Invincible - Papale Touchdown

  • last year
Invincible - Papale Touchdown
00:00 - Listen up, tight punch. - Keep it safe, safe.
00:03 This is a huge play for both teams.
00:06 No room for mistakes on either side.
00:09 Watch for the Giants to go for the clock.
00:12 - Two minutes, baby! - This is one, this is one!
00:15 Over the line of play.
00:17 Come on.
00:19 Come on.
00:23 - Chicks on, chicks off! - What? What did he say?
00:28 - Chicks on, chicks off! - What? What did he call?
00:31 - Chicks on, chicks off! - It appears the Eagles are calling
00:34 a last-second audible, changing the play.
00:37 - Jack, Jack! - What the hell is he doing?
00:40 - Here we go, Chicks. - Come on, Chicks.
00:42 - Come on, Chicks. - Come on!
00:44 - Chicks, Chicks, Chicks! - Go, go, go!
00:47 And McCowery with a tremendous break on the ball.
00:53 ( crowd cheering )
00:56 Bumble!
01:04 - Come on, Vince. - Come on, Vince!
01:13 He got the ball!
01:22 - Go, go, go! - Go!
01:24 McCowery's at the 40, the 30,
01:34 the 20, the 10!
01:37 - Go, go, go! - That's it!
01:50 Unbelievable! This is just unbelievable!
01:54 ( crowd cheering )
02:23 Got you a boy, K.
02:25 ( crowd cheering )
02:28 you
