The White House makes major effort to regulate AI

  • last year
Under a new executive order AI developers will need to risk test their tools and share the results with the US Government.
00:00 The US President Joe Biden says the world is at an inflection point when it comes to
00:05 artificial intelligence.
00:07 And he believes, given the rate of progress we've seen recently, that in the next five
00:10 to 10 years, we will see technological change equal to what we've seen over the past 50.
00:16 And although he says artificial intelligence presents real opportunities for both American
00:21 people and American companies, and he points to things like workers being able to find
00:26 the quickest commute home due to artificial intelligence, or artificial intelligence allowing
00:31 the web telescope to search through large swathes of space to try to find planets like
00:37 our own, it does present real risks to the way we live our lives.
00:42 And he points to things like deep fakes, that's fake images and video, which have been manipulated,
00:49 they've been generated in order to show things that aren't real.
00:53 And we've already started to see this in the United States be deployed in political advertisements.
00:58 Joe Biden says he himself was tricked by a video that purported to be him saying something
01:03 and he wasn't actually sure whether or not he had or hadn't said it.
01:06 So he said there are going to be some fundamental changes to the way developers are able to
01:11 work on AI projects, and he's asking government agencies to come up with standards.
01:17 And then the developers of AI will need to share their risk data, their safety data,
01:24 directly with the US government.
01:26 And this is him using the example of how it would work for things like deep fakes.
01:30 Now although that sounds good in theory, we've already heard from AI companies that over-regulating
01:38 their space, over-regulating artificial intelligence, could put American companies at a real disadvantage.
01:44 We're seeing an arms race globally when it comes to artificial intelligence technology.
01:49 And they say if America over-regulates or puts regulations in place that other countries
01:55 don't have, then it could mean that America loses the advantage when it comes to artificial
02:00 intelligence.
02:01 And that's a particularly big concern when it comes to America's strategic rival, China,
02:06 and whether or not Chinese companies have to follow those same rules.
02:10 Joe Biden says that he will be working with the leaders of other countries to ensure their
02:14 is cohesion in these rules.
02:17 But it remains to be seen about whether or not everyone will be following the exact same
02:22 rules.
02:23 This has been a policy of the Biden administration since he was elected.
02:28 And there has been a great deal of talk about the need for guardrails in AI.
02:33 But it's important to note that this is an executive order.
02:35 So this is the president acting unilaterally, just with the signature, is able to impose
02:41 certain rules.
02:42 But it is not law.
02:44 And that is because the Congress is divided on the issue of artificial intelligence.
02:48 And what that means is that whoever the next president might be could simply overturn what
02:53 Joe Biden has today signed.
