In a world of anthropomorphic animals, Belle Lablac was born as the only human being. Having no fangs, fur, or scales, she was called "Faceless," and she lived a lonely life with no one else she could identify with. "I want to be part of the world..." With such longing in her heart, she decides to set out on a journey to find her roots, carrying the Runding, a great sword as tall as she is. She doesn’t know how many adversities await her along the way…
Bye Bye, Earth is coming to Crunchyroll!
Bye Bye, Earth is coming to Crunchyroll!
Short filmTranscript
00:00 Love Lack Bell. That's my name.
00:03 It's your turn, partner.
00:28 Where on earth can I find my own race?
00:32 I want to be part of the world, but it's painful to leave it like this.
00:38 I want to know my roots. I want to meet my own race.
00:48 I want to... I want to... I want to be part of this world!
00:54 [Music]