Seal protection during pupping season - Paul Davies MS gains assurance from First Minister Mark Drakeford

  • last year
00:00 that response, First Minister. I recently visited Cable Bay in my constituency with
00:04 residents from the village of Moilgrove who are very concerned about the disruption of seals
00:10 in the bay during pupping season. It's a highly sensitive time for the species, and yet,
00:16 unlike Scotland and Northern Ireland, there is no legislation in Wales to protect seals from
00:21 disturbance during this period. Now, I understand that the Welsh Government has competence in this
00:27 area, and it's vital that the Welsh Government uses all the tools at its disposal to ensure
00:32 that these animals are protected as much as possible. So, First Minister, can your Government
00:36 therefore look at this matter and consider introducing legislation to protect seals from
00:41 disturbance in the very near future? Well, I thank Paul Davies for that. I've been to Moilgrove
00:49 myself in the past, and there's no doubt that the sight of seals around the Pembrokeshire coast is
00:56 one of the great glories of that part of Wales and attracts many, many visitors who go there
01:03 for that reason. However, making sure that seals are not disturbed during the pupping season is a
01:13 genuine objective that is shared by the Welsh Government. I'm very happy to give a commitment
01:19 that we will pursue the points the Member has made.
