Woman Rescues Tiny Baby Sparrow Smaller Than AirPods Case

  • last year
Woman rescues the tiniest baby sparrow and teaches him how to fly — watch him fly back to say thanks when he's grown up


00:00 I rescued this bird last night that I found on the floor of my garden.
00:04 I feel like our dog was getting a little bit jealous.
00:07 There was no sign of mum, no sign of nest.
00:10 He was really cold to the touch.
00:12 That's when we decided to take him in.
00:14 After doing some research, apparently cat food is the thing to feed them when they're a nestling.
00:21 I had to feed him every hour, so I decided to take him into the office.
00:27 He would start tweeting quite loudly for his food.
00:30 I would have to run to the toilet because I didn't want everyone to know there was a bird in the office.
00:35 He was looking healthier every day.
00:39 His feathers were starting to come out.
00:42 It was pretty interesting to see that he was growing into a little sparrow.
00:45 I felt like a Disney princess.
00:54 A couple of days later he started trying to fly and land not where he was looking.
00:59 I was trying to get him to fly around and see how far he would make it.
01:04 I feel like seeing your child walk for the first time.
01:07 He would just keep landing back on me.
01:10 I feel like the bond Jack had with the family was just unmatched.
01:18 But I knew at the best I released him back into the wild.
01:23 We set him outside on our garden table.
01:26 He was tweeting and sparrows came to join him.
01:29 For about a week he didn't really want to fly too far.
01:33 He would land back on me.
01:35 Day by day he started to get more comfortable being outside.
01:40 Eventually he started seeing the other sparrows.
01:43 He would sort of fly around and then land back on my mum.
01:48 [Music]
01:52 Oh, hello.
01:57 It just felt really rewarding to see him reach little milestones in his life.
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02:19 Hey.
02:21 He flew that day and landed back on my shoulder.
02:25 And then eventually he just didn't come back.
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02:32 I'm glad I was able to help him go back into living in the wild with his family.
02:42 I'll do it a hundred times over and just hope he's happy.
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