• 2 years ago
A pediatricians' group is warning powdered drink mixes known as “toddler milks” are unregulated, unnecessary and nutritionally incomplete.


00:00 So infant formula has everything your baby needs to grow and thrive and have a very, very healthy life.
00:11 And what experts such as pediatricians and baby feeding experts like lactation consultants say is that after a year,
00:21 you can transition if you are using infant formula to cow's milk and or continue breastfeeding and using human milk in whatever capacity.
00:31 And so no matter how you feed your baby, whether that's when they're a year under, whether that's with human milk or breast milk or with infant formula,
00:41 at a year, you can transition to cow's milk and baby is developed enough that they can process that and has what they need.
00:51 And they also, of course, are eating other complementary foods at that point as well.
00:56 And so you don't really need a toddler milk at that point and to be paying extra and paying for something that isn't needed.
01:06 And also as a mom of three daughters, including a four month old, a two year old and a five year old,
01:13 is that these toddler milks are alongside infant formula in the aisle.
01:19 And it's very confusing for parents. I know, especially as a first time parent, but as a third time parent, it's confusing.
01:26 And everyone wants what's best for their kiddos.
01:30 And so you're in the aisle and you're like, OK, well, it's time to transition from infant formula to toddler formula.
01:36 And they start purchasing it. And the thing is, what medical professionals recommend is that if you're using infant formula,
01:44 you can then transition to cow's milk. And if you are breastfeeding and you'd like to continue, can still continue feeding with breast milk.
01:52 So you don't need these toddler formulas. And to a certain extent, the marketing of these toddler formulas is a bit predatory
02:01 because you don't need them, according to medical professionals.
