Cresco Award 2023, premiata la sostenibilità dei Comuni italiani

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Si è tenuta nell’ambito della 40^ Assemblea Annuale dell’ANCI presso la Fiera di Genova, la cerimonia di premiazione dell’VIII edizione del contest “Cresco Award Città Sostenibili”, realizzato dalla Fondazione Sodalitas in collaborazione con ANCI (Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani). Premiato l’impegno dei Comuni italiani che si sono distinti sul fronte della sostenibilità con progetti per lo sviluppo dei territori in linea con gli obiettivi dell'Agenda 2030 dell'ONU.


00:00 [music]
00:06 Sodalitas Foundation, a reference partner for companies that consider sustainability a distinctive factor and integrate it in their business strategies,
00:16 is committed to affirm and make the company's leadership recognizable in carrying out sustainable development.
00:23 Based on these values, the Foundation has awarded the Italian municipalities that stand out on the front of sustainability
00:29 with projects for the development of the territories in line with the goals of the 2030 UN Agenda
00:34 through the eighth edition of the Cresco Award Contest, Sustainable Cities,
00:39 made in collaboration with ANCI, the Italian Municipal National Association,
00:43 with the sponsorship of the European Commission, the Ministry of the Environment, Energy Security and the CSR Europe.
00:50 During an event held in the context of the 40th Annual Assembly of ANCI at the Fiera di Genova,
00:56 to the Associates of the Winning Municipalities, a prize was awarded by an independent jury.
01:02 An eighth edition, therefore, has furtherly raised the great interest of the municipalities on the theme of sustainability.
01:09 Now, when we talk about municipalities, we talk about the 2030 Agenda, SDGs, that is, the goals to be achieved.
01:16 So there is an awareness that is growing every year, and we have seen that it has grown even in the eighth edition.
01:24 And the awareness of companies and territories that must work together to develop sustainability.
01:31 The companies are at least the big ones, all convinced.
01:34 We should also involve small and medium-sized companies and small municipalities,
01:40 because only in this way can sustainability be grown in the country.
01:44 Committed to the development of projects aimed at sustainability, also the municipality of Reggio Emilia,
01:48 which, like many other Italian municipalities, has awarded the eighth edition of the Cresco Award,
01:53 Sustainable Cities, for a city without barriers.
01:56 It is a very particular project that outlines an innovative approach to the issue of disability,
02:02 through the participation of hundreds of families and the co-design of initiatives, ideas, projects and services
02:09 that have led our city not only to address the issue of overcoming architectural barriers,
02:15 but also and above all to face in an unprecedented way very complex cultural barriers.
02:20 Nibbionno, a small Italian municipality of 3,668 inhabitants in the province of Lecco, won with the Nibbionno Bandel project,
02:27 in which the municipality addressed directly to the young people of the territory,
02:30 offering them opportunities to socialize through music.
02:33 A band was formed, consisting of boys between 12 and 25 years old,
02:37 which at the end of 13 meetings, held by an expert in the sector,
02:40 will be performed in front of an audience and will subsequently be involved in events organized by the municipal administration and local associations.
02:47 The effort to collaborate, to constantly grow together, to meet and aggregate young people,
02:54 who can also exchange pleasant impressions about musical genres
03:03 and grow together as a music group, as an aggregative group,
03:09 I thought it could be a winning recipe.
