Shahid Hashmi's reaction on Pakistani player's statement regarding PCB

  • last year
00:00 I would like to ask the panel to give their opinion on this.
00:03 Kamran, I will start with you.
00:05 Tell me, you had all the power for the last 3-4 years.
00:09 If I ask you now, you will say that politics is being played.
00:13 What will you say?
00:14 See, I said that the blame game will start now.
00:17 This will start to save your life.
00:20 We talk about this after the first two matches, when we have won.
00:24 Now we know that the team is out of the tournament.
00:27 We have been criticized for this.
00:30 The captain has been in the team for 3-4 years.
00:33 So, it is unfair to blame the board.
00:36 We have not heard anything from the board except for the centre-contract.
00:40 I think this is an immaturity.
00:42 Whoever has spoken, should look at themselves.
00:45 They should see that they have not given a good performance.
00:48 This work is going on from the beginning.
00:50 But I don't think any player should say anything against the management.
00:54 If you play thinking that you are in the ground, then you are not a professional.
00:58 You should play for Pakistan.
01:00 You should get the comfort zone to play cricket as you wish.
01:04 You should give a performance as you wish.
01:06 The rest of the team does not do this.
01:08 I don't think this should happen.
01:10 We will come to the next topic.
01:13 Let's talk about this first.
01:15 Azhar, one point was that the old cricketers are making us a target of criticism.
01:18 Putting all this responsibility on others.
01:21 Is this part and parcel of being a professional cricketer?
01:24 People will ask you questions.
01:26 I will say this on both sides.
01:29 Both sides have the same immaturity.
01:31 I think the cricket board should not have done this.
01:33 And this should not have been done.
01:35 I think it is the same thing that you have started putting it on each other.
01:39 Everyone has taken a side.
01:42 It is possible that they start putting it on the last boards.
01:45 What does this mean?
01:47 Either you don't take a post near the World Cup.
01:50 If you have taken it, then you should take responsibility.
01:53 Or before going to the World Cup, they should have announced that the results will be good or bad.
01:57 Credit and discredit are of the last board.
02:00 If they had won, then the credit would have been of this board.
02:03 If they had lost, then the discredit would have been of the last board.
02:06 Or it should have been announced that the credit and discredit of this board is of the last board.
02:10 So that if they had won, they would have lost.
02:12 These are the things before the World Cup.
02:14 When the team was going, the chairman of Pakistan India also went and talked.
02:18 He also came on social media to play and do that.
02:23 Our team is very good. Our captain is very good.
02:26 So why all of a sudden?
02:28 What happened suddenly? And it is not possible from their side.
02:30 As much as the time has been given.
02:32 As bad as the situation is, when the cricketers have such a performance,
02:37 then they should try to avoid it.
02:39 Avoid it.
02:40 Because whatever you say is right, it will go against you.
02:42 It will go against you.
02:43 It is absolutely right.
02:44 We know about this from Mr. Shahid Hashmi.
02:46 What are the further updates on this?
02:48 A player went to India and gave an interview to someone for a cricketing website.
02:54 How is the website?
02:56 No Pakistani player can reach.
02:59 Security is so tight.
03:00 No player can reach.
03:02 No one can go near the ground.
03:04 If they are not giving us an interview, then they will give an interview to Crickbus.
03:07 That too to a new young journalist.
03:10 He has certainly written a book on Pakistan's women's cricket.
03:13 But none of this is true.
03:16 His own website is surprised that how can a Pakistani player say this?
03:20 And how can he give an interview to Crickbus?
03:23 This is Pakistani media.
03:24 No player is giving an interview to Pakistani media.
03:27 He will give an interview to Indian media.
03:29 According to me, this is a fake interview.
03:31 I have just sent it to the Pakistan Cricket Board.
03:33 And I have asked them to clarify whether a player really gave it.
03:36 And if there can be an inquiry.
03:38 Or you take action against the website.
03:41 Because no one can reach anyone with this fake story.
03:45 One on one, there is no question.
03:47 This story is obviously on the Cricketing website.
03:52 And if this is wrong, then there should be legal action.
03:58 Absolutely.
04:00 When they say that you have a senior player who has kept his name in secret.
04:04 No, no.
04:06 There are four journalists from Pakistan.
04:11 There is Abbas Shabbir.
04:13 And there are other journalists.
04:15 Waheed Bakri, who is close to many players.
04:17 He will not give an interview to them.
04:19 He will give an interview to the Pakistani website.
04:21 He will defame the country, himself and cricket.
04:25 So basically the question is that if this is the case, then it is very wrong.
04:30 And if it is not, then the Cricket Board should take action.
04:33 This is a reputable site.
04:36 I am saying that this can't happen during the program.
04:38 If it is happening, someone has done it, then the question should be raised.
04:42 Now the PCB should take full action.
04:44 It should be taken action.
04:46 Because it is a reputable site.
04:48 If it is printing such wrong news.
04:50 You are defaming the PCB, defaming the players.
04:52 The senior reporter of Crick Bus, Vijay Tagore, is also surprised.
04:57 He said, "Sorry, I have not written this story. I cannot take blame of this story."
05:02 He is a young journalist.
05:04 If he has done it, then it is a big scoop.
05:06 But this cannot happen.
05:08 No one can go near a Pakistani player.
05:11 One day we shot a small interview of a batting coach in a hotel.
05:16 Security came and asked how did you do it.
05:18 Although the media manager was with us.
05:20 Okay.
05:21 But if someone does not want to tell his name, he can do it through the phone.
05:25 But if this is wrong, then there should be a proper investigation.
05:31 No Pakistani player can be so irresponsible.
05:34 I am saying that if this is not the case, then the Pakistan Cricket Board should take action.
05:40 I have sent it as soon as I received it.
05:42 I will take your final thoughts on this.
05:44 And then we will go to the story of the central contracts.
05:47 Do you also think that it is fake?
05:49 100% it is fake news.
05:51 It does not seem like it is 100%.
05:52 You just said something about mobile.
05:54 Mobile will be traced immediately.
05:56 I am saying the same thing to you.
05:58 It is fake news.
05:59 If it is fake, then it will be traced.
06:01 If it is not, then the person who published the news should also be accountable.
06:07 But many players, many players, many journalists are close to Pakistan.
06:12 Many players are close to Pakistan's former cricketers.
06:15 One or two will be close to Basit.
06:17 One or two will be close to Azhar.
06:19 One or two will be close to Kamran.
06:20 Two or three will be close to us.
06:22 They did not tell us, they told the Bharti website.
06:27 But if something has to be made viral, then they can do it.
06:31 If it is done, then it is wrong.
06:33 And if not done, then it should be properly investigated.
