Salus tv n. 43 del 25 ottobre 2023

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - In questo numero:

12ª edizione Bandi Gilead: premiati a Milano i 62 progetti vincitori;
Herpes zoster, vaccino protegge anziani e fragili; Sanità da correggere, a Palermo congresso Snami per migliorare il rapporto medico-paziente; Alleanza tra intelligenza umana e artificiale al centro del primo Sobi Talk;
Il virus respiratorio sinciziale, pericoloso per i fragili e gli anziani

E ancora

Pfizer lancia trattamento innovativo del deficit dell’ormone della crescita in età pediatrica; "One Health Project", un gioco per studiare quanto i giovani ne sanno di salute globale; Grande successo del progetto “Meningioca” della Fimp; Salutequità, urge cambiamento effettivo in tema di prevenzione; Il “back-to-work blues”, un problema non solo del fine vacanze estive;
Zentìva lancia Zenèssere, progetto per sensibilizzare sulla prevenzione


00:00 [Music]
00:10 In this issue
00:12 12th edition of Bandy Gilead
00:14 awarded in Milan
00:16 the 62 winning projects
00:18 Herpes Zoster
00:20 vaccine protects the elderly and the frail
00:22 Health to be corrected
00:24 in Palermo
00:26 Congress SNAMI to improve the relationship
00:28 between patient and doctor
00:30 Human and artificial intelligence
00:32 alliance at the center of the first
00:34 Sobitolk
00:36 the respiratory virus
00:38 dangerous for the frail
00:40 and the elderly
00:42 and again Pfizer launches
00:44 innovative treatment of the deficit
00:46 of growth hormone in the pediatric stage
00:48 One Health Project
00:50 a game to study
00:52 how much young people know
00:54 of global health
00:56 success of the project
00:58 Mininjoka of the Fimp
01:00 Health Equity
01:02 urges effective change in prevention
01:04 Back to work blues
01:06 a problem not only of the summer holidays
01:08 Zentiva
01:10 launches Zenessere
01:12 project to raise awareness
01:14 on prevention
01:16 [Music]
01:20 A concrete support to scientific research
01:22 and the initiative of collaboration
01:24 and support to improve health
01:26 and quality of individual and collective life
01:28 is this the commitment of Gilead Science
01:30 that in 12 years with its bands
01:32 of the Fellowship Program and Community Award Program
01:34 has funded research projects
01:36 for 16 million euros
01:38 For the 2023 edition
01:40 the winning projects are 62
01:42 and overall
01:44 have received 1.6 million euros
01:46 Among the winning projects
01:48 also what provides the creation
01:50 of a network for the commissioning
01:52 of HIV-positive people affected by the tumor
01:54 There are two or three interesting projects
01:56 that have put together
01:58 multidisciplinary teams
02:00 because HIV has always been like this
02:02 an infection
02:04 and then also a multidisciplinary
02:06 pathology
02:08 today especially
02:10 with the fact that
02:12 fortunately
02:14 our patients age
02:16 there are many comorbidities
02:18 so it does not rain
02:20 that the team
02:22 that must deal with these people
02:24 must be multidisciplinary
02:26 must deal with many other pathologies
02:28 and not only HIV infections
02:30 Particularly decisive
02:32 in the choice of the winning projects
02:34 by the commissioners
02:36 the aspect of attention to the patient
02:38 I noticed that the research projects
02:40 are always
02:42 gradually improved
02:44 from many points of view
02:46 but the thing that always
02:48 has them
02:50 let's say
02:52 uniformed is
02:54 the patient's attention
02:56 the basic research
02:58 turns to improve
03:00 not only
03:02 the treatment
03:04 but also the quality of life of the patient
03:06 Among the winners
03:08 also the project that aims to identify
03:10 the predictive biomarkers of the response of patients
03:12 affected by blood tumors
03:14 to innovative therapy based on the use
03:16 of CAR T cells
03:18 DNA methylation alterations
03:20 that have
03:22 peculiar characteristics
03:24 that make them excellent biomarkers
03:26 that allow to identify
03:28 the tumor
03:30 even 10 years before
03:32 the outbreak
03:34 and in this case they could be used
03:36 to identify which patients
03:38 could benefit from this therapy
03:40 What is the role of the research project?
03:42 What is the role of the research project?
03:44 What is the role of the research project?
03:46 Protecting the elderly and the patients
03:48 from the risk of contracting the herpes zoster
03:50 the so-called "San Antonio fire"
03:52 thanks to the vaccine combined with yeast
03:54 was discussed in a symposium
03:56 by GSK during the National Conference
03:58 of Public Health
04:00 A reactivation of the varicella zoster virus
04:02 that can be self-limiting
04:04 but in some cases
04:06 can give a post-herpetic neuralgia
04:08 that is very painful
04:10 and can last for weeks
04:12 so, let's say,
04:14 preventing with a very simple gesture
04:16 like the vaccination
04:18 this pathology has very relevant implications
04:20 has very relevant implications
04:22 In particular, the vaccination against the herpes zoster
04:24 is indicated for those who are 65 years or older
04:26 and for those who have an increased risk
04:28 due to other pathologies
04:30 Among which, for example,
04:32 immunocompromised subjects,
04:34 subjects affected by some pathologies
04:36 such as diabetes mellitus,
04:38 bronchopneumatic asthmatic chronic,
04:40 bronchial asthma,
04:42 cardiovascular pathologies
04:44 and specifically, it gives an indication
04:46 to the preferential use
04:48 of the vaccine
04:50 combined with yeast
04:52 for some severely immunocompromised subjects
04:54 Every moment of contact with the patient
04:56 is an opportunity to prevent
04:58 and protect his health
05:00 by recommending those vaccinations
05:02 that could protect him from infections
05:04 What we want to do with the program
05:06 "Hospivax" is, basically,
05:08 to create a structured opportunity
05:10 so that hospitals can systematically
05:12 and in an organized way
05:14 propose the vaccinations
05:16 The region of Veneto
05:18 was the first region to receive
05:20 the new vaccine prevention plan
05:22 and to provide dedicated calendars
05:24 for the fragile patients
05:26 To make the compliance easier
05:28 the acceptance of the vaccination
05:30 by the patient
05:32 we try to go as close as possible
05:34 even by vaccinating in the hospital
05:36 In Veneto, there are already
05:38 some excellent initiatives
05:40 where doctors, specialists in hygiene,
05:42 preventive medicine
05:44 and health care assistants
05:46 manage an ambulatory
05:48 inside the hospital
05:50 where it is therefore easy for the clinic
05:52 to address and send,
05:54 according to a precise calendarization,
05:56 the patient who has the need
05:58 and the recommendation and the usefulness
06:00 to have this important vaccination
06:02 What are the advantages of the new plan?
06:04 In a post-pandemic political context
06:06 characterized by promises
06:08 to strengthen the national health system
06:10 it is increasingly urgent and necessary
06:12 to assume strong and courageous positions
06:14 to fill those gaps
06:16 that decades of political backwardness
06:18 have created, putting to the test
06:20 doctors who continue to work
06:22 in increasingly difficult conditions
06:24 We are thinking about
06:26 the structural models
06:28 that are proposed by the national health system
06:30 we are thinking about
06:32 the legal role
06:34 certainly something that leads us
06:36 to have to think about changes
06:38 that should not be done against
06:40 the will of family doctors
06:42 but should be done with family doctors
06:44 especially to give them
06:46 more dignity, more resources,
06:48 more opportunity to work
06:50 and the citizen the possibility to find an answer
06:52 in what the family doctor does for him
06:54 To face these challenges
06:56 the 42nd Congress of the National Autonomous
06:58 Union of Italian Doctors took place in Palermo
07:00 In a moment of economic crisis
07:02 in a moment of crisis of the category
07:04 it is important
07:06 an exchange of opinions that involves
07:08 all the medical staff
07:10 of all Italy
07:12 therefore with completely different
07:14 regional realities
07:16 in order to find
07:18 a path that is accessible
07:20 for all Italy
07:22 Our country is going through a difficult moment
07:24 due to the lack of doctors
07:26 and the hypothesis of the creation of a territorial assistance
07:28 with the birth of community hospitals
07:30 that would accentuate their presence
07:32 would put at risk the medical
07:34 and sanitary assistance in small centers
07:36 We are those who know the families
07:38 who follow patients
07:40 for a lifetime
07:42 At this moment
07:44 we are going through
07:46 a particular moment in Italy
07:48 because there are
07:50 less doctors
07:52 and there are hypotheses
07:54 of a territorial assistance
07:56 that could be overturned
07:58 in the sense that
08:00 there could be structures
08:02 community hospitals
08:04 that would accentuate
08:06 the doctors
08:08 and automatically
08:10 would put at risk the sanitary assistance
08:12 in small countries
08:14 In the bill that we have proposed
08:16 to guide
08:18 the evolution of our
08:20 national public health service
08:22 with a relaunch
08:24 of the role of the general medicine doctor
08:26 what is the guarantee
08:28 of the continuity of the assistance
08:30 of the patients
08:32 and primary actor
08:34 in the accompaniment of their needs
08:36 of prevention, assistance and care
08:38 It is increasingly urgent
08:40 to optimize resources
08:42 to better support the needs of Italians
08:44 We ask the State to do more
08:46 we need more money, we need investments
08:48 we need better investments
08:50 not in things that are not needed
08:52 but to give an answer to the doctors
08:54 to make the doctors of general medicine
08:56 fall in love with their role
08:58 and make the citizen
09:00 find within this new structure
09:02 an answer to their needs
09:04 The commitment of SOBI to the side of people with rare diseases
09:12 also passes through the ability
09:14 to know how to look to the future
09:16 of the future of the alliance between human intelligence
09:18 and artificial intelligence
09:20 The importance of health
09:22 has been discussed during the first SOBI Talk
09:24 Of the over 6,000 rare diseases in the world
09:26 that concern well over 300 million patients
09:28 globally, only 5%
09:30 have a therapy recognized and approved
09:32 For these and many other patients
09:34 the implementation of artificial intelligence
09:36 in clinical practice could play
09:38 a particularly relevant role
09:40 The real complexity
09:42 is diagnosis
09:44 how to carry out a diagnosis
09:46 in the shortest time possible
09:48 in order to support
09:50 and guarantee
09:52 people with rare diseases
09:54 access to these therapies
09:56 The generative artificial intelligence
09:58 and the predictive one
10:00 could have important applications
10:02 in the treatment of rare diseases
10:04 Artificial intelligence can provide
10:06 different potentialities
10:08 in the field of disease management
10:10 for the fact that they can
10:12 process large amounts of data
10:14 they can find schemes
10:16 patterns, models
10:18 that for a human being
10:20 would be almost impossible to identify
10:22 and therefore they can suggest
10:24 new therapies
10:26 or even simply help doctors
10:28 in their diagnosis
10:30 and in their decisions
10:32 Another of the great potentialities
10:34 of artificial intelligence in the field of clinical practice
10:36 could be the personalization
10:38 of the treatment proposal
10:40 however, the presence of the doctor will remain fundamental
10:42 who will evaluate the properties
10:44 of the proposals and conclusions
10:46 generated by artificial intelligence
10:48 The artificial intelligence applied
10:50 to the diagnosis and therapy of any disease
10:52 of the parathyroid in particular
10:54 will always need human staff
10:56 which will obviously
10:58 be trained to be able to
11:00 give the correct programming
11:02 to the learning algorithms
11:04 Maybe not everyone knows that in Italy
11:06 for many years, I think
11:08 more than 30, patients who receive
11:10 oral anticoagulant therapy
11:12 are managed
11:14 at least the dose is proposed
11:16 by a computer
11:18 then the human controls that the dose is appropriate
11:20 this has been going on for many years
11:22 the evolution of the digitalization
11:24 of medicine can only improve
11:26 this type of interaction
11:28 Prevention of respiratory infections
11:34 was among the themes of the National Conference
11:36 of Extraordinary Public Health
11:38 organized by the Italian Society of Genetics
11:40 of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
11:42 the three recommended vaccinations
11:44 for fragile over 60 in view of the arrival
11:46 of the influenza season
11:48 those against influenza, coronavirus and pneumococcus
11:50 it is confident to be able to add
11:52 the one against the respiratory virus
11:54 the little-known virus
11:56 but that is really serious
11:58 for the most fragile people
12:00 whether they are elderly
12:02 that small children
12:04 Those exposed to the respiratory virus
12:06 are beyond the children
12:08 and those who are fragile patients
12:10 like the elderly and those who suffer from advanced pathologies
12:12 on the prevention front
12:14 promising new solutions are on the way
12:16 there are news on the horizon
12:18 regarding vaccines
12:20 and regarding monoclonal antibodies
12:22 I believe that the technical group
12:24 NITAG, which I have the honor
12:26 to chair, will address
12:28 these issues
12:30 because we are in a phase of great
12:32 news
12:34 and therefore we should see
12:36 if these news are compatible
12:38 with a large-scale prophylaxis
12:40 The respiratory virus
12:42 represents also a social health problem
12:44 due to the impact it has on the population
12:46 the fact today
12:48 to have two vaccines
12:50 to use
12:52 one or the other
12:54 to fight this disease
12:56 and the complications
12:58 which are pathologies
13:00 of the low respiratory tract
13:02 translated pulmonary or bronchopulmonary
13:04 diseases
13:06 is extremely important to try to improve
13:08 the quality of life of our subjects
13:10 let's say, more fragile
13:12 After 35 years of making available
13:18 to patients and health workers
13:20 the first hormone of growth
13:22 recombinant to treat the
13:24 GH deficit in the pediatric age
13:26 now Pfizer renews the treatment
13:28 of the deficit of the growth hormone
13:30 with Somatrogon
13:32 which is the first
13:34 of its kind in Italy
13:36 the new replacement treatment for the growth hormone
13:38 which has the potential to improve
13:40 the adherence to therapy
13:42 improve the quality of life of small patients
13:44 and their families
13:46 and reduce the social stigma
13:48 a great result
13:50 that of the pharmaceutical company
13:52 which thanks to constant commitment
13:54 and innovation in the field of research
13:56 has managed to bring an innovation
13:58 to small patients affected by the GH deficit
14:00 and to put the patient
14:02 really at the center
14:04 and try to bring
14:06 not only to the patient
14:08 not only drugs or vaccines
14:10 but also
14:12 approaches, in this specific case
14:14 supplements that can improve
14:16 their quality of life
14:18 as in this case
14:20 The deficit of the growth hormone is given
14:22 partly by a lack of hormone produced by
14:24 the hypophysis and partly by the lack
14:26 of hormone produced under the
14:28 stimulation of the hypothalamus
14:30 that acts on the hypophysis
14:32 The deficit of the growth hormone is a rare disease
14:34 it is present in 1 to 4 thousand
14:36 1 to 10 thousand
14:38 to the question how many children are affected
14:40 by the growth hormone
14:42 unfortunately we cannot answer
14:44 for a very simple reason
14:46 that the national records
14:48 are not complete
14:50 we still do not have, like many other countries
14:52 a national record
14:54 managed by the
14:56 higher health service
14:58 but we are facing
15:00 a number that
15:02 corresponds to 1 to 4 thousand
15:04 1 to 10 thousand
15:06 children born
15:08 A slow-release therapy, like
15:10 the one of the new treatment, will give
15:12 benefits also to the quality of life of these children
15:14 who will no longer have to do a daily therapy
15:16 but once a week
15:18 practical aspect, also important
15:20 for parents
15:22 because doing an injection every night
15:24 also involves limits
15:26 in the social life of a family
15:28 so, moving
15:30 rather than
15:32 dinner, out of the house
15:34 but certainly also an
15:36 emotional impact on
15:38 children who have to undergo
15:40 a therapy every day
15:42 small children, we know that
15:44 they do not accept to have to do
15:46 an injection, so having to do
15:48 only once a week
15:50 will certainly be a boost
15:52 psychological and emotional for the child
15:54 and less stressful for the parent
15:56 How much do the young people of global health know?
16:04 This is the question
16:06 at the center of the research of One Health Project
16:08 School in Action
16:10 a new educational play project
16:12 that involves all secondary institutions
16:14 of second grade in Italy
16:16 to spread the One Health culture
16:18 The project was presented in Rome
16:20 during the third edition of the Rev Writers Fest
16:22 the first Italian festival
16:24 entirely dedicated to social sustainability
16:26 and was made by
16:28 ESG Culture Lab
16:30 and Healthware Group with the unconditional contribution
16:32 of MSD Foundation
16:34 It is very important
16:36 to teach, perhaps to tell
16:38 even better
16:40 the One Health approach to new generations
16:42 for a number of reasons
16:44 not least
16:46 we should avoid
16:48 ideological approaches
16:50 that are always blind
16:52 and therefore use critical thinking
16:54 because the concept of health
16:56 evolves
16:58 it has evolved in the last decades
17:00 and today keeping together
17:02 human health
17:04 environmental health and animal health
17:06 has become something
17:08 ineludible
17:10 this should be, as I said, not so much explained
17:12 but told. We decided to use
17:14 cartoons, a bit TikTok style
17:16 without speaking
17:18 but that would be able
17:20 to stimulate and explain
17:22 this interconnection. So, these cartoons
17:24 could be useful
17:26 tools
17:28 to convey a concept
17:30 based on data, on interconnections
17:32 but without
17:34 resorting to the ideology of an excessive
17:36 and critical care of the environment
17:38 This new adventure
17:40 is part of the results of the One Health
17:42 school investigation that interested
17:44 600 young people aged 16 and 18
17:46 with the aim of exploring
17:48 knowledge and perceptions
17:50 of the relationship between humans, animals
17:52 plants and environment among new generations
17:54 We decided to
17:56 carry out an investigation to understand
17:58 what are the social representations
18:00 and perceptions
18:02 of young people in the
18:04 16-18 age group
18:06 on One Health
18:08 what vision do they have of the interconnection
18:10 between human health
18:12 animals, plants and environment
18:14 So, we carried out the investigation
18:16 to a group of 600 students
18:18 representing
18:20 the gender and the geographical area
18:22 Regarding One Health
18:24 the students know nothing
18:26 they have never heard of it
18:28 but the interesting fact
18:30 is that they would like
18:32 to be involved
18:34 in One Health and above all
18:36 they would like their school, that is
18:38 90% of them, would like
18:40 their school to be
18:42 interested in these topics
18:44 and they identify in these topics
18:46 an important lever
18:48 for their behaviours
18:50 related to lifestyle and prevention
18:52 So, One Health can be
18:54 a way
18:56 to rebuild a bridge
18:58 between generations
19:00 and to reconnect health
19:02 of the younger ones and also
19:04 of the older ones, but also
19:06 to reconnect health
19:08 with animals, plants and environment
19:10 This time, to give the example
19:16 are the children who have always
19:18 been learning by having fun
19:20 and so the FIMP, the Italian Federation of Pediatric Doctors
19:22 gives life to the Meningococcus project
19:24 a sort of game of the eye
19:26 that goes through
19:28 the six stages of the health balance
19:30 provided in the first six years of life
19:32 of the little ones, to focus
19:34 the attention on the importance of vaccinations
19:36 and on the risks of the type B meningococcus
19:38 for which there is a vaccine
19:40 but it is not mandatory
19:42 We are pediatricians and we learn from the children
19:44 and the children have taught us
19:46 that with the game
19:48 you can learn
19:50 Meningioca is a
19:52 cultural challenge for the pediatrician
19:54 of the family, it is a game
19:56 on six modules that goes through
19:58 the classic game of the eye
20:00 each module has challenges
20:02 for the pediatrician of the family
20:04 and each of his daily challenges
20:06 titubanti mothers to vaccination
20:08 neurodevelopment
20:10 acute diseases
20:12 chronic diseases, in short, all the life
20:14 of the pediatrician of the family reported
20:16 in a serious game
20:18 and so, among curiosity, unforeseen
20:20 and simulations of answers to give to parents
20:22 the pediatricians will be able to learn
20:24 or test their knowledge by having fun
20:26 according to the most recent data
20:28 currently the trust in vaccines
20:30 only stops at 73%
20:32 the need for each meeting with the families
20:34 to promote vaccination
20:36 because the direct relationship with them
20:38 becomes a real antidote
20:40 to misinformation and it is fundamental
20:42 also to be able to influence parents
20:44 that, bombarded perhaps
20:46 by conflicting information,
20:48 they hesitate to subject their children
20:50 to vaccinations
20:52 The themes of this National Scientific Congress
20:54 and the 17th edition
20:56 are those that concern
20:58 the profession of the pediatrician of the family
21:00 in particular vaccinations
21:02 and immunizations, disabilities
21:04 chronic diseases
21:06 neurodevelopment disorders
21:08 in the field of vaccinations and immunizations
21:10 as always the pediatrician of the family
21:12 has a particular eye
21:14 to prevention and therefore
21:16 to all those diseases that can be prevented
21:18 with a vaccine. We are working a lot
21:20 on the dissemination, as declared
21:22 Dr. Antonio Davino, President of the
21:24 Italian Federation of Pediatric Doctors
21:26 on the side of the 17th Congress
21:28 of the FIMP, which took place between
21:30 October 12 and 15 in Giardini Naxos
21:32 and in this sense also a didactic game
21:34 like the "many in gioca" can be very important
21:36 it is a project that has been
21:38 successful among pediatricians
21:40 and we will continue on this path
21:42 Health and Equity at the Italian Laboratory
21:48 for the Analysis of the Outlook and
21:50 the Implementation of Health and Social Policies
21:52 for Renewal and Rehabilitation, whose focus
21:54 is based on the principle of equity, has placed
21:56 the focus on the prevention theme, as
21:58 investment for the health of people
22:00 and the sustainability of the public health service
22:02 through the report "Prevention and Challenge
22:04 for Equity in Regions" made
22:06 with the non-conditioned contribution of Sanofi
22:08 presented at the SISAC headquarters
22:10 Interregional Health Convention Structures
22:12 there is a need for a change of pace
22:14 that sees the protagonist as three main priorities
22:16 the update of the essential levels
22:18 of assistance, the EAS, the standard
22:20 of the prevention staff and strengthening
22:22 in the monitoring of the regions, as
22:24 in 2021 four regions have been
22:26 in the warrants of the EAS
22:28 in prevention and 16 have seen a reduction
22:30 of score compared to 2019
22:32 We do not have a core indicator
22:34 for vaccinations in the elderly
22:36 as well as it is important
22:38 to update the essential levels
22:40 of assistance
22:42 to make sure that the contents
22:44 of the National Plan for Vaccine Prevention
22:46 that have introduced the innovation
22:48 to link the
22:50 Vaccine Calendar to the plan
22:52 to make the vaccinations
22:54 in keeping with the times
22:56 and therefore not wait the long times
22:58 of the update of the EAS
23:00 and the National Oncological Plan
23:02 that provides
23:04 an extension
23:06 of the oncological screening programs
23:08 for the younger
23:10 and older women
23:12 for example for mammogram screening
23:14 as well as for the rectal colon
23:16 there is a need for the update of the EAS
23:18 to make sure that these
23:20 events do not happen everywhere
23:22 in the national territory.
23:24 For the anti-influenza vaccination
23:26 statistics show that about a third of the elderly
23:28 with one or more pathologies have not been vaccinated
23:30 because they do not consider themselves a risk subject
23:32 but in the Umbrian Legion prevention means
23:34 vaccination, care for the elderly and the disabled
23:36 a concept that has led to vaccinate 7 out of 10 elderly
23:38 Doctors and General Physicians
23:40 and free choice pediatrics
23:42 that are often
23:44 frequented by our elderly
23:46 are an excellent amplifier
23:48 to manage vaccinations
23:50 but also to do it
23:52 in the clinic
23:54 so we have
23:56 a thousand situations
23:58 aimed at improving prevention
24:00 In order to have an effective change
24:02 in terms of prevention, it is essential that
24:04 institutions and technicians give more evidence to the issue
24:06 and therefore that there is
24:08 for prevention
24:10 a greater economic sustainability
24:12 a greater and better
24:14 organization
24:16 with standard equipment
24:18 for the departments
24:20 of prevention
24:22 and that there is
24:24 greater communication
24:26 and integration
24:28 between all those who are the actors
24:30 in support of prevention
24:32 keeping the government
24:34 linked to the departments of prevention
24:36 but that there is this
24:38 availability and ability
24:40 of communication and
24:42 to work together
24:44 What are the changes?
24:46 What are the changes?
24:48 What are the changes?
24:50 With temperatures that still remember the summer
24:52 and prices that in the beautiful season have reached
24:54 much higher numbers than usual
24:56 there have been more and more people
24:58 who have moved their holiday period
25:00 in September and who have been able to
25:02 also in October, even for the last holidaymakers
25:04 but even with a certain delay
25:06 with the arrival of the first autumn cold
25:08 the atmospheric weather has said stop for everyone
25:10 so it's time to go back to the daily routine
25:12 and going back to school or work
25:14 can be really difficult
25:16 and this also only for a holiday or the weekend break
25:18 to complicate the situation
25:20 the so-called "return syndrome"
25:22 or as they say in the Anglo-Saxon countries
25:24 "back to work blues"
25:26 but what is it about?
25:28 We asked the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
25:30 Adelia Lucattini
25:32 September, even October
25:34 coincides with a kind of New Year's Eve
25:36 both because the school year begins
25:38 and remains in the memory
25:40 of the workers
25:42 and because it is also a lunar calendar
25:44 so there is a transgenerational memory
25:46 that comes from afar
25:48 but the "return syndrome"
25:50 actually affects everyone every Monday
25:52 because after a week of work
25:54 two days of suspension
25:56 from work
25:58 are not enough
26:00 neither to regenerate
26:02 nor to reprogram
26:04 to regain strength
26:06 to then come back on Monday
26:08 and this is a common experience
26:10 that we have every Monday
26:12 even if in small
26:14 a series of symptoms that are then
26:16 more marked by the return
26:18 than by the summer holidays
26:20 a little tiredness, a little anxiety
26:22 apprehension, a particular
26:24 nervousness in traffic
26:26 or at the moment when you meet your colleagues
26:28 this also happens to those who carry out
26:30 a professional activity
26:32 and not only students
26:34 but also students
26:36 who are very, very light
26:38 while for all workers
26:40 Monday is a particularly critical period
26:42 A speech that obviously also applies
26:44 to those who, perhaps for work reasons,
26:46 rest on weekly days
26:48 but what should be done then to avoid
26:50 suffering from these disorders?
26:52 Well, first of all, make some
26:54 positive energy savings
26:56 of physical and mental energy
26:58 during the holiday period
27:00 that the holidays are
27:02 long enough
27:04 at least two weeks
27:06 for those who can, even split
27:08 but that the rest period
27:10 is enough to recover
27:12 psychologically and also physically
27:14 on the weekend
27:16 try to make it complete
27:18 a real weekend
27:20 a bit like English
27:22 where the rest is
27:24 Saturday and Sunday
27:26 these moments when
27:28 you separate from the work routine
27:30 from the fatigue of the movements
27:32 and also from the fatigue of the work itself
27:34 even when the work
27:36 passionates
27:38 allows you to recover
27:40 with a greater energy
27:42 the working routine
27:44 so anxiety
27:46 sadness, depression, tiredness
27:48 a kind of disenchantment
27:50 and even irritability
27:52 are normal feelings to feel
27:54 the question is the intensity
27:56 with which they are felt
27:58 knowing what can happen
28:00 to everyone
28:02 well, in itself, it is helpful
28:04 in being able to plan
28:06 better the five working days
28:08 and also, of course
28:10 the weekend rest
28:12 as well as
28:14 the recovery of the 9B
28:16 the critical element for those who work
28:18 in shifts is that
28:20 it is unbalanced
28:22 it is not harmonized with
28:24 family life very often
28:26 in which the suspension, for example, of the study of the children
28:28 on Saturday and Sunday
28:30 or even with friends
28:32 but the important thing is to be able to find
28:34 in the days of break
28:36 time absolutely for yourself
28:38 for your hobbies
28:40 or to carry out those activities
28:42 that can be
28:44 home, family, sport
28:46 music
28:48 dedicate yourself to going to concerts
28:50 to take walks
28:52 that really refresh and rejuvenate us
28:54 if then it is possible
28:56 to do it together with friends
28:58 this will certainly make
29:00 the break before the return
29:02 corroborating
29:04 full of strength
29:06 and above all
29:08 it gives vitality and pleasure
29:10 that are absolutely essential
29:12 to be able to go on
29:14 at best
29:16 music
29:18 music
29:24 music
29:26 With over 500 years of experience
29:28 in the production of drugs
29:30 for the cure of diseases
29:32 Zentiva is known internationally
29:34 as a leading company in the development
29:36 and in the supply of quality drugs
29:38 at affordable prices
29:40 the intention of the company is to make available
29:42 their skills to become a point
29:44 of reference also in the welfare area
29:46 for health workers and all
29:48 people who want to take care of themselves
29:50 in this sense the latest launch
29:52 of Zentiva is the ZeneSere project
29:54 balance nature and well-being
29:56 which concerns the world of prevention and therefore
29:58 health before the disease
30:00 developed not only with the release of new
30:02 products but also with initiatives
30:04 to make culture and education
30:06 for pharmacists and for young generations
30:08 and at the corporate level we will take care
30:10 also of the environment
30:12 and of corporate philosophy
30:14 through
30:16 projects also for our employees
30:18 for us
30:20 it is obviously essential to be able
30:22 to emphasize that
30:24 more and more with an Italy
30:26 which among other things is the first place in Europe
30:28 as a rate of aging
30:30 it is important to take care of people
30:32 so ours is not a commercial project
30:34 but it should be a project
30:36 to continue to give value
30:38 value to those who are close to us
30:40 Italy is among the major European countries
30:42 where the percentage of emotional well-being
30:44 is higher
30:46 and therefore the question potentially of an answer
30:48 as regards the food integrators
30:50 is a very high question
30:52 what is missing?
30:54 the positive relationship
30:56 between the user
30:58 and the product is missing
31:00 that is, a role of advice is missing
31:02 a role of direction is missing
31:04 on this we should work
31:06 because the perception of high well-being
31:08 is not a fact
31:10 but at the same time the availability
31:12 the power to inform oneself is very low
31:14 and at the same time the feeling
31:16 that there are many brands
31:18 I need to be helped to understand
31:20 for my need for well-being
31:22 what could be the correct product
31:24 and from this point of view
31:26 the pharmacist has a potentially very high role
31:28 the food integrator plays a central role
31:30 when inside the consumer
31:32 increases the awareness
31:34 that can help improve a state of well-being
31:36 not that it helps in prevention
31:38 the noble goal of the food integrator
31:40 would be to
31:42 extend as much as possible
31:44 and slow down as much as possible
31:46 the emergence of chronic diseases
31:48 and therefore
31:50 the more we do prevention
31:52 also through
31:54 not only clearly
31:56 also through the food integrator
31:58 the more we will be able
32:00 to move away
32:02 from the risk
32:04 of chronic diseases
32:06 this was our last news
32:08 to contact us
32:10 you can write to
32:14 thank you for following us
32:16 and see you next time
32:18 [Music]
32:20 [Music]
32:22 Thank you for watching and see you next time.
32:25 [Music]
