• 2 years ago
It is the summer of 1957. Behind the spectacle of Formula 1, ex-racer Enzo Ferrari is in crisis.
00:03 Two objects cannot occupy the same point in space
00:15 at the same moment in time.
00:16 The corner raises at you.
00:22 You have perhaps a crisis of identity.
00:28 Am I a sportsman or a competitor?
00:35 If you get into one of my cars, you get in the wind.
00:45 It's slow.
00:48 And so?
00:54 You're going broke.
00:56 How?
00:57 You spend more than you make.
00:58 So what do I do?
01:02 Win the mille-mille, Enzo.
01:05 Or you are out of business.
01:06 This is a gunpointed tetherhead.
01:14 You should assign me control of your stock.
01:17 I have to have all the cards in my hand.
01:19 Well, half the cards are in my hand.
01:20 All of us are racers.
01:28 It's your deadly passion.
01:30 Our terrible joy.
01:34 No wonder you need me back.
01:36 How can I stay away?
01:37 If Angelina is looking for a scapegoat, then here I am.
01:49 You were supposed to save him.
01:51 You promised me he wouldn't die.
01:53 The father deluded himself.
01:54 Two objects cannot occupy the same point in space
02:11 at the same moment in time.
02:14 Enzo, go beat the hell out of them.
02:22 (explosion)