Which political party is a threat to PML-N in Punjab elections?

  • last year
Which political party is a threat to PML-N in Punjab elections?
00:00 Punjab election. Who is the competitor? People's Party is not strong in Punjab. IPP or Tehreek-e-Insaf will be on the ballot paper. Who is your competitor in Punjab?
00:17 The elections in Pakistan were held after 1985 and especially after 1990. Two thirds of the Muslim League votes were taken in Punjab in every election.
00:37 In 2018, the way we were treated, we put that aside and all the other elections were held after that.
00:48 I think we have no problem with any political party in Punjab. We used to demand fair elections in 2018. Even today, we think that Pakistan needs fair and free elections.
01:10 Every party should get a chance. No party should be out of the ballot paper. No party should be left empty handed.
01:23 But there should be a difference between terrorists and politicians. Otherwise, people will form groups instead of voters and then they will take their own decisions.
01:38 They will form their own governments and they will demand their wishes from the authorities.
01:54 This is my demand. My demand to the community is that we are against the criminals of 9th and 10th May. We are talking about the law.
02:09 This is a good thing. For example, Andreev Abbas has joined the IPP. He will take part in the elections.
02:21 Gurad Raj has joined the IPP. He will take part in the elections.
02:26 Parvez Khattak has formed a new party. He can compete electorally.
02:30 He can take part in the elections. That is why I am asking you this question.
02:40 You say that the criminals of 9th May should be punished. But when the people from the same party change their party, then the opposition party will not be harmed.
02:50 No, Maria. If you mix up the facts, then you will weaken my case.
03:03 I want to say that if someone becomes a pious person by doing press conference, then he will come back as a clean person.
03:13 I am not repeating this. This is wrong. The criminals should be punished.
03:26 Those who did not take part in the planning of 9th and 10th May or did not play a role in the planning of 9th and 10th May, they should definitely get a share.
03:49 They should get a share. They should be allowed to participate only if they are not a part of a particular party.
03:57 If you compare the people who have spent 26 billion rupees on the housing society, with the politicians of 9th and 10th May, then you can't do any more injustice to the politicians.
04:25 You can't make the criminals and the criminals of the state stand with the politicians.
04:33 That decision will come when the case is nominated.
04:36 There is a case of terrorism against the Prime Minister in this country. There is a serious case of hijacking. Things will get better from there.
04:54 Please don't stand in the list of journalists, experts, or intellectuals who present things in a wrong way or give the impression that we are saying the right thing.
05:17 I have never taken you in that context. Tell me, the hijacker you are talking about, has there ever been a case in the world where a hijacker is on the ground and the pilot is kidnapped from the sky?
05:32 Sir, I am saying that it was a wrong case.
05:34 No, no, no. Please. You said that the hijacker was on the ground. Tell me, did you not see the consequences of what happened on 9th and 10th May?
05:59 If you mix it up with the hijacker, then it is a big injustice. What else can you do, Maria?
06:05 I am not mixing it up. I am just telling you that politics is not in this country.
06:09 No, you are mixing it up.
06:10 No, no. I am not mixing it up. I am just telling you that the love for the country and the case against the country are very fluid. We have all seen it.
06:21 I want to ask you one more simple question.
06:23 Please, let me complete this. You can say that this happened before Fatima Jinnah, Liaquat Ali Khan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif, Benazir Ali. You can quote these examples.
06:41 But what Imran Khan has done, if any politician has ever done it before, then I apologize.
