These SNL Moments Were Too Awkward...

  • last year
You can't hide anything on live television! Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 most shocking, funny, bizarre, or cringey moments on Saturday Night Live.


00:00 What I have to say right now might be a little cringe.
00:02 Just give us a tea.
00:04 Welcome to WatchMojo.
00:05 And today, we're counting down our picks
00:07 for the top 20 most shocking, funny, bizarre, or cringey
00:11 moments on "Saturday Night Live."
00:13 Wow.
00:14 I've been really clumsy this week.
00:16 [LAUGHTER]
00:19 Number 20, Kristen Stewart's F-bomb.
00:22 Hosting SNL is an exciting moment in anyone's life.
00:25 For actress Kristen Stewart, some of that excitement
00:27 was present in her opening monologue.
00:29 It is really great to be hosting "Saturday Night Live,"
00:32 I got to tell you.
00:32 She initially expressed nervousness
00:35 that Donald Trump might be watching
00:36 because he had previously commented
00:38 on her past relationship with Robert Pattinson.
00:40 She ended the monologue with a bit
00:42 about not being too cool to host the show, where she was joined
00:44 by Kate McKinnon and Aidy Bryant.
00:46 You guys don't have to do this, though,
00:48 just to make me think you're cool, because I think you guys
00:50 are so awesome.
00:52 Like, it's a done deal.
00:53 Oh, my god.
00:54 While proclaiming how happy she is to be on the program,
00:57 Stewart let slip an expletive.
00:59 She immediately caught herself, but it clearly
01:02 caught everyone off guard.
01:04 We've got a great show, and I totally
01:05 care that I'm here, because it's the coolest [BLEEP] ever.
01:08 Oh.
01:08 [LAUGHTER]
01:10 Oh, my god.
01:11 And I'm sorry, and unless your car is also here,
01:13 and I'll never come back.
01:15 [LAUGHTER]
01:16 Number 19, suitcase boy.
01:19 If you were to picture Robert Downey Jr. in a suit,
01:22 it would most likely be an Iron Man suit, not a suitcase.
01:26 Back in 1986, a 20-year-old Downey
01:29 was rolled out on stage in a comically large contraption
01:32 where only his head is visible.
01:34 Ladies and gentlemen, Francis thought
01:36 that Robert should do something that expressed himself,
01:40 who he really is.
01:41 He claims he's going to do a confrontational monologue,
01:44 and we're not sure what that even means.
01:46 He goes on to express a series of non-sequiturs
01:49 until Joan Cusack comes out in a suitcase as well.
01:52 What is this?
01:53 Don't mind me.
01:54 Just go ahead and put your--
01:55 What do you mean, go ahead with what I'm doing?
01:58 What is that?
01:58 Well, I think it's going very well.
02:00 You should just go ahead.
02:02 He's upset that Cusack is going to steal his thunder
02:04 and falls over in anger.
02:06 I'm going to knock you over.
02:07 You will cushion my fall.
02:09 You'll-- ow!
02:10 Ow!
02:12 Season 11 of SNL is frequently cited
02:15 as one of the show's worst, and with a sketch as baffling
02:18 as this, it's not hard to see why.
02:21 Number 18, January Jones is gassy.
02:25 A parody of Rear Window sounds like a fun concept,
02:27 but its execution leaves a lot to be desired.
02:30 It's Grace Kelly.
02:31 I'm so sorry I'm late.
02:36 Please forgive me.
02:37 Hello, James.
02:38 Hello, Alfred.
02:39 Good evening.
02:41 January Jones portrays Grace Kelly,
02:43 and the simple setup is that she has gas
02:45 and she keeps farting while trying
02:47 to shoot a scene with Jimmy Stewart played
02:49 by Jason Sudeikis.
02:50 It all could be in a box that size.
02:52 [FARTING]
02:55 Cut!
02:56 Did I do it again?
03:01 That is the depth of this sketch,
03:03 and it is painful to watch.
03:05 The only thing that can be added is more farting effects,
03:09 and it certainly doesn't improve anything.
03:11 In fact, the only real positive takeaway
03:13 is that Jones eventually breaks.
03:15 Oh, Pitch, I feel terribly.
03:18 Why?
03:18 That's because you're sick, Grace!
03:20 You're sick!
03:22 Number 17, Larry David's Holocaust jokes.
03:26 If you watch Curb Your Enthusiasm,
03:28 you know Larry David is the one person
03:31 willing to say the things others won't say
03:33 to avoid feeling uncomfortable.
03:35 It really shouldn't be a surprise, then,
03:37 that David brought up the Holocaust during his monologue.
03:40 If I'd grown up in Poland when Hitler came to power
03:45 and was sent to a concentration camp,
03:49 would I still be checking out women in the camp?
03:52 He mentions how it would be difficult to pick up
03:55 women in a concentration camp.
03:56 Sometimes things are better left unsaid,
03:59 as the bit caused some controversy
04:00 due to the sensitive nature of the subject.
04:02 The problem is there are no good opening
04:06 lines in a concentration camp.
04:08 And while audience members let out a few laughs,
04:11 to our ear, they sounded nervous,
04:14 as they may have been unsure of how to react.
04:16 What?
04:17 What'd I say?
04:19 Is it me or is it the whole thing?
04:22 Number 16, SafeLight Autoglass Gets Creepy.
04:26 This one started out decently enough,
04:28 but didn't stick the landing.
04:29 In a parody of SafeLight commercials,
04:32 we are presented with a technician
04:33 checking in with a mother and daughter duo
04:35 after repairs were made to their car.
04:37 Wow, the windshield looks brand new.
04:39 Thanks for your help.
04:40 Bye.
04:41 Wait, how close was the game?
04:43 We demolished them.
04:44 Good job.
04:45 This happens a few times because the windshield
04:47 keeps cracking.
04:49 Where things go off the rails is when it's revealed
04:51 that the employee has been purposely breaking
04:53 the windshield to get close to the daughter.
04:56 Tell her what?
04:57 You don't feel this?
04:57 What's happening between us?
04:59 Gross, no.
05:00 It was an unnecessary turn that made everything
05:02 creepier than it needed to be.
05:04 SafeLight was none too thrilled about its portrayal,
05:07 and eventually, this segment was removed
05:09 from subsequent airings for a time.
05:11 It's OK.
05:12 I'm not insulted.
05:13 Number 15, Father-Daughter Ad.
05:16 The setup for this commercial spoof seems innocuous enough.
05:19 A dad dropping off his daughter at the airport.
05:21 Just make sure to--
05:23 Call you when I get there?
05:24 I know.
05:25 Yeah.
05:27 You know, you could stay home, do another year of high school
05:32 if you want.
05:33 Very funny, Dad.
05:34 Things take a turn towards the unexpected
05:36 when instead of the daughter going off to college,
05:38 she's actually joining ISIS.
05:41 Unsurprisingly, many people took exception to this
05:43 as it seemed to be making light of the pain
05:45 and suffering the group has caused.
05:47 Not helping matters were some of the more cringe-inducing lines
05:50 like--
05:51 Dad, it's just ISIS.
05:54 There just isn't much substance beyond the shock value
05:56 of having a young woman join an extremist group.
05:59 Take care of her.
06:02 Death to America.
06:03 Number 14, Nude Beach.
06:06 Bob and Doug are at a nude beach resort,
06:08 and Doug, played by Matthew Broderick,
06:10 is understandably feeling a little nervous.
06:12 I feel a little self-conscious, Bob.
06:14 I mean, I've never been to a nude beach before.
06:17 Doug, come on.
06:17 Will you stop with this?
06:18 You have nothing to worry about.
06:20 When they meet a larger group of Bob's friends,
06:23 all they can talk about is the male appendage,
06:25 with nearly everyone commenting on how small Bob's is.
06:29 Yeah, I guess so.
06:30 Well, that's OK.
06:30 I hear it really doesn't matter to women.
06:32 Yeah, I read that too.
06:34 The initial mention is humorous, but they really
06:36 run the concept into the ground.
06:38 In about four minutes, the word penis
06:41 is uttered around 40 times, including in a song.
06:44 Naturally, when this aired, 46,000 complaints were sent in.
06:49 Kind of makes us wonder if there's
06:50 room for serious discussion on these subjects on television.
06:54 So to those of you who missed the point, grow up.
06:57 Really, come on.
06:58 Number 13, Gen Z Hospital.
07:02 The way younger generations talk sure is funny,
07:04 don't you think?
07:05 At least, that's what this sketch would have you believe.
07:07 Bruh, seriously?
07:09 I'm so pressed right now, bro.
07:11 In a parody of daytime soaps, a group of friends
07:14 are at a hospital trying to find out if bestie is OK.
07:17 And the conceit is that everyone uses
07:18 slang typically attributed to members of Gen Z.
07:22 Your bestie took a major L while driving her Hellcat.
07:24 Yeah, we saw.
07:26 We tried everything we could in surgery,
07:28 and it was sus for a while.
07:30 But we have your bestie on a machine,
07:32 and we're doing everything we can.
07:33 Unfortunately, there are no jokes
07:36 beyond the phrases used sounding out of place
07:38 in a serious medical context.
07:40 Many viewers found it cringey, while others
07:43 claimed the show was misappropriating
07:44 the use of African-American vernacular English.
07:47 Bro!
07:49 You cappin'!
07:51 Unfortunately, no cap.
07:52 Number 12, Kami Hunting Season.
07:55 This sketch is frequently considered
07:57 one of the worst on SNL, and it's not hard to see why.
08:01 It sure is exciting, Uncle Lester.
08:03 My very first Kami hunt.
08:06 It seems to be satirizing the Greensboro massacre,
08:09 where far-right extremists shot and killed
08:11 communist protesters in Greensboro, North Carolina.
08:14 The main thing working against this segment
08:17 is that it's just not funny.
08:19 Boys, boys, there's plenty of Kamis for everybody.
08:23 Oh, I'm sure you'll all bag your quota.
08:27 It's only about three minutes long,
08:28 but feels longer because there are zero laughs
08:31 throughout the entire runtime.
08:33 It's painful to watch because the actors say their lines
08:36 expecting some reaction from the audience,
08:38 but all they get is silence.
08:40 Let's not let a little thing like this
08:41 spoil the whole damn afternoon.
08:43 Oh, and they use a racial epithet about 30 seconds in.
08:47 So not a great recipe for success.
08:50 Number 11, Sinead O'Connor tears a photo of the Pope.
08:54 She only made one appearance on SNL,
08:57 but it's one of the most memorable and controversial.
09:00 Her first performance of the night was her single
09:02 "Success Has Made a Failure of Our Home."
09:05 ♪ Stop what you're saying ♪
09:10 ♪ You're killing me ♪
09:14 She received thunderous applause from the audience,
09:17 which would be the complete opposite reaction
09:19 to her later performance.
09:21 O'Connor did an a cappella rendition of Bob Marley's "War,"
09:24 and towards the end,
09:25 she held up a photo of Pope John Paul II and tore it.
09:29 Fight the real enemy.
09:32 The result was dead silence as she stood there
09:35 as everyone was in shock over what they just witnessed.
09:38 The action was meant to highlight wrongdoings
09:46 occurring within the church,
09:48 but wouldn't be widely acknowledged until much later.
09:51 Number 10, Louis C.K.'s inappropriate jokes.
09:55 This is one opening monologue that has aged terribly,
09:59 especially given the misconduct allegations
10:01 now associated with the comedian.
10:03 - If I'm in a gas station late at night
10:05 and a young man comes in wearing a hooded sweatshirt,
10:10 if he's white, I'll think, "Oh, he's an athlete."
10:14 If he's black, unless he has a big smile on his face,
10:17 then I become mildly racist and this is what I think.
10:19 I think, "That's fine.
10:21 Everything's fine.
10:23 Nothing's gonna happen.
10:25 No, of course I'm fine.
10:26 Why did I even think that for a second?"
10:29 - Bringing to a close SNL's 40th season,
10:32 Louis C.K.'s risky standup routine tackled racism
10:35 and for good measure, the Israel and Palestine conflict.
10:38 - It is because my kids are like Israel and Palestine
10:41 and I'm like America.
10:42 The little one's like Palestine
10:45 'cause she always gets screwed.
10:46 She gets the worst deals.
10:48 - While the comedian's entire set was soaked in controversy,
10:51 the monologue's final tangent ramped up the awkwardness
10:54 to a whole new level.
10:55 Reminiscing about a creepy individual
10:57 who lived in his neighborhood,
10:58 Louis C.K. concluded that the only reason
11:00 such crimes continue to happen, despite the risk of prison,
11:04 is because the act must be really enjoyable.
11:07 - You can only really surmise that it must be really good.
11:11 I mean, from their point of view.
11:14 From their, not ours, but from their point of view,
11:18 it must be amazing.
11:20 - Number nine, Adrien Brody's dreads.
11:23 Inaugurated in 1975, "Saturday Night Live"
11:26 has crossed the line countless times.
11:28 However, occasionally, a performer takes things
11:30 a step too far and earns a ban for their troubles.
11:33 - You're mine, you're mine, you're mine, you're mine,
11:35 you're mine, Jamaica, I'm on you know.
11:37 You know, a rush stuff for all, you know.
11:39 You got the whole family in the house, you know.
11:41 You know, me got Sean Peter, you know,
11:43 you got Sean Paul, you got Sean Mary, you got Sean John.
11:46 - Hot off an Academy Award winning performance
11:47 in "The Pianist," Adrien Brody hosted SNL
11:50 for the first and last time.
11:52 Due to time constraints, SNL frowns on improvisation,
11:56 but this didn't discourage Brody from taking charge
11:58 when he introduced Sean Paul's musical performance.
12:01 - We got a great show, you know,
12:03 like Kingston, Massive, yeah.
12:04 Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,
12:06 we don't got no one, kill your boy,
12:08 kill your body boy, come on.
12:09 - Making things as awkward as possible,
12:11 the actor decided to don fake dreadlocks
12:14 and speak in an awful Jamaican accent.
12:16 What was even the joke here?
12:18 Adrien, scripts exist for a reason.
12:21 - I'm gonna give a big up and love, respect
12:23 to all the Jamaican dancehall players, you know?
12:25 And like Sean John, brazai, all right, T-M-R.
12:29 - Number eight, Andy Kaufman wrestles women.
12:32 - So if there's any woman out there tonight
12:35 who would like to prove me wrong,
12:37 like to take me on in a wrestling match,
12:39 I'd like to call you up all now, you can just volunteer.
12:41 - During "Saturday Night Live's" infancy,
12:43 Andy Kaufman frequently dropped by for random appearances,
12:46 and the comedian's peculiar style of humor
12:48 proved to be a hit with fans.
12:50 This changed in 1979, when Andy Kaufman challenged
12:53 a female audience member to a wrestling match.
12:55 At the time, Kaufman's villainous wrestling persona
12:58 was a significant component of the entertainer's live routine,
13:01 but this fact was lost on SNL's crowd.
13:04 (crowd booing)
13:06 - Shut up!
13:07 Shut up!
13:09 - Kaufman was booed, and effectively kicked off
13:12 the variety show.
13:13 A couple of years later, the home audience voted
13:16 for Kaufman to be banned from "Saturday Night Live."
13:19 - Here's how you voted so far.
13:21 Keep Andy, 105,316.
13:26 Dump Andy.
13:27 (crowd cheering)
13:30 134,691.
13:33 Uh-oh, time to boil the water.
13:36 - Number seven, Tom Green ditched at the altar.
13:39 - I'm a nice boy, and I like to wear undies, undies, undies,
13:43 undies, undies.
13:44 - Primarily known for "Freddy Got Fingered,"
13:46 Tom Green's brand of shock comedy
13:48 certainly made an impression during his hosting gig in 2000.
13:51 - Don't they look proud?
13:52 (crowd laughing)
13:53 - They look fearful.
13:54 (laughing)
13:56 (crowd laughing)
13:59 - Whether people are fans of this type of humor or not,
14:02 Green's randomness means there tends to always
14:04 be an element of awkwardness.
14:06 During the opening monologue,
14:07 Green and fiancee Drew Barrymore announced plans to wed
14:10 by the end of the episode,
14:12 although the whole thing proved to be
14:14 little more than a tease.
14:15 - Ugh, if skits are intentionally awkward,
14:18 does it still count?
14:19 - Ooh, I'm a level nine wizard.
14:22 I'm a very powerful wizard, ooh.
14:25 And this is my doggie, Cherry's Jubilee.
14:29 - Number six, Tiger Woods sketch.
14:31 - Those who have supported me over the years,
14:34 I offer my profound apology
14:36 for these multiple transgressions.
14:38 - Multiple?
14:40 So it happened more than once?
14:42 - A lot of topics can be made funny,
14:44 but that doesn't mean a joke shouldn't be criticized
14:46 for being in poor taste.
14:48 Satirizing Tiger Woods' infidelity
14:50 and ensuing car accident on the night his wife, Ellen,
14:52 learned about her husband's behavior,
14:54 SNL's skit saw Kenan Thompson's terrified Woods
14:57 deliver a series of apologetic press conferences.
15:00 - Yeah, this is what happened.
15:02 - I'm just lucky my wife, Ellen,
15:04 was there to courageously call 911.
15:06 I'm so glad to have her.
15:08 I love her so much.
15:09 There is no other woman for me.
15:12 (phone ringing)
15:13 - Progressively presented in a more battered state,
15:15 Thompson appeared alongside Blake Lively's Ellen,
15:18 with the implication being
15:19 that she was responsible for his injuries.
15:21 Domestic violence and comedy aren't exactly a great mix,
15:25 and Saturday Night Live's sketch
15:27 exemplifies why this is the case.
15:29 - Seems like I keep saying the wrong thing
15:33 in these press conferences.
15:34 So this time I have a prepared written statement
15:39 which I shall stick to.
15:41 (clears throat)
15:42 (audience laughing)
15:43 - Number five, mocking a blind person.
15:46 There's controversial humor,
15:48 and then there's mining disabilities for easy jokes.
15:51 - I am tired of all these fancy two-eyed smart alecks
15:54 from the big city running the show.
15:56 (audience laughing)
15:57 It's time we get someone from Utica,
15:59 Syracuse, or Schenectady,
16:01 towns where people have a little something off about them.
16:03 I mean, they don't have to be blind.
16:05 - As part of the weekend update with Seth Meyers,
16:08 Fred Armisen portrayed New York's governor, David Patterson,
16:11 as a bumbling, short-sighted nitwit
16:13 who couldn't even properly hold a map.
16:16 The real Patterson is legally blind,
16:18 so besides being an all-around lazy joke,
16:21 SNL was poking fun at the governor's real-life condition.
16:24 - I mean, come on, I'm a blind man who loves cocaine
16:27 who was suddenly appointed governor of New York.
16:30 (audience laughing)
16:31 My life is an actual plot from a Richard Pryor movie.
16:33 (audience laughing)
16:34 - Unsurprisingly, the National Federation of the Blind
16:37 criticized SNL for echoing a detrimental stereotype
16:41 associating blindness with incompetence.
16:44 - So to summarize, you want someone
16:45 with some knowledge of the economy
16:47 who is a little off
16:49 and is completely unprepared to be senator.
16:50 Do you have anyone in mind?
16:51 - Yes, me.
16:52 (audience laughing)
16:53 - Number four, Steven Seagal's
16:55 Andrew Dice Clay impersonation.
16:57 It's an episode that lives on in infamy.
17:00 That time, the Great One hosted SNL.
17:03 - Couldn't help overhearing what you guys were saying,
17:05 you know?
17:06 You were so quiet, you know,
17:07 how long were you back there?
17:08 We were just talking, you know?
17:09 - Yeah, you know.
17:10 - Putting on a faux New York accent,
17:12 Steven Seagal set out to deliver comedy gold,
17:15 serenading the crowd with a passionate rendition
17:17 of "Kung Fu Fighting"
17:18 and smashing Rob Schneider's head into a photocopier.
17:21 - Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting.
17:24 (audience laughing)
17:27 - He brought the show home, or at least tried to,
17:30 with a laughable impersonation of Andrew Dice Clay,
17:33 a comedian known for his notoriously misogynistic persona.
17:37 - Sit your white ass down.
17:39 (audience laughing)
17:41 How you doing that?
17:42 It's nice to be on your show here.
17:45 I'm glad you could make it, Mr. Dice.
17:47 - The only problem,
17:49 the crowd clearly had no clue what was going on.
17:51 Seagal's minimalist acting
17:53 just isn't compatible with impressions.
17:56 And the awful skits he wrote
17:57 landed him a ban from hosting duties.
18:00 - I ain't see you in any movies
18:01 and what's the afro anyway?
18:03 You look like Link from the Mod Squad.
18:05 (audience laughing)
18:08 Oh, it's 1991.
18:11 You know, why don't you cut it square?
18:13 Bada bing!
18:14 - Number three, Martin Lawrence's opening monologue.
18:18 Going off script on "SNL"
18:20 is the quickest way to ensure no more subsequent appearances.
18:24 Right out of the gate,
18:25 Martin Lawrence ventured off the beaten path
18:27 when he unleashed a rambling monologue
18:29 challenging the network's censorship.
18:32 - It's bothering me, man.
18:33 You know, you can't say this, you can't say that.
18:36 - Rather than using this opportunity
18:37 to address the topic further,
18:39 he launched into an astonishing tirade
18:41 about Lorena Bobbitt and women with smelly posteriors.
18:44 - 'Cause I'm getting with some of the ladies
18:46 smelling odors going, "Wait a minute.
18:48 Girl, smell this, this you.
18:49 Smell yourself, girl."
18:50 (audience laughing)
18:52 - Edited out of any repeat airings,
18:54 Martin's monologue was substituted
18:56 with a short graphic summarizing the comedian's comments
18:59 and adding that it had almost cost the cast
19:01 and crew their jobs.
19:02 - You know what I'm saying?
19:03 Knowing they got a yeast infection.
19:05 I'm sorry, sorry.
19:07 Come up with dough all on your damn lip.
19:09 (audience laughing)
19:12 Got a bagel and a croissant on your lip.
19:14 Anybody got any butter?
19:16 I like jelly on mine.
19:18 - Number two, Ashley Simpson's "Jig".
19:22 - Ladies and gentlemen, Ashley Simpson.
19:24 (audience cheering)
19:27 - Quick warning, watching this clip
19:28 could result in uncontrollable cringing.
19:31 Perpetually stuck in Jessica Simpson's shadow,
19:34 Ashley strived to serve as a punkier
19:35 and more authentic alternative to her sister.
19:38 Unfortunately, lip syncing on "Saturday Night Live",
19:41 emphasis on the live,
19:42 doesn't leave the greatest of impressions.
19:45 (upbeat music)
19:46 ♪ How do you know ♪
19:49 ♪ Everything I'm about to say ♪
19:52 ♪ Am I there yet ♪
19:54 ♪ If it's written on my face ♪
19:58 - When the band launched into her song "Autobiography",
20:00 but the vocal track for "Pieces of Me" played instead,
20:03 her lip syncing, later explained as due to acid reflux,
20:06 was exposed to the world.
20:09 ♪ Waiting, Tuesday, I'm fading ♪
20:12 ♪ But my face is ♪
20:15 - Mimicking a deer caught in the headlights,
20:18 the unfortunate young singer ran off the stage,
20:21 leaving behind a confused audience
20:23 and the lingering traces of her career.
20:25 (upbeat music)
20:28 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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20:45 Number one, Kanye West's pro-Trump rant.
20:50 Prior to the advent of the internet and digital cameras,
20:53 a post-show speech like this may have been lost to the ages,
20:57 but for better or worse,
20:58 Kanye West's pro-Trump rant was recorded and immortalized.
21:02 - They bullied me backstage.
21:03 They said, "Don't go out there with that hat on."
21:06 They bullied me backstage.
21:08 They bullied me.
21:10 - Wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat,
21:12 Kanye, who was the musical guest of the night,
21:15 addressed the crowd with a speech
21:16 that can only be described as disheartening.
21:19 - You see, they laughing at me.
21:20 You heard them, they scream at me.
21:22 - Greeted with both boos and cheers from the audience,
21:24 Kanye cited Trump as a personal inspiration
21:27 while simultaneously implying that the president is racist.
21:30 - And so many times I talk to, like,
21:33 a white person about this and they say,
21:35 "How could you like Trump? He's racist."
21:37 If someone inspires me and I connect with them,
21:41 I don't have to believe in all their policies.
21:43 - Which moment was too awkward for you to handle?
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22:00 (upbeat music)
22:02 (upbeat music)
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22:08 (upbeat music)
22:10 you