not be, for my work is my work, and the knowledge you seek is not mine to give.
06:40 The writings of the prophet reach back, far, far back, into a dawn we cannot know.
06:48 Gentle rains have worn mountains down, and trees have turned to seas since the days of the prophet.
06:57 An age and an age and an age has passed, years enough to count each grain of sand in the deserts of our kingdom.
07:08 [music]
07:12 Perhaps the writings on the stone are why we have been led to this place. How might these writings be understood?
07:19 It's Mr. Tubbs.
07:21 You have come far, and so you must understand this. Courage and daring alone might reveal the secret of the stone prophet.
07:33 By this I mean that you must travel deep within the obelisk and search them out, these secrets.
07:41 Three levels rest within, each more difficult than the last.
07:47 That you have come this far means you have the power to fulfill the prophecy.
07:52 But be warned, having the power to do something, and being destined to do it, are different things.
08:01 [music]
08:04 Yeah, yeah, kneel before Zod.
08:06 I'm just kidding.
08:09 Mr. Tubbs, these stones, do they speak of Octopot?
08:15 The fate of Harakir does not rest with Octopot alone.
08:20 True, his role is great, his power frightening to behold.
08:25 Yet all is not as it seems.
08:28 A great responsibility has imposed itself upon you, for all those trapped within Harakir suffer.
08:37 Their fate and yours are bound together, linked by the chains of fate.
08:44 Only as you succeed might they live.
08:47 Only in obeying the words of the stone prophet might you survive and, in time, return to your beloved homeworld.
08:57 [music]
09:02 Mr. Tubbs, do the stones reveal the history of this land, of Harakir?
09:07 The stone prophet concerns himself with the end of things, not with their beginnings.
09:15 Know you not the age of this land?
09:18 What wall might hold such history?
09:21 Mountains would cower before it.
09:24 The sky might breach against its heights.
09:27 Were I to recount the tale of Harakir, no mortal lifetime could stretch from my first words to my last.
09:37 [music]
09:41 So you're a slow speaker, I take it.
09:43 [music]
09:46 Uh, Abby, one last question before we part.
09:49 The blind seer who led us to this place, will she make her way safely back home?
09:54 Or, make her way safely home, yeah.
09:57 [music]
09:58 Worry not, for that one has served her purpose.
10:03 You have yet to do as much.
10:05 Yes, she shall return safely to her home, and more than that, I shall not say.
10:12 [music]
10:14 Fare you well in the way ahead.
10:17 Though the fate of Harakir rests with you, I shall not know the outcome.
10:23 Having honored my charge to stand as ward and await your arrival, I go now to my rest.
10:31 Never again...
10:32 [music]
10:35 Damn it!
10:37 [sigh]
10:40 Looks like I'm gonna be pausing and getting back to this point.
10:46 Be right back.
10:48 Alright, let's see if this works this time.
10:51 [music]
10:54 Uh, Abby, one last question before we part.
10:58 The blind seer who led us to this place, will she make her way safely home?
11:03 Or, make her way safely home, yeah.
11:06 [music]
11:08 Worry not, for that one has served her purpose.
11:12 You have yet to do as much.
11:15 Yes, she shall return safely to her home, and more than that, I shall not say.
11:22 I go now to my rest.
11:25 Never again shall my voice be heard within these ancient halls.
11:31 Yay, it worked!
11:35 [music]
11:38 [music]
11:41 [music]
11:45 [music]
12:13 Alright, so I'm gonna pause here, drop stuff off at the village, teleport over, grab the paladin, and then crush the Temple of Set.
12:27 So that's where the adventure will begin shortly.
12:31 Jump cut!
12:33 Jump cut!
12:36 Alright.
12:37 Now, for the Temple of Set!
12:40 Yes!
12:42 [silence]
12:45 [scream]
12:53 [music]
13:04 [music]
13:33 [music]
13:36 [thunder]
13:39 [music]
13:43 You have entered the Temple of Set, and the god grows angry.
13:52 Where are his followers?
13:54 In this once thriving temple, bow you down before Set.
13:59 Worship him, or you shall bow down before his wrath.
14:04 [music]
14:07 Uh, I already kneeled before Zod. You can go take it up with Zod.
14:16 You have entered the Temple of Set, and the god--
14:21 [silence]
14:24 [music]
14:27 [silence]
14:31 [music]
14:59 Mr. Tubbs. Curiosity and fate, they seem to lead us everywhere. Who are you?
15:07 Search your mind. The sound of my name is yet fresh within.
15:16 Isu. Isu Rekhotep. I am the teacher of which you have heard.
15:24 Yes. She who teaches the young the creed of Set.
15:29 In my time, I worked to free Muhar from its foolish devotions to Osiris.
15:37 Slowly I changed the rituals. Slowly the texts.
15:43 In years to come, they will know me for who I am.
15:48 [music]
15:51 [music]
15:54 Mr. Tubbs. Perhaps we've heard of you. Perhaps not.
16:00 In some lands, however, it is said Osiris is a god of nature and rebirth, while Set is evil.
16:07 Lies. Slanders. Hacked truths.
16:14 It is Osiris who enslaves us through his blind devotion to the good.
16:21 Where is the freedom of power if not with Set?
16:26 How might we achieve the best in ourselves if not by ruling others?
16:32 It is Set. Set and power which does honor to our inner selves.
16:41 Mr. Tubbs. Forgive us if we are not familiar with the ways of Set.
16:46 How came you to devote yourself to this god of evil?
16:50 God of evil? No. Set is the god of secrets.
16:59 Secrets quicken the heart. Like love, they bring jealous devotion.
17:05 Long ago I followed the ways of Osiris, but there came a day...
17:12 Yes, I remember.
17:15 There came a day when the secrets of controlling and great Hermione were no longer secrets...
17:22 to me.
17:24 My heart quickened. In time it beat beyond all resisting.
17:31 Sennet, a child of Anktapot, became mine.
17:38 Mr. Tubbs, I take it Sennet is a greater mummy, one who once obeyed the will of Anktapot.
17:48 What became of him?
17:50 And then his other one is, a dangerous vocation, controlling a greater mummy.
17:55 What did you hope to accomplish?
17:59 I'm going to do the first one, then the second one.
18:02 Oh, he is no more. No, believe you this, if you believe anything.
18:11 Sennet is no more. Once a devoted priest, his service to Anktapot went unrewarded.
18:20 Indeed, by Anktapot's orders, Sennet was put to death.
18:26 Such a waste for one so suited to rule, so more fitted to the throne of Harakir than Anktapot himself.
18:37 If I awakened him, if I brought this mummy's guise to life to walk the land,
18:45 it was to search out a vengeance befitting his terrible fate.
18:54 By set, I desired the common desire that only the uncommon achieve.
19:02 The power to command, the power to rule.
19:07 The mummy Sennet was but the beginning, for in time, all of Harakir was to be mine.
19:16 Together we would take from Anktapot the foolish, Anktapot the weak.
19:23 We would take what must in the end be ours.
19:28 Yet Sennet is no more. My Sennet, my great and glorious servant, is no more.
19:37 If I were to curse with the greatest of curses, a curse to envelop and destroy,
19:45 I would level it upon all who seek to do Sennet harm.
19:51 [Music]
19:56 Mr. Tubbs, your words are confusing. Does Sennet exist in this time?
20:02 It is as if you're trying to protect him.
20:05 And the second thing is, if Sennet is no more, then why a curse upon those who would seek him harm?
20:12 Should you not curse those who destroyed him?
20:15 Sennet needs no protection. He might sweep you aside with but a thought,
20:23 clap his tattered hands and send you spinning like motes of dust.
20:30 Then, of course, Sennet is no more.
20:35 Were I to control him now, he would prove a threat to Anktapot, and I have no desire to anger the Lord of the Land.
20:45 No. Go and tell Anktapot this, that where once we may have conspired against him,
20:53 we shall not make so grave a mistake again.
20:58 [Music]
21:01 I curse whom I please in words as I desire.
21:07 Now go from here.
21:09 If you do not worship Sennet, you have no place in the temple of the God of Cyprus.
21:17 [Music]
21:22 Kneel before me. Kneel before Zod.
21:25 Alright, so, you know what, I'm going to stop the recording here, and then I, I mean that gets to 21 minutes or so.
21:34 I hope you guys enjoyed the recording. I hope you have a wonderful day.
21:38 Take care, everybody. Love you, bye.
21:41 [Music]
